My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 942: Can't die

The latest chapter of my lady fierce than tiger!

The emperor's bones were not cold, and he didn't know whether it was cold or not. For the sake of the big man, both sides have been pinched to the point of life and death. I said you killed the king, I said you rebelled and tried to kill each other in every way.

If the royal family members are just eating melons, they will not be shocked and sweaty at their noses.

I am also afraid that a bad situation will be involved in the fight for the throne, and which side will be brought together will be liquidated by the emperor who is destined later.

Or they may be as deranged as the common people, Wang's survivors and adversaries will die, killing them all in minutes.

Those who ate melons were all panicked, and worried that Concubine Chu tried too hard to smother her son to death. In that way, no one has to argue with each other-no, don't look at the Yongping Emperor's harem not too many, but in the past few years as an emperor, there have been no fewer children, and there are still three people who are competitive. It's just that no one has the courage and courage of Chu Gui.

For example, Concubine Pan Xian also had children, but she shivered while holding the baby, and her whole body was filled with rejections. She tried to reduce her sense of existence. She held the three princes and even the children and the children went into the seam.

I really don't want to get involved here.

As for King Jiang Xia, he did not recognize the authenticity of the imperial edict, but he did not take the side of the concubine Chu at all.

What good is it for Concubine Chu's son to be the emperor? There is Chu family behind Concubine Chu.

There is also King Yuzhang who is of the right age and is respectful of the brothers and friends of Emperor Yongping. There is no precedent for the succession of brothers and sisters. After all, Emperor Yongping himself is not very old, and his son is even younger. What kind of emperor is to be a puppet to control the government?

Behind Concubine Pan Xian there is the Pan family, Concubine Chu has the Chu family, Xie Xian has taken a fancy to the second prince, and her biological mother Lu Meiren is of humble background. Even if the imperial concubine was killed, he could not recognize the legitimacy of the second prince. This also eliminates the possibility of the two getting together again.

Although Lu Meiren's birth is not obvious, she can give birth to the second prince in the palace and live peacefully to this day. It's not that she has no brains. This is not clear. Judging from the fact that the second prince is now properly and respectfully kneeling next to Empress Xiao, he knows his choice——

In fact, she wouldn't be able to choose the queen, she was really close to Concubine Chu, and she was believed to have strangled the second prince on the spot just like that madman.

Anyway, it was the right thing to hide behind Empress Xiao and ask for protection and comfort. Ever since Concubine Chu gave birth to her son, she had long since dared not go to other people's side. Who made Zhao Yujie act as a demon and killed the emperor's eldest son, leaving her second child to be seen by him?

Today, Xie Xianji pushed it out. She just thinks about it in the future, but it can't be better. It's better to go all the way to the dark!

Lu Meiren looked weak, but extremely firm, clutching the fingers of the second prince tightly, one was nervous, and the other was to remind her son to stand up, so that people should not look down on it.


Xie Xian looked at the expressions of everyone around him, until King Jiang Xia pointed at his nose and scolded him for harming the country and the people, intending to influence the emperor to abolish the establishment.

"Wang Jiang Xia seems to be breaking the law? Didn't plead guilty?"

King Jiang Xia stared: "This king serves the emperors of the four dynasties. As a royal family member, he is conscientious and works hard for me. What is the crime? Xie Xian, why are you here to make words and expressions, trying to buy people's hearts?"

"The queen has a holy purpose, how blessed are the witnesses, and even the verbal evidence of Empress Xiao, Lu Meiren, and many Yulinwei who are ambushing outside the east hall have long been ordered to you today, King Qinjiang Xia, and there are many witnesses and physical evidence. , You are still making rhetoric and sophistry, polluting the queen, polluting the minister of the court-King Jiang Xia, do you still not want to repent now?"

Xie Xian didn't leave room for King Jiang Xia anyway.

"The emperor's last edict, still not capture King Jiang Xia, strip off the court clothes, beheaded according to the order to show the public?!"

King Yuzhang bit his lower lip tightly, took a look at Xie Xian, and immediately took his gaze back.

He doesn't want to get involved in the fight for the throne, no matter who is the emperor, he doesn't want to be, anyway, King Jiang Xia pushes him hard, he doesn't want to. He could see that the dead prince and the emperor were all dead on this, it was too cruel.

Look at the emperor brother, you know, I have lived as a quail, and there is a turmoil, and my neck is tight.

He would rather raise himself to be a waste of life and live a life of joy, for the rest of his life, and he didn't want to kill himself like they did.

Everyone didn't want to be dragged into a hard shell. They were all quiet like a gourd with a sawed mouth. They weren't fools. They could see that this was the final battle. Whoever had the back hand would win, and whoever just won.

"Xie Xian, I'm the one who should ask this. Are you still not thinking about repentance until now?"

Jiang Xia Wang calmly hugged his shoulders and put on a sarcastic face:

"For fame and fortune? For the court? You don't want to think that you do something like this. What will the people of Liangliang think of you in the future? In the history books, what is your reputation for Xie Xian?"

"Even if you are not afraid of words, it is really not for your family, your wife...think about it?"

The smile on Xie Xian's visible face disappeared immediately, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Wang Jiang Xia couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

"You are now confessing your sins, kneeling before the emperor and confessing your negligence. I think you used to contribute to the community and help the emperor once assisted the emperor. You will let you thank the family for your life."

"King Jiang Xia, you are threatening!" Empress Xiao said bitterly.

Others don't know to what extent Xie Xian protects Xiao Baoxin, she knows it, it's like her. Xie Xian has a turning back, she is gone!

Xie Xian clenched his fists and raised his voice slightly:

"The ministers still don't act according to their orders, do they want to conspire against Jiang Xia?"

"It's clear that you thank Xian for conspiring to rebel!" Chu Guifei cried: You are a sinner of the big beam, and the emperor will not let you go if you do a ghost—" After that, let go of her son and let him cry loudly.

This mourning hall is finally a bit popular.

Empress Xiao: "If you don't take Concubine Chu and the fifth princes down yet, there are rituals for the widows in the public!"

There was a chaos in front of the mourning hall. At this time, the king of Jiangxia, the Yang family, also stood up: "Everyone is a relative of the emperor and the country, do you really look at your uncles and uncles being framed to death by the rebels?"

"It is him now, and you will be in the future!"

Before the words were finished, the old mother beside the queen had already brought a few eunuchs to shut up Concubine Chu's mouth, and dragged the five princes out together.

Zhuge Shu took people to the mourning hall and wanted to start at King Jiang Xia.

King Jiang Xia roared: "Who dares to move me?!"

Concubine Yang rushed to the front of King Jiang Xia, and she wanted to move my husband to kill me first, but before she could speak, she was put aside by Zhuge Shu's arm.

"If you want to add a crime, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"You insurgents and thieves, you must not die!"

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