My Fintech Empire

Chapter 103 [Your youngest is amazing]

A few aunts at the entrance of the village chatted for a while and soon dispersed. It is very rare to be able to drive a small car back to the village in this era.

And there is a peculiar phenomenon that if you are on a blind date in the village, a car is even better than having a house in the city. This is a common phenomenon in many rural areas.

Maybe it's because the house is real estate, but the car can be driven out.

None of the aunts knew the Mercedes-Benz trademark, but some men in the village did. In the eyes of ordinary people, Mercedes-Benz and BMW are million-dollar luxury cars, synonymous with rich people.

But at this moment, Fang Hong drove in the direction of his home, glanced at the rear view or the car window, and found that the passing villagers stopped to look back, and some people in some houses on the side of the road also stepped over the threshold and stood at the door to watch curiously.

As the saying goes, wealth does not reveal itself, and there is even a saying that wealth does not return home.

But Fang Hong didn't care too much. Even if there are folks or relatives and friends in the village who see you getting rich and ask you for help, there are very proper solutions, and they can handle similar problems with ease.

A few minutes later, Fang Hong's car drove to the courtyard where his house was located. The old house was a big tile-roofed house, but at the moment, the left side of the tile-roofed house was full of bricks, and a new house was being built next to it, which was a cement bungalow. , the first floor has been built and the second floor is currently being bricked.

When Fang Hong drove the car to the yard in front of the tiled house on the left, several people who were building the house next to them, whether they were laying bricks upstairs or mixing concrete downstairs, stopped their work and looked at each other. come over.

They all looked at the car that stopped in the yard with surprised eyes.

As the car engine turned off and the door opened, Fang Hong came out of the driver's seat. He was wearing a black knee-length trench coat in autumn and winter. He got off the car and took off the leather gloves. young man.

Fang Hong smiled and said, "Second brother."

Fang Ping, who was mixing the concrete, threw the shovel aside and walked over excitedly: "Sure, you boy, what are you doing outside and you are driving home. You bought the car?"

Fang Ping had just returned to his hometown from a part-time job, and he was currently busy building a homestead. Several other villagers were also invited to help. Of course, they had to provide food and red envelopes.

"It's not my car, how can I drive it home?" Fang Hong nodded and smiled, and Fang Ping laughed and said, "It's ok, give our parents face."

Hearing what he said, Fang Ping was also very happy.

Fang Hong glanced at the homestead under construction, saw a man who was over 50 years old upstairs, and immediately said with a smile: "Dad."

Fang Zhenyuan upstairs smiled and said, "Are you back?"

At this moment, a man next to him suddenly envied him: "Your third child is amazing. Before graduating from university, he made a lot of money outside. Your family is blessed."

Fang Zhenyuan was also grinning from ear to ear at this time. Seeing that his son is promising, this is probably the happiest and proud moment of being a parent. Fang Zhenyuan smiled to the villager who was laying bricks next to him: "I don't know what this kid is doing outside. What, you will know when you turn around and ask.”

It must be a good thing to look at the parked car.

After a while, Fang Hong's mother, Chen Ling, also came out of the house. She was taken aback when she saw the parked car, and couldn't help but look at Fang Hong and said, "San'er, what are you..."

Fang Hong turned to look at his mother, and immediately said with a smile, "Mom."

Just as she was about to say something, an 11-year-old little loli also came out of the house, and when she saw Fang Hong, she trot excitedly and said excitedly, "Third Uncle, you are back! "

This little loli is the eldest brother Fang Hao's daughter.

When Fang Hong saw little Lolita pounced on him, he couldn't help smiling and showing loving eyes. He immediately opened his arms and hugged his niece Lolita, and said with a smile, "Have you missed Third Uncle? Huh?"

The little loli nodded her head and said excitedly, "I want to..."

By retrieving the original owner's memory information, this little loli has been sticking to Fang Hong since she learned to walk, like a follower, because Fang Hong is the youngest of the three brothers, and he takes Fang Shiyan with him when the family is busy.

The daughter left by her eldest brother Fang Hao, she has no father since she was a child, and her mother remarried after she was two years old. Everyone in the family gave her the greatest care.

Fang Hong's smile remained the same, he glanced at the little loli and said mysteriously, "Look what third uncle bought for you?"

As he spoke, he came to the side of the car, hugging little loli in one hand, and opened the back door of the car with the other. Inside were many clothes, dolls and other items bought for Fang Shiyan, including some delicious food.

Little Lolita's eyes sparkled and flickered, and she urged excitedly, "Third Uncle, let me go."

Fang Hong put her down, and little Lolita hugged a doll in her arms happily. Chen Ling beside her couldn't help but said, "Why did you buy so many things for her? How much does it cost?"

Fang Hong stroked the little loli's head and said with a smile: "It's not short of this money, and it's worth buying things for our little princess, no matter how much money you spend."

Chen Ling said angrily: "Just spoil her, sooner or later she will be spoiled by you."

Fang Hong turned to look at Fang Ping and said, "Second brother, there are still some things in the trunk, let's take them to the house first."

"Good!" Fang Ping immediately went to wash his hands, and then took all the things he bought back into the house. The trunk and the back seat of the car were full of things, all of which were food and clothing for his family. .

Her mother, Chen Ling, wasted money again and again, but she was happy from the bottom of her heart to see Fang Hong's future.


In the room, everyone is sitting around a table. There is a stove under the table burning briquettes. The table is also covered by a cloth. The feet are placed under the table and the coal stove is very warm.

The little loli Fang Shiyan sat with her back facing Fang Hong. She had already put on new clothes, and Fang Hong was also braiding her ponytail. Her mother, Chen Ling, and her second brother, Fang Ping, were also chatting beside her. Parents are short.

Chen Ling looked at Fang Hong and asked seriously: "San'er, what's the matter with your car? I heard from your second brother that the car outside cost tens of millions. Where did you get so much money?"

Hearing this, Fang Hong combed his little niece's ponytail and said in an orderly manner: "Oh, isn't the country encouraging universities to start businesses? I founded a high-tech company with a few college classmates in Xincheng during the summer vacation, and it was a great success. The products produced have been favored by investors, and the company is developing very smoothly.”

Specifically speaking, the high-tech companies that make inventions are to prevent people in the village from leaving their connections and want to work in your company. High-tech companies mean high barriers to entry, at least a college degree is required, so that most of the similar problems can be eliminated. Now in the village Not many get into college.

"Running a high-tech company? Then how much money did you earn?" Chen Ling couldn't help asking hastily.

"The company is worth several hundred million now. According to the shares I own, it is worth one or two hundred million. It will definitely be worth more in the future." Fang Hong said, and his mother and second brother were shocked as soon as the words came out. Ling said in shock: "Worth one or two hundred million? Will it be more than that in the future? Obediently..."

Fang Hong looked calmly, looked at Chen Ling and said with a smile: "It's normal, we are engaged in invention and technology research and development, high-tech companies, it will be more valuable in the future."

Engaging in high-tech inventions is a good rhetoric, and it is easy for parents to understand, because ordinary people also know that high-tech is equal to inventing and creating, and this stuff is valuable, and it is also reasonable for college students to do this.

Fang Hong didn't want to tell the truth to his family members, because it was meaningless, and his family members might not understand what he said, and even felt that he was not doing business, and he had to explain it when the time came, but they still couldn't understand it.

Putting on high-tech is a perfect solution to the problem. Although college students are not as scarce as they were ten years ago, they are not as flooded as they will be ten years later.

For college students, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is reasonable to engage in inventions and creations.

After listening to Fang Hong's words, Chen Ling was overwhelmed with joy. The second brother Fang Ping was also very happy. If someone in the family got up, the whole family would benefit from it. Naturally, he was happy.

After a while, Fang Shiyan, the little loli with ponytails, ran into the room to sort out the things that Uncle San bought for her.

Fang Hong immediately changed the topic to the second brother, and immediately smiled: "By the way, why don't you see my future second sister-in-law? Didn't you say you would bring her back, and by the way, did you get married this year?"

The second brother, Fang Ping, met his girlfriend in a factory, and she was also a working girl.

Mentioning this matter, both the mother and the second brother sighed.

Fang Ping said helplessly, "It's already yellow."

Immediately afterwards, the mother said: "The woman's family wants a bride price of 88,888, not including the jewelry and banquet money. Now it costs seven to eighty-eight to build this house. I was discussing with your father to take out your elder brother's pension. But your second brother disagrees."

"More than 80,000 dowry gifts? That's so much?" Fang Hong was taken aback when he heard the number of dowry gifts. He didn't lack the money, but this amount is definitely a large number for an ordinary family in this era. You know Now it is not ten years later, and the current bride price is generally around 30,000 to 50,000, which is not low.

At this time, Fang Ping next to him said firmly: "Mom, the money will never be moved, it is reserved for Shiyan, otherwise I will not be able to face my elder brother, let alone face my niece Shiyan when I grow up, I have to pay for it." I'd rather not get married then."

Chen Ling looked at Fang Hong and said, "San'er, you have made a lot of money, so I want to help your second brother."

Fang Hong smiled and said: "Mom, you don't need to say that it's natural. If the second brother is replaced, I will not hesitate. If my brother doesn't help, who will help?"

Hearing what he said, Chen Ling was very happy. Before that, she had been worrying about Fang Ping's marriage, and it could even be said that she was helpless. Now the third son is not only promising, but also very promising. All the worries disappeared at this moment.

Chen Ling turned to Fang Ping and said, "Ping'er, give Xiaoxia a call. Let's agree to her natal family's request and see if there is room for maneuver in this matter."

Fang Hong next to him heard it, and immediately said: "Second brother, I shouldn't talk too much about this, but I still want to say that if she really wants to live with you and really wants to marry you, it is impossible for her natal family to hinder her." If you get her, since that's the case, there are only two situations, either she doesn't care about you very much, or she just can't figure it out, no matter which situation is bad."

Fang Hong went on to say: "My suggestion is to turn the page directly after the past. I will help you solve all financial problems. This time is also the other time. With my support, second brother, you don't have to worry about marrying now. Why don't you have a wife? You can choose girls from all over the world, if you are not satisfied, you can expand the range, and you will not have to worry about finding a good match."

After a pause, Fang Hong added: "Of course, you have to make up your own mind, second brother. If you want to save me, I have no objection. If you make a decision, I will still fully support you."

Fang Ping couldn't help laughing when he heard this, he really didn't want to make it up, and even if he wanted to, it was impossible.

Because Fang Hong has already talked about this point, and obviously shows that he doesn't like Xiaoxia very much. Although he is not the party involved, the attitude of the third brother has to be considered now. It will be very embarrassing and awkward to marry her back.

Fang Ping made a decisive decision: "The third brother is right, good horses don't turn back, so let's turn the story here."

At present, Chen Ling doesn't say anything when she sees him talking like this, and now she is not worried at all that her second son will not be able to marry a wife, after all, this time is also the same time as that time.

At this moment, Chen Ling looked back and forth at her two sons and said with a smile, "It's rare to come back during the Chinese New Year. Why don't you two brothers get married together this year? Good things come in pairs."

Fang Hong hurriedly said: "Don't tell me, Mom, I'm currently on the rise in my career, and I haven't finished my studies yet. My marriage is not in a hurry."


She never thought about it at all, and she didn't need to be bound by a paper marriage at all.

"Marriage won't take too long, so how can it affect your career and studies?" Chen Ling looked at Fang Hong in confusion and said, who said helplessly, "Mom, in short, you don't care about my affairs. Let's settle the second brother's matter."

"Well, it's up to you. The wings are stiff." Chen Ling shook her head, but didn't say much. Anyway, the youngest son is still young, so she is not in a hurry.

Fang Hong smiled, then glanced at Fang Ping and said solemnly: "Second brother, I have no problem helping you, but there is one condition: find a partner as soon as possible and get married, and next year we have to give our parents grandchildren."

Hearing this, Fang Ping couldn't help scratching his head and said, "Look at what you said, how can a married woman find it if she finds it..."

Fang Hong still smiled and said: "Then I don't care, this is your business, besides, I don't know what my parents think? After the next generation, you won't rush me after you hug your grandson, right, Mom."

Chen Ling glared at him angrily, then got up and went to work on cooking.

The two brothers sat together and continued to chat, Fang Ping suddenly said: "Third brother, I have been so good to Xiaoxia but she still chooses to leave me, do you think she regrets it?"

Fang Hong couldn't help laughing, and said lightly: "A woman basically doesn't regret losing a man who treats her well, but she basically regrets because you get better and better after separation. Whether she regrets in the end depends on this. What time: Have you become handsome? Have you become rich? Is your incumbent better than her? Or maybe she hasn’t found someone better than you after searching for a long time... She will regret it because of these , but you won't regret it because of your so-called kindness to her."

Hearing this, Fang Ping took a deep breath, nodded and said, "It makes sense."

Fang Hong said again: "Second brother, you have to remember that it's okay to be nice to women, but you can't be too nice to women, let alone be infinitely indulgent. If you go too far, it will be useless."

Fang Ping looked at him curiously: "How?"

Fang Hong said in a deep voice: "If you treat her too well, there will be several situations. First, she will become more and more confident, and second, she will demand more and more from you. , thirdly, she will look down on you more and more, fourthly, she will take all your efforts for granted and be ungrateful, fifthly, if you make her dissatisfied, she will lose her temper, and even don’t take You look at it as a human being. Therefore, moderation of feelings is very important, and both parties are comfortable when getting along with moderate feelings."

Hearing this, Fang Ping couldn't help sighing: "If I had understood this earlier, I wouldn't be like this."

Fang Hong smiled and said: "Of course, there are no absolutes. What I said earlier does not include women with general knowledge and wisdom. Such a woman will never appear in the above situations, but such a woman , scarce."


(Ps: Continue to add updates today, and there will be another update in the afternoon, please subscribe for tickets~~)

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