My Fintech Empire

Chapter 111 [On the news, Hua Yongming's doubts]

After a grand wedding is held, thousands of people will have more energy to chat after eating and drinking. In addition, the current time is just the time to visit relatives, which has boosted the efficiency of communication.

Through word of mouth, Fang Ping's personal reputation has been greatly improved, not only spreading throughout the country, but also spreading to the outside world.

After a few rounds of spreading, the news began to be distorted and misrepresented. People farther away thought that Fang Ping had made a fortune and made a lot of money.

This is exactly what Fang Hong wanted.

A set of operations raised his personal reputation and paved the way for him to be the head of Fang's Medicine Hall in the future.

After the wedding is over, it's time to return the gift.

This caused a sensation again. All the guests received gifts in return, and when they opened the red envelopes, they found that the gifts were doubled, which was a surprise.

Then the villagers inquired about each other while chatting, and found that everyone had doubled the gift, and almost more than 90% of the guests regretted slapping their thighs. If they knew it, they would have given more gifts.

The cousins ​​and sisters-in-law who helped each received a red envelope of 10,000 yuan after the wedding, which was also a great surprise, which was equivalent to their income from working for a year.

Fang Hong's wedding for his second brother highlighted one major feature: grandeur!

To achieve the purpose of becoming the gossip of the big guys for a long time after the wedding.

The news spread quickly, and even appeared on the evening news of Xincheng Local Satellite TV. Some netizens on the Internet were discussing that a private couple got married and cost more than 3 million yuan, and it took place in Fang Village, Lingyang County.

Photos of thousands of people attending the wedding banquet were also circulated on the Internet.

The comments on the Internet were mixed, some people envied this grand wedding, some criticized extravagance and waste, and some ridiculed it for showing off.

The news reached the ears of the head of Lingyang County. After knowing the news, the wedding was over, and he slapped his thigh regretfully again. Last time, the old man took a thigh shot without being able to pay his respects in person on his 70th birthday. This time, the grandchildren of the old man failed to attend such a grand wedding...

He knew that the old man would definitely not be able to do such a high standard if he didn't nod his head. At the same time, he also knew that the old man's descendants produced an entrepreneur who was rumored to be worth over 100 million yuan. this opportunity to meet.

Otherwise, it would be great to let him invest in some industries in Lingyang County by chatting with the other party during the wedding!

I missed it again!

Last time my left leg was swollen, this time my right leg was swollen.


On the evening of January 31, which is the sixth day of the lunar calendar.

In the Huajia villa in Xincheng, Hua Yongming took the remote control to change the TV station, and accidentally switched to the local satellite TV in Xincheng. The evening news that was broadcasting happened to be reporting a rare wedding in Fangcun, Lingyang County during the New Year.

Hua Yongming did not continue to switch channels, but paid attention. The narration voice introduced: "...It is reported that more than 5,000 people participated in the wedding banquet, and more than 150 live pigs were consumed that day, and the expenditure on ingredients alone reached millions. According to local informed villagers, the entire wedding cost nearly 3 million yuan..."

It took more than 30 years to report this news, there were no video images, but there were a few photos of the wedding banquet, but there were no photos of the married bride and groom.

Hua Yongming said to himself: "Fang Village, Lingyang County..."

He immediately thought of the background information about Fang Hong that Hua Yu had handed him before. His registered permanent residence was Fang Village, Lingyang County. A wedding in the countryside caused such a big battle. Hua Yongming immediately thought of The name Fang Hong was given.

After thinking about it, he immediately called his son Hua Yu.

"Father, what can you do with me?" Hua Yu came to the living room and sat next to him.

"I just came across a piece of news that a couple in Fang Village, Lingyang County spent 3 million for a wedding, and it was all on the news. Is Lingyang Fang Village Fang Hong's hometown?" Hua Yongming said. ask.

"Yes, father, that's his hometown." Hua Yu nodded affirmatively, but then said in a daze, "You mean this newlywed is...Fang Hong?"

The person who has the ability to make such a big battle is most likely Fang Hong.

Hua Yongming said calmly: "It's possible, but it doesn't make sense. From my understanding of Fanghong, he shouldn't be so high-profile, and he shouldn't even choose to get married."

Because the marriage property is divided into half, even if the pre-marital property is notarized, the wealth generated after marriage is the joint property of the husband and wife. With Fang Hong's ability, the wealth accumulated in the future is difficult to estimate, so Hua Yongming judged that people like him should not have such operation.

Hua Yu immediately said: "Father, getting married is a wedding custom and etiquette. Is it possible that Fang Hong just held the wedding but didn't go to get the certificate? The law recognizes not the wedding custom but the marriage certificate."

Hearing this, Hua Yongming still shook his head and said, "I've thought about this, but I can't figure it out that he is suddenly so high-profile."

Hua Yu couldn't help laughing and said: "Everyone is born for the first time as a human being, and they are somewhat vain. Even Fang Hong, who is so evil, can't change the fact that he is 21 years old. It's only natural to show off and show off."

I saw Hua Yongming turned his head and glanced at his son immediately, and said lightly: "If it is true as you said, then I will withdraw my capital from Qunxing, I can't bet half of Huayang's life on such a frivolous person .”

Hua Yu immediately got up and left the living room, and came back after a while, bringing a laptop with him, and he began to search for keywords on the Internet.

After a while, Hua Yu turned the computer screen in front of Hua Yongming and said, "Father, it turned out that we made a mistake. The one who got married was not Fang Hong, but his second brother Fang Ping."

Fang Ping's information also appeared on the list of relatives when Huayu investigated.

Hua Yongming immediately looked at the screen, which showed a picture circulated on the Internet. It was a photo of Fang Ping and Fang Jingshu when they were married. Fang Ping showed his face as a groom, but Fang Jingshu did not show his true face as a bride. Because she wore a red hijab on her head when she visited the church, this wedding is an authentic traditional Chinese wedding.

"The bridegroom officer..." Hua Yongming frowned and said: "The appearance is somewhat similar to Fang Hong, so it is related to him."

Hua Yu nodded and said, "It should be like this, maybe it's Fang Hong's brother."

But Hua Yongming said to himself in doubt: "Then he has no reason to engage in such a big fight, and he just did it. There must be a deep meaning in it, or the investigation of his background information is not detailed enough. "

Obviously, Hua Yongming viewed Fang Hong as an extremely shrewd and extremely rational old fox, so he came to such a judgment.

Immediately looking at his son, he asked, "To what extent have you penetrated Fang Hong's background information investigation?"

Hearing this, Hua Yu immediately said: "Up to his grandfather's generation, but his grandfather did not investigate further. According to previous information, his grandfather has a high prestige in his village."

Hua Yongming immediately ordered: "Check, immediately send someone to visit his hometown directly, I want to see more detailed background information."

Half of Huayang Group's life now rests on Fang Hong's body. This is not a joke. Hua Yongming thought that Fang Hong understood it clearly, but when he saw this unexpected marriage, he suddenly realized that he didn't understand it enough.

It is necessary to check the background information of this person from the three generations of his ancestors, otherwise he will not feel at ease.

"Understood, I'll arrange it right away." Hua Yu immediately nodded in response.


The next day, 1 February.

Hua Yu arranged for two people to leave early this morning and go straight to Fang Village, Lingyang County for an unannounced investigation. Of course, not in the name of Huayang Group. Hua Yu knew that Fang Hong was leaving for the new city today. to his phone.

Therefore, it can be staggered.

If Fang Hong was still in the village, Hua Yu would never have dared to send anyone to his village. Villagers in the countryside are so easy to cheat, but if they meet Fang Hong by chance, they will have to say something , Huayu himself couldn't stand it, the two people sent down were definitely for nothing.

The purpose of staggering the time is to avoid causing unpleasantness to both parties, but it is necessary to investigate, otherwise you will feel uneasy, and you can't directly ask Fang Hong about this kind of matter, so you can only go around and investigate it yourself.


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