My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1468 [The future of foreign cars]

Just after Xingyu Technology launched two models and received a huge order, the stock prices of the parent companies of BBA series cars, including Xiaobenzi's cars, fell sharply that night, because these foreign car companies accounted for a very high sales share in the Greater China market.

Every time Xingyu Technology's SCN-3 and SCU-3 cars are sold, it basically means that these foreign brands will sell one less car, especially BBA series cars.

Before this, the domestic brand BYD rose, but BBA series cars did not care, because BYD's products are mainly in the market below 300,000, and cannot cause any substantial impact on BBA series brands.

But now Xingyu Technology's N3 and U3 have come out, which is aimed at the mid-to-high-end market, with a price of 370,000 to 500,000, which is directly competing with BBA series cars.

And the current situation is that the threat of Xingyu Automobile to them is obvious and even imminent.

The first batch of 80,000 N3 and U3 reservations at this price level were sold out in seconds, indicating that the upper limit is far from being reached. If the production capacity problem is solved, such market recognition will be a huge success.

Cars such as the BBA series account for a very large proportion of revenue in the Greater China market. Now that the local brands of the Eastern country have risen strongly, they have emerged with a peak attitude. After seeing the two cars, N3 and U3, everyone is very desperate as their competitors.

For those traditional car manufacturers who are still holding on to fuel vehicles, this is no longer a question of leading by one or two generations, but a question of leading them by an era.

As some netizens said, this is Nokia at the advent of the smart phone era.

Other aspects may be a little exaggerated, but Xingyu Technology's intelligent driving system is definitely ahead of them by an era, and the Western car companies, except Tesla, have not fallen behind, and other foreign traditional car companies have completely fallen behind.

Even Elon Musk's Tesla lags behind Xingyu Technology in intelligent driving, and the gap will be further widened in the future.

Because Xingyu Technology will use the data generated by this huge population market of 1.4 billion to train AI models in the future, and the amount of data alone is not at the same level.

For example, the BBA series of cars and the manufacturers behind them, or the small Toyota, there are only two possible fates for them in the future.

The first fate is the worst, which is to face the acquisition of car companies in the Eastern powers. They may not be acquired by Xingyu Technology, but they will definitely be acquired by other domestic corporate groups.

The second fate is to embrace Xingyu Technology's intelligent driving system. If the countries behind them are obedient, they can give them a meal, that is, to join Xingyu Technology's intelligent driving system to get this meal.

Xingyu Technology's strategic planning is very clear, focusing only on the mid-to-high-end automobile market, and leaving the rest to other car companies, but these car companies have to use Xingyu Technology's intelligent driving system. Xingyu Technology empowers these car companies, and it is equivalent to the Microsoft Windows system in the automotive industry.

Those foreign traditional auto giants, including some joint ventures in China, really have no chance at all, because intelligent driving is a foregone conclusion in the future, and they can't handle it.

They can't even beat Xingyu Technology, BYD and other manufacturers in terms of motors and batteries, let alone intelligent driving systems and artificial intelligence. BYD is weak in intelligent driving, let alone them, they are competing with Qunxing Star...

So their future fate has only two endings, either being acquired and reorganized, or clinging to Xingyu Technology. There is no third way to go, because the third way is a dead end, that is, bankruptcy, which may be worse than Nokia.

In the future, as the space solar power station is put into operation, it will be a luxury to even want to get Nokia's current ending.

What is the trend of the current world situation and the great changes that have not been seen in a century?

That is, the East rises and the West falls. The rise of the Eastern powers in all walks of life, especially the rise of high-tech and high-end industries is inevitable. Automobile manufacturing is the "king of industry", an important pillar of the economy and industry of a modern industrial power. The Eastern powers must stand at the top of the world in the field of automobile industry manufacturing.

As the country with the strongest industrial capacity in the history of human civilization, if there is no local super brand in the field of automobile manufacturing industry, isn't it an international joke?

Even if there is no Xingyu Technology, other brands will rise.

If Xingyu Technology does not enter the automotive field, it is possible that BYD will eventually rise and become the face of the world super brand in the local automotive industry. If it is not BYD, there will be another car brand rising, because the general trend is like this, and the country will definitely support a super brand.

But at present, with the SCN-3 and SCU-3 cars launched by Xingyu Technology selling well, and dominating the news for a long time.

This has made many companies outside the automotive industry excited and want to get a piece of the pie. Seeing that Xingyu Technology has reached the peak of its debut in the automotive industry and has achieved such a great success, it has really made many people excited.

Let’s not talk about other people for now, anyway, Lei Jun can’t sit still now.

Xingyu Technology is good at smartphones, and now it is also good at cars. Lei Jun thinks that Xiaomi is also good at smartphones. Since Xingyu Technology can do it, Xiaomi can definitely do it too.

Lei Jun really has the idea of ​​cross-border car manufacturing. If Xingyu Technology can't compete in the high-end market, can't it go to the mainstream market?

After looking at the two cars, SCN-3 and SCU-3, Lei Jun didn't think about competing with Xingyu Technology in the high-end market. He would definitely not win, and the ending might be even worse than the smartphone industry.

At present, Xingyu Technology has suppressed its competitors including Apple in the high-end market since its return in the smartphone industry. The STAR6 released this summer as the first 5G mobile phone once again leads all its peers. Apple has not yet launched 5G, and it is definitely not going to launch 5G this year.

It has to be said that Xingyu Technology's success in cross-border car manufacturing has moved many well-known large companies. Seeing that Xingyu Technology has succeeded in this way, cross-border car manufacturing does not seem to be as difficult as imagined, and there is a sense of déjà vu that I can do it.

The domestic business circle is like this. Once it is confirmed that a certain track can make money, a large number of people will soon flock in, and then roll to death. In a few years, the blue ocean will be rolled into a red ocean.

There is an industry that is super typical, that is the photovoltaic industry.

Two or three years ago, the photovoltaic market was still a blue ocean with huge demand. Now it is almost overcapacity, and this is still when Qunxing Capital invested crazily in laying photovoltaic panels next to the desert in the northwest, including the infrastructure project of the integrated storage and computing power center of Matrix Quantum, which has huge demand for photovoltaic new energy, and also ran to the rich man's house in Shate to lay photovoltaic panels.

Logically speaking, the market should be in a situation of tight supply now.

In fact, it is almost overcapacity again!

The photovoltaic industry is more and more competitive. There is no limit to the competition, only more competition. Many photovoltaic giants have already set their sights on space and have set their sights on space solar power stations. They have already started to compete for this in advance and want to get orders for space solar power stations in the future.

I haven't thought about building a space "Galaxy City" at the more distant Earth-Moon Lagrange point L1. After all, that is a matter of seventy or eighty years later. Whether the company can survive until then is still unclear. However, the space solar power station is different. This has been determined to be done, and the economic and technical feasibility have been verified.

If it is faster, this super space project may be launched in five years. Five years will pass in a flash. How can we not compete? What if the bid fails by then?

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