My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1476 [TikTok, a popular overseas platform, has contributed greatly]

Chapter 1476 [The overseas popularity of Tik-Tok platform is indispensable]

The reporter who was interviewing Yang Zhenghai became more and more excited as he listened. He hurriedly held the microphone steady, thinking how good he is, and started attacking all manufacturers in the smartphone industry without paying any attention to foreign car companies. Here, there is confidence between the lines.

When Yang Zhenghai said these words, the reporter interviewing him didn't feel sleepy at all.

Everyone can hear the meaning of Yang Zhenghai's words, almost saying that Xingyu Technology's new energy vehicles have begun to explode, forcing those Western masters to lower their prices to death.

It has to be said that since Yang Zhenghai got involved with the galaxies, his field of vision has rapidly improved several levels, and he is very high-spirited and heroic.

After the interview, the reporter quickly wrote a draft and published it. Yang Zhenghai is now a person who has recently become famous in the industry. The content of his interview was reported in the news and attracted a lot of attention in the country.

When the reporter was reporting, the headlines were eye-catching.

[Yang Zhenghai: Xingyu Technology’s new energy vehicles have exploded, and the era of cabbage prices for fuel vehicle brands such as BBA may be coming. 】

News headlines like this can be really attractive.

In particular, Yang Zhenghai's rhetoric using the analogy of smartphone manufacturers has aroused a lot of attention and discussion. Many netizens found that Mr. Yang's interpretation angle is really unique.

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed true. Without Xingyu Technology's STAR series mobile phones, there is no TOS system that can replace Android at any time and open the door to other domestic mobile phone manufacturers and brands at any time. With Lao Mei's current style, it will definitely have a negative impact on those domestic mobile phones using the Android system. The manufacturer took action.

Now everyone knows that Lao Magnesium will do anything to combat the upgrading of the manufacturing industry in the East. As smartphones are an important high-end manufacturing link, how can Lao Magnesium not take action?

The reason why we didn't do this is because we were afraid that domestic Android mobile phone manufacturers would have no choice but to choose the TOS system.

Dialectically speaking, it was indeed Xingyu Technology that saved them.

However, what everyone is more concerned about is Yang Zhenghai’s comment on the price of BBA series cars. This statement quickly aroused widespread heated discussion and fierce competition on the Internet.

The outside world knows about the cooperation between Xingyu Technology and Tongtai Automobile Group. The products that Tongtai Automobile will launch next will definitely be for the mainstream mass consumer market. The reporter who interviewed him wanted to find out something about the price from him.

However, Yang Zhenghai, who seemed to have a loud mouth, did not mention a word about this. He spoke very strictly, and reporters could not get anything out of his mouth.

There is no doubt that Yang Zhenghai's interview offended a large number of foreign car manufacturers and brands, especially the BBA series cars.

The next day.

Fang Hong was reading a piece of news, and it was a news report about Yang Zhenghai's interview. After reading the content, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "This Yang Zhenghai is quite good at stealing the show..."

Being able to make such a tone in a public interview offends his peers and even crosses into the smartphone industry. In Fang Hong's view, this is Yang Zhenghai's expression that he will completely follow the path of Xingyu Technology or Galaxy in the future. There is no duality in the Tao.

This is good. Such a partner must make him a great success, and the cooperation with Tongtai Automobile Group must become a benchmark.

And Fang Hong also suddenly realized that Yang Zhenghai, a big mouth, was talking loudly to the Sat tycoon, and his cabbage price arguments made BBA series fuel vehicles and other foreign car dealers very uncomfortable. He probably hated him to death at this moment. He did.

Because as soon as the cabbage price argument came out, it became uncomfortable for foreign car dealers. If the price is reduced, Yang Zhenghai's prediction will be fulfilled, and more people will be more determined to wait and see and not buy.

But if they don't lower the price, they take a look at the SCN-3 next to them that only sells for 370,000. Why don't they go to a fair without lowering the price?

Moreover, we still don’t know what the status of the new car launched by Xingyu Technology and Tongtai Automobile Group is, but everyone understands that the price of this car will definitely be cheaper than the N3. This is certain, and there is a high probability that it will not be. It will exceed 300,000.

Because all industry insiders now understand Xingyu Technology’s strategic layout in the new energy vehicle business sector, which is that Xingyu Technology will occupy the mid-to-high-end market by itself, and then cooperate with other car companies to let cooperative companies such as Tongtai Automobile Group seize the market. mass mainstream market.

This model is almost the same as that of Xingyu Technology in the smartphone industry. It only does high-end products, takes the lion's share of profits, and then recruits a group of juniors to conquer the mainstream mass market.

The younger brothers who follow Xingyu Technology can also enjoy various bonus overflows from their elder brothers, which can enhance their competitiveness in the industry.

The price reductions of those foreign car dealers such as BBA series fuel vehicles may not be able to offset the impact of Xingyu Technology's new energy vehicles. You can be 100% sure that they will definitely reduce their prices, even if it is not from the heart, but they are attracted by new energy vehicles. Even if the price of the car is not reduced, the price will continue to drop.

But at this moment, when Fang Hong was reading news related to Yang Zhenghai, Tian Jiayi, who had just returned, sat down next to him and said: "According to the latest report from our public opinion monitoring department, several models of Xingyu Technology It is rapidly gaining popularity on the Internet, and its overseas popularity is soaring. "

Tian Jiayi added: "The most direct reason for this situation is the exhibition currently being held in Leyard, Sat. It is through this window that the brand has been opened up."

At this moment, several models of Xingyu Technology exhibiting at Leyard continue to be popular. Its booth is the most popular among all car dealers. People who pay attention to it include not only peers in the industry, media professionals, but also a large number of foreign car owners and consumers.

This time, it has become popular on the Internet. It is through this international exhibition that Xingyu Technology's new energy vehicles have entered the sight of foreign consumers on a large scale for the first time.

Fang Hong suddenly asked: "Is it through the short video platform Tik-Tok that it has become popular on the Internet?"

Tian Jiayi nodded: "Indeed, it is basically spread through this platform."

Although Magnesium West has tried its best to "avoid" its popularity and has gone through a lot of trouble, there is almost no discussion on those foreign Internet social media platforms, and various suppressions have been made on its spread. Their mainstream media do not even report it. It has to be said that Magnesium West is indeed capable in the field of public opinion.

Before 2019, the ability of the West to control international public opinion was at the SSS level, but things changed after this year.

Because Tik-Tok short videos became popular this year, it was the Internet new media platform Tik-Tok that opened up the Western public opinion, and Tik-Tok was not controlled by Western capital.

This time, several new energy vehicles released by Xingyu Technology were able to quickly become popular through the exhibition held by the rich man of Sat, which was quickly spread on the Tik-Tok short video platform. Each short video lasted for more than ten seconds or twenty to thirty seconds, showing some functions, which shocked countless foreign netizens.

Why is Tik-Tok so powerful? Because this short video APP application is now another super platform among the global Internet new media platforms.

Since Mr. Zhang sold Toutiao to Qunxing and then gave up the domestic market to move overseas, Tik-Tok has risen rapidly in the overseas market with a very amazing momentum, especially this year, it has been the number one in the monthly downloads in various regions around the world.

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