My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1488 [Super strong industry discourse power]

In the past two days, the sales of cooking oil, soy sauce and other kitchen-related items in many farm supermarkets across the country have soared exponentially, especially cooking oil has become extremely scarce. The shelves of cooking oil in farm supermarkets in many cities are empty. No matter what brand it is, as long as it is on display, it will be taken away by customers.

In order to eat more safely, consumers see that the cooking oil at home is not bought from farm supermarkets, even if there is still a lot of unused, they will directly throw it into the trash can, and then go to farm supermarkets to buy new ones.

Today's consumers recognize the four words "farm supermarket" far more than the brand of the product itself. Even big brands are not as good as the four words "agricultural product supermarket".

Even if it is the same brand of product, consumers would rather buy it in farm supermarkets than from other channels.

It doesn't work if the merchant exaggerates, because consumers don't know whether it is false propaganda. Most ordinary people don't have the ability to identify and verify, nor will they do such things, let alone the energy to go through so much trouble to buy vegetables and oil.

Go directly to the farm supermarket to buy, these troubles will not happen, and consumers will naturally vote with their feet.

Farm supermarkets have established extremely high credit and excellent reputation in the minds of the vast consumer group, and have become synonymous with safety, health and peace of mind in people's eyes.

The rise of the stars in recent years has changed a lot of things. As one of the star-level enterprises under the star system, the farm supermarket has built up its reputation and expanded its scale in recent years, which has had a huge impact on the existing pattern of the edible oil industry.

The food industry is playing a script of defeating you not by your peers, but by cross-border dimensionality reduction.

In theory, there is no competitive relationship between farm supermarkets and product providers. One is a product provider and the other is a sales channel provider. The two should be in a cooperative relationship.

But farm supermarkets have their own set of internal standards, which are higher than national standards. Products that do not meet the standards will not be put on the shelves regardless of whether you are a big brand or not.

In the past few years, when farm supermarkets were just starting out, their reputation and scale were not established. Some big brands were not rare at all, and they did not look down on farm supermarkets as a sales channel.

But no one expected the rise of farm supermarkets to be so amazing, and the word-of-mouth surge was incredible, especially in recent years.

At this time, the foreign brands that originally looked down on this channel felt that the farm supermarkets were in trouble, because performance could not deceive people. The sales of a leading edible oil company began to decline significantly in recent years. The biggest reason was that their products were not sold on the shelves of farm supermarkets.

Nowadays, farm supermarkets have grown in scale and reputation. As a channel for sales terminals to directly face consumers, products that are not on the shelves of farm supermarkets mean that this product has lost the opportunity to meet consumers.

Now ordinary people buy vegetables, seasonings, etc., anyway, those things in the kitchen are bought directly at farm supermarkets.

In other words, as long as your brand can be sold on the shelves of farm supermarkets, it is equivalent to facing the largest consumer group. Even if it is an unknown 18th-tier brand, it can only be on the shelves of farm supermarkets and can be mixed. Even if the sales volume will not explode, it is more than enough to support the survival of the company, because the consumer base is there.

The majority of consumers now recognize farm supermarkets, and the reputation has risen and trust has been established. Unless farm supermarkets themselves commit suicide several times in a row, it will be difficult to change the newly formed industry structure, and the phenomenon that everyone only recognizes farm supermarkets will not change.

As a consumer terminal channel, farm supermarkets have a super strong voice in major supply brands. Even the most well-known big brands cannot speak loudly and are not tough in farm supermarkets.

If you want to put your products on the shelves of farm supermarkets for sale, you have to follow the standards set by farm supermarkets and have no ability to negotiate conditions.

Why do farm supermarkets have such a big voice?

The best explanation is the unprecedented data it created, that is, the current number of registered members of farm supermarkets has reached 377 million, which shocked the entire industry.

There has never been a large supermarket brand in the industry with a registered member user volume exceeding 100 million, but farm supermarkets have done it, not only breaking 100 million, but also directly reaching an exaggerated scale of more than 370 million.

Outsiders may not feel much, but as industry insiders, they all know how shocking and exaggerated this data is.

Farm Supermarket was listed on the SGX market. When industry insiders saw the company's financial report and the number of 377 million member users, everyone's jaws dropped and their eyes dropped.

The number of registered members alone is 377 million. What does this mean?

You know, buying groceries is usually done by family. One person in a family can go shopping. It's impossible for the whole family to go, so it's impossible for the whole family to register as a member.

There are still many consumers who don't pay for membership, but Farm Supermarket still won 377 million member registrations, which can basically be said to be the channel terminal in this industry.

It may be easier to understand by changing another metaphor. The current Farm Supermarket is equivalent to the former Tencent QQ in the Internet industry, or equivalent to the current Weixin in the mobile social field, or equivalent to the game box platform in the game industry.

Such a terrifying number of member registrations has deeply shocked countless industry insiders. With 377 million members, assuming that each member recharges 200 yuan, that is more than 75 billion yuan in cash flow.

In fact, according to the third quarter financial report data disclosed by Farm Supermarket, the company's member recharge amount is 419.65 yuan per member, multiplied by the number of 377 million members, the actual cash flow is more than 158.2 billion yuan.

According to the latest disclosed financial report data, the company's liquidity cash is 116.7 billion yuan. Who would have thought that the cash flow scale of such a company could reach 100 billion yuan?

The current situation in this industry is that countless upstream manufacturers are scrambling to become suppliers of Farm Supermarket. Not only do they not have to worry about sales, but more importantly, they will not have a large backlog of accounts receivable.

Farm Supermarket has so far settled the payment for upstream suppliers, and has never sold on credit, not once so far.

Too rich. The company has so much cash flow in its account. The currency depreciation alone is an astronomical figure. It is worried about this, and of course it will not owe money to upstream suppliers.

Farm supermarkets have previously held membership recharge activities, but they were urgently stopped after a period of time.

The reason is that it was found that consumers recharged too much, and the company's backlog of cash flow was too much, which was not a good thing. It could not be used for investment and financial management, because the parent company Qunxing stipulated that this was not allowed, and the company could not participate in any business related to finance.

Under this regulation, too much cash flow is not a good thing. Under normal circumstances, a liquidity cash reserve of about 50 billion is completely sufficient, and even 30 billion is enough.

The current farm supermarket has also passed the stage of rapid expansion, mainly to manage the existing basic plate well.

Therefore, the agricultural product supermarket held a membership recharge activity and was stopped not long after, and there was no recharge discount activity afterwards, because the normal membership recharge was considered a bit too much.

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