My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1492 [Mr. Zhang can’t stand it anymore]

In the following period, unfavorable news about Tik-Tok came one after another.

On December 25, Dongwang posted on his social media account that he planned to use the Z-order or other means to force Tik-Tok to stop all its business in Beimei.

Just one day later, at the White G press conference, Dongwang said that Tik-Tok must be sold to Beimei, otherwise it would be forced to close down.

In addition, Dongwang also proposed that a considerable amount of "commission" should be handed over to the Beimei treasury in this Tik-Tok transaction.

The turmoil of Tik-Tok has been a hot topic on domestic and foreign Internet platforms. The hot topics at the end of the month are almost all related to Tik-Tok.

Then there were various rumors. There were rumors that Oracle would acquire Tik-Tok, and there were also rumors that Microsoft was considering acquiring Tik-Tok as a supplementary business for its


For a while, Tik-Tok seemed to have become a fish on the chopping board, attracting various predators to compete for it.

When the news spread back to the mainland Internet, many netizens were furious and cursed the police as robbers. This was almost a robbery.

But it must be said that the technology giants in Beijing, especially the Internet giants, are all coveting Tik-Tok. This platform will surely become another super platform with 1 billion users in a short time.

Saturday, November 30, morning.

At this moment, Fang Hong is having a secret video call with a mysterious person. This person is Zhang's Bole, an angel investor, the current largest shareholder of Tik-Tok, and the only shareholder with a veto in Tik-Tok.

"These days, Zhang has been discussing the acquisition of Tik-Tok with several major shareholders, including us, Pan-Atlantic Investment, Sequoia Capital and other investment institutions, and regulatory agencies such as the Ministry of Finance of Beijing." The man in the video image reported to Fang Hong.

During this period, Tik-Tok was under tremendous pressure. Lao Mei's actions continued in a short period of time, making the Tik-Tok team exhausted, causing panic in the entire team, and even many people were pessimistic.

Because Lao Mei's series of swift actions against Tik-Tok were continuous, and the intensity was almost comparable to the attack on the Star System Enterprise, but Tik-Tok's ability to withstand pressure was definitely not comparable to that of the Star System. The pressure that the Star System could withstand might not be what Tik-Tok could withstand.

We can even directly conclude that Tik-Tok could not withstand Lao Mei's pressure by itself.

At this time, Fang Hong asked concisely: "What does the Tik-Tok operation and management team think?"

The man in the video image answered in a deep voice: "I feel that he can't stand it. In the discussion the day before yesterday, he meant that he hoped to retain a small amount of equity after Tik-Tok was acquired in the future."

Because Qunxing acquired Toutiao and launched Douyin, the Greater China market is now the overlord of the short video field in the mainland Internet. Mr. Zhang went overseas to start a business again because he couldn't make it in China.

Tik-Tok has achieved great success overseas, and it is also the highlight of Mr. Zhang's career so far. The products launched in the previous startups have not achieved such amazing results like Tik-Tok.

This time, facing the continuous attacks from Beimei, Mr. Zhang felt that Tik-Tok would be difficult to survive, because Tik-Tok's core business is all in the overseas market. Once it is banned by Beimei, it is basically over. The reason why Qunxing can withstand the continuous attacks from Laomei for so many years is because it has the huge market of Greater China as the basic backing, at least Mr. Zhang thinks so.

Fang Hong immediately said: "He wants to sell it to the Chinese, so he might as well sell it to me directly. He withdrew again."

Once North American Enterprises acquires Tik-Tok, the veto power in the hands of the current largest shareholder will definitely not be tolerated. The core issue of the game here is not how much the company is worth. Of course, this is also an important reason, but no matter how important it is, it is a secondary reason.

The fundamental reason is that Tik-Tok is a platform with huge influence in the global public opinion field. The West cannot tolerate such a platform being controlled by people from the East. To put it bluntly, the control of Tik-Tok is the core issue of this game.

If the veto power is not abolished, even if North American companies hold more than 90% of Tik-Tok's equity, they still cannot count.

However, Fang Hong suddenly felt that this matter was not entirely a bad thing. If Mr. Zhang did not hold on at this time and chose to accept North American Enterprises' acquisition of Tik-Tok, then the first person he would be sorry for would be his angel investor.

Unless Western companies can accept that the current largest shareholder continues to have a veto over Tik-Tok, which is obviously impossible and irreconcilable.

After a while, Fang Hong said calmly: "It's time to play the role of the veto. Zhang doesn't dare to force you to force him, so let him step aside and cool down. If he really wants to sell Tik-Tok, you can tell him directly that you can just buy all his shares, give him a valuation, and let him withdraw again with the money."

Since you want to sell it, who doesn't matter who you sell?

After this incident, Mr. Zhang must be naturally inferior to his angel investor. Even if he spitted and cursed at him, he couldn't say anything.

Because Beimei Enterprise acquired Tik-Tok, the person who suffered the most was his angel investor. He supported you so much before, but you treated your own mentor like this? How could this be a mean move?

In fact, in Fang Hong's eyes, Tik-Tok encountered these things and was hit hard by Lao Mei. Fang Hong not only did not think it was a bad thing, but a good thing.

Because in this way, Mr. Zhang's voice in Tik-Tok will be severely weakened, the voice of the largest shareholder will be unprecedentedly strengthened, and Mr. Zhang himself can't say anything.

If Lao Mei doesn't deal with Tik-Tok, Fang Hong really can't intervene through the largest shareholder. After all, the persona established at the beginning is a mentor, an angel investor, who will not interfere too much in the operation of Tik-Tok.

But now it is different. Lao Mei has done this. As the largest shareholder who has contributed the most, paid the most money, and borne the greatest risk, he will become the biggest victim. Now he intervenes strongly, and Mr. Zhang can't say a word.

And because he has a veto power, this is a real intervention ability, and it is certain that what he says will count.

It can be seen that Lao Mei has done this at this time. Even if Mr. Zhang is the founder of Tik-Tok, he is not the key person in this game and is not that important.

The man in the video image said: "If Mr. Zhang really quits, he will definitely not be able to and unlikely to stay in Tik-Tok. It is almost inevitable that he will leave again. Who will take charge of Tik-Tok once he leaves? The people on my side do not have the ability to operate and manage a multinational Internet giant."

Obviously, he thinks that Mr. Zhang is most likely to take the money and leave this time. Judging from the current situation, this possibility has become increasingly greater, so it is necessary to consider who will take charge of Tik-Tok and lead the company to continue after Mr. Zhang is out.

...(End of this chapter)

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