My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1495 [Rather than being beaten to death by A-Mei, it is better to join the stars]

Tik-Tok company headquarters.

The news that Qunxing Group also wanted to acquire Tik-Tok also quickly spread to the company. After all, many media outside are reporting on this news, and Tik-Tok has frequently occupied the hot news pages in recent days.

At this moment, in the office of a vice president within the company, two company executives were discussing this matter privately.

"In the past, Facebook, Microsoft, and Oracle all participated in the competition for Tik-Tok, and now even the Star Group wants to get involved." The vice president sitting on the single sofa in the office shook his head, sighed and said: "To put it nicely, Tik-Tok is super delicious food, but to put it badly, Tik-Tok is the meat on the chopping board in the eyes of super giants and predators, and everyone wants to eat it in one bite."

The senior director sitting opposite him said: "With our own strength, there is a high probability that our company will not be able to pass this hurdle. We do not have the foundation of Qunxing. To be honest, Lao Zhang does not have the power and courage of Fang Hong. Anyway, I can’t think of how Tik-Tok can handle this crisis on its own. The Magi Man is determined to defeat us.”

The vice president shook his head again and laughed, and said rather helplessly: "My opinion is the same as yours."

Obviously, the conversation between these two executives has shown that Tik-Tok’s internal team is pessimistic. Although they have not expressed such sentiments to the outside world, the internal discussions are self-evident.

Amrika's recent attacks on Tik-Tok can be described as overwhelming. One after another, it cannot be said that they are not ruthless, and the Tik-Tok team is in a mess. Before we could think of a strategy to deal with this problem, new troubles arose, which was so overwhelming that the entire team was struggling to deal with it and felt increasingly powerless.

At this time, the senior director said: "Among these super predators, who do you think Tik-Tok would choose better?"

After hearing this, the vice president thought about it and said: "It's hard to say, actually it's not very good."

The senior director spread his hands and said: "The problem is that now Tik-Tok can't help itself, not at all. There are only two ways, either it closes down or it chooses to defect to a predator. There is no third option."

This is indeed the dilemma Tik-Tok is currently facing.

After a while, the vice president said in a deep voice: "If it were my choice, I would rather choose to merge with Toutiao. You and I also came from Toutiao before. You and I are very clear about the complementarity of the two companies if they merge. It’s very strong.”

The senior director immediately said: "I agree with what you said, but the problem is that merging with Toutiao, Tik-Tok will also bring new troubles. Toutiao is one of the star-level subsidiaries of Qunxing, and Qunxing is with You and I also know about Lao Mei’s grievances.”

Obviously, if Tik-Tok chooses to fall into the arms of Qunxin Group, it will be completely at odds with Amalika from now on. Amalika will definitely be more determined to kill Tik-Tok than it is now. There will be no more hesitation.

It is for this reason that some people in the capital market are not optimistic. They believe that given this level of factors, the possibility of Qunxing Group acquiring Tik-Tok is the lowest, and América will never agree to it. Will definitely take action.

No one will doubt the financial resources of Qunxing Group. Even if it acquires Tik-Tok wholly and in cash, it will be more than enough for Qunxing Group.

But the resistance is obviously not a financial issue, but a political issue. The Tik-Tok matter is obviously not as simple as a general commercial merger.

At this moment, the vice president present said harshly: "If you have to sell yourself, let's sell it to Qunxing Group."

Then he looked at the senior director and said: "The situation now is obvious. The people have begun to destroy Tik-Tok. From the recent series of combinations of people on Tik-Tok, Judging from the punches, I think whether we defect to the Stars Group or not, Tik-Tok will be killed if the Magus Man doesn’t kill it.”

The senior director sitting across from him nodded silently.

The vice president continued: "We have had several internal meetings and discussions, and although we have not faced the core of the problem directly, we both know in our hearts that Tik-Tok alone cannot withstand such extreme pressure. In this case, Anyway, being forced into this situation by the Magnesium Grasshopper, it is better to go straight to the dark side and join the Qunxing Group. Holding Fang Hong's lap may bring about a new turning point. "

The senior director who heard these words couldn't help but nodded, and analyzed to himself: "What you said is not unreasonable. Judging from the news that broke today, since the stars have taken the initiative to express their interest in Tik-Tok, if If they are really merged into the group of galaxies, Fang Hong will definitely protect Tik-Tok and the Magnesium Grasshopper."

Although defecting to Qunxing Group will completely anger Amlica, Qunxing Group is a super tough nut that even Amlica can't crack. From the time when Xingyu Technology's S680 chip became the swan song in 2014 until today, Amlica's attitude towards The galaxy hunted for five full years.

But what was the result? Not only did the hunting fail, but the Qunxing Group became bigger and bigger over the years. Now it has accumulated an unparalleled terrifying foundation. After five years of hunting, the Qunxing Group's companies have achieved breakthroughs in various fields, especially in the field of technology.

Finally, the vice president slowly said: "Having said that, objectively from the perspective of company development, perhaps Tik-Tok's merger into Qunxing is the most appropriate choice, but I think Lao Zhang is exactly the one who least wants to see Tik-Tok being acquired by Qunxing. Assuming Tik-Tok really merges with Toutiao, he will definitely get out of the game with money like last time. Even if Fang Hong wants to retain him and let him continue to be in charge of the merged Toutiao company, he will not agree."

The senior director sighed after hearing this, shrugged and said: "Who Tik-Tok chooses, you and I can't decide, even as the head, Lao Zhang can't make the final decision. Only the largest shareholder can make this decision. Although he has never interfered with the company's operations, don't forget that the largest shareholder has the only veto power in Tik-Tok."

Not interfering with the operation of Tik-Tok is one thing, and whether or not you have the ability to interfere is another. Obviously, the largest shareholder has the ability to interfere.

No matter which super giant it is sold to, whether it is Qunxing, Microsoft or Facebook, it must first settle the largest shareholder who has a veto power in Tik-Tok. If the largest shareholder does not nod, the sale will not go forward no matter who it is sold to.

Obviously, these two executives do not know that the largest shareholder of Tik-Tok is under the command of Fang Hong.

However, at about 13:07 in the afternoon, the time-sharing line of Toutiao was 59.47 yuan, setting a new record high, with a daily increase of +10.00%, and finally hitting the upper limit price.

The transaction volume at the time of closing has soared to 23.7 billion, and the market value has also soared to 743.463 billion yuan.

Whether Qunxing can successfully acquire Tik-Tok is actually a big suspense, but after the news broke, Toutiao's stock price rose to the upper limit, which is the choice of the capital market.

In fact, in the eyes of many investors, the worst situation is acceptable, which is nothing more than failing to take over Tik-Tok. Even so, Toutiao's own valuation is an emerging Internet giant with a trillion-dollar market value potential.

This year's revenue is expected to exceed 100 billion yuan, and net profit is expected to exceed 17 billion yuan, corresponding to a price-earnings ratio of 43 times. In addition, the listed companies of the Qunxing system have a premium component, so a price-earnings ratio of 50 times is not considered a big bubble, not to mention that the profitability of Douyin, the most important product of Toutiao, has not been fully stimulated.

... (End of this chapter)

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