My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1500 [A new energy vehicle that unexpectedly became popular on the TikTok platform]

Chapter 1500 [A new energy vehicle that unexpectedly became popular on the Tik-Tok platform]

In short, it is to follow the explicit regulations set by the boss himself. Information content that does not comply with the regulations can be processed. If it is not processed, the boss will find an excuse to make a fuss.

However, as long as it complies, no intervention will be made, and even the flag of "伇杀子油" held high by the boss himself can be used to fight back.

The media or zk of the boss has been sparing no effort to use the phrase "I don't agree with your statement, but I swear to defend your right to speak" to promote their so-called speech zy to the world. Now let them also taste the boomerang of this sentence.

Tik-Tok must firmly grasp this point and cannot let it go. The information content currently disseminated on the external network is objective facts. If you are right, you should stand firm and talk about it.

When you are weak, no matter how right you are, it is pale and powerless.

But when you are strong and you are right, it can bring huge initiative advantages, and even as long as you are strong enough, you will be strong even if you are not right.

Fortunately, the current Tik-Tok's largest shareholder now has a huge voice with a veto power. Even if Mr. Zhang wants to compromise, it is impossible. At this time, it is definitely not possible to carry out large-scale account blocking like other platforms, which will inevitably hurt real users by mistake, and thus greatly increase users' disgust and anger with the platform.

On the contrary, at this time, as long as you withstand the pressure, you can get good reviews from users. In addition, with the contrast of platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, it will greatly stimulate the favorability of external network users towards Tik-Tok.

As time goes by, users of other platforms on the external network will be attracted to the Tik-Tok platform, and one will increase while the other decreases.

However, at present, major online platforms on the external network are carrying out crazy large-scale deletion of posts, banning of speech, and account blocking, resulting in more real users suffering from the disaster, which has angered more and more users.

However, the managers of various platforms found that they could not handle it all, and they could not handle it all at all.

Moreover, as time goes by, the customer service telephones of various platforms have been blown up by angry users, and there are also complaints from various real users who have been accidentally hurt by the platform.

At about the same time, Tik-Tok also dealt with many accounts, but it was very accurate in the investigation, and the proportion of real users who were accidentally hurt was very small, and all the accounts were AI accounts.

This is because Tik-Tok's largest shareholder obtained the background data from Fang Hong and provided it to Tik-Tok's technical team, so the processing will be very accurate, and basically no real users will be hurt by mistake, and the processing cost is also very low.

Just when other platforms were in a mess, the Tik-Tok platform was very popular in the new energy vehicle sector. In addition to the previous models of Xingyu Technology, another new energy vehicle suddenly became popular in Beimei in the past few days, and no one expected it.

This hot new energy vehicle is the domestic three-bengzi electric, which made countless domestic netizens who eat melons call it a series of never expected.

The sudden popularity is largely due to the current trend, because it happened to be related to the current Eastern power. It accidentally obtained a large number of AI army accounts to identify and then forward a large number of likes and reposts, which made its playback volume soar, and then became popular overnight.

The cause of the incident was that a short video blogger named "Bobo" from Beijing Mei spent more than 600 US dollars on a cross-border e-commerce platform to buy an electric tricycle made by Dongda, and then mailed it to Beijing Mei.

The goods arrived five days ago, and this three-wheeled vehicle was given to his father by Bobo, and he also posted a short video record and shared it on the Tik-Tok platform.

In the video, Bobo's father drove a three-wheeled vehicle, carrying several grandchildren and granddaughters on the streets of the town, and gained a very high rate of returning eyes. He was simply the most handsome guy on the whole street.

In fact, before this, Bobo's father had long admired Dongda's three-wheeled vehicle and had always wanted a handsome three-wheeled vehicle. When he saw the three-wheeled vehicle that was all blue and sparkling and would say "Reverse, please pay attention", Bobo's father was very excited, and then they showed off vigorously online and offline.

In addition, at this critical juncture, short videos posted online have become super popular, and many people offline test drive and test ride are not satisfied, and they also take photos and videos and post them on social media platforms.

Now Bobo is being chased by a large number of netizens in Beijing for links, but when they learned that this was a "local specialty" bought from Dongda, many netizens in Beijing seemed very disappointed and even asked the blogger if he was willing to sell it.

After the fermentation and explosion of the Tik-Tok platform and the word-of-mouth of netizens in Beijing, this three-wheeled vehicle has set off a fashion trend in the current land of Beijing, and the locals have given this three-wheeled vehicle a high-sounding name: low-speed manned vehicle.

In the eyes of the locals, this three-wheeled vehicle is simply their new dream car.

Netizens in Beijing called the appearance of this car super cool, as avant-garde as a robot, and the edges and corners around it are so clear that it is completely synonymous with fashion. There is also a 360-degree panoramic reversing, which allows the owner to show handsomeness in leather clothes and clearly see the scenery outside.

It occupies a small area and can be parked in any corner. It is free to come and go, shuttle in the wind, and no longer have to worry about traffic jams.

More importantly, the operation is so simple that you can enjoy the charm of a ride with just a light twist.

And I don’t know what strange XP the locals have. Many netizens in Beijing said in their comments that what they can’t stop thinking about the three-wheeled vehicle is the voice prompt “Reverse, please pay attention”.

It’s true that the less you understand, the more high-end it is. It’s true that distance creates beauty.

In fact, the three-wheeled vehicle can be favored by the public in Beijing. Apart from some factors of being a work of art, the most important thing is that it has a huge, even unparalleled, substitute function for pickup trucks.

As a multi-purpose vehicle, the three-wheeled vehicle can carry both people and goods. It is not only strong, but also compact. It only needs to turn the handle and turn on the ignition switch to be able to move easily in narrow streets or large farms.

Many families in Beijing are used to going to warehouse supermarkets such as Costco to purchase daily necessities. At this time, the advantages of the three-wheeled vehicle’s huge capacity and super convenience are reflected.

And there is no need to worry about the problem of parking space. It can be parked in any corner.

Netizens in Beijing have found that the three-wheeled vehicle can do what the pickup truck can do, and the three-wheeled vehicle can also do what the pickup truck cannot do.

More importantly, the price of the three-wheeled vehicle was so cheap that they were shocked.

The three-wheeled vehicle that Bobo gave to his father cost only a few thousand RMB, which is equivalent to less than 700 US dollars.

This cost-effectiveness directly surpassed the local pickup trucks. Even if the export freight, customs clearance fees and other costs are taken into account, it is not on the same order of magnitude as the pickup trucks.

Although the manufacturing industry of Laomei has become hollowed out, it does not mean that even three-wheeled vehicles cannot be produced. However, it will have to open a new industrial association, and the initial investment cost is not small.

In fact, Laomei has not tried it before. They have deployed some three-wheeled vehicles with canopies in New York to deliver express delivery and alleviate the transportation pressure caused by traffic jams during peak hours.

At that time, a total of 100 vehicles were put into use. They did not need to pay parking meters, were not restricted to the streets, and could use the 1,400-mile bicycle lane network in the city.

But this three-wheeled vehicle produced in Beimei, the pedal-operated one, is not electric, and the price of a single vehicle is 80,000 US dollars!

The price of 80,000 US dollars is equivalent to about 560,000 RMB, which is more expensive than the oil-electric hybrid SCU-3 new energy vehicle produced by Xingyu Technology. The price of SCU-3 is only 500,000 RMB in China.

It is outrageous to sell a pedal three-wheeled vehicle at this price. It is no wonder that the locals are so fond of this vehicle and call it their dream car after learning about the three-wheeled vehicle produced by Dongda.

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