My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1506 [Raising doubts in various fields (corrected)]

The intensity of the current public opinion game is rare in recent years. In the past few years, because the new leader of Ameli Ka has cut the dog food funding, the environment of the mainland public opinion field has been much better than before.

After all, the dog food is not distributed, and the dog is not active in work.

But this time, a series of doubts about Western history, represented by Western history, have been raised in the public opinion field, which has caused a group of public intellectuals to collectively break their defenses, and even many experts and scholars who study Western history have been furious.

This is both unexpected and reasonable, because once Western history is reshaped, their lifelong research, papers, etc., will become worthless, which is equivalent to completely denying their research, and their later years will be lost, and their jobs will be lost, so they will fight to protect it.

But can the great trend be stopped by a few grains of sand?

In any case, Fang Hong is now going to raise doubts about various fields of Western history. This is not only a public opinion war, but also a cultural war.

At the same time, the game of public opinion on the Internet was also very intense, with all kinds of rhythms flying all over the sky, true and false, and all kinds of rhythms flying, it was like a mess.

Many foreign netizens also participated in the discussion of questioning Amerikar's moon landing at this time. Interestingly, it was the North Mei people who questioned the moon landing, and the local people had questioned this matter for a long time.

[What has NASA found in the moon samples in the past few decades? No water? ]

[It seems that the Eastern power landed on the back of the moon this year and discovered many new things and led the world. ]

[Oops, NASA used rocks from Inner Birch Island as "moon rocks" and did not find anything from the fake moon landing. ]

[Amerikar and his team did not find the existence of water in any Apollo moon samples, what's going on? ]

[Is it a real moon sample from the so-called Apollo mission? ]

[No, Apollo is a computer animation. ]

[Apollo Moon originated in Hollywood Los Angeles haha...]

[Google's artificial intelligence identified that these NASA photos were fake, but it said that the detection photos of the Eastern power were real. ]

[I think that as the Chinese people, we should file a class action lawsuit against NASA and let them use the existing evidence to prove that they landed on the moon. ]


Now the foreign network has set off a greater wave of questioning, and more and more netizens from the foreign network have joined this carnival. In fact, many non-Western people have long been dissatisfied with the fact that the Squid Group has monopolized the public opinion field for a long time, including many people in the Western countries.

It's just that basically no one dares to take the lead. It's not that there are no celebrities who occasionally stand up and speak out, but the power of the Squid Group is too great, and the individual's voice will soon be strangled by them. Some "thorns" were quickly dealt with by the Squid Group.

Over time, no one dared to stand up, because they would be killed in seconds.

But no one stood up, not for this emotion to disappear. In fact, it is in a process of continuous backlog, and once it breaks out, it will only be more fierce.

At present, under the environment where Chen Yu has driven the trillion-dollar highly intelligent AI army to set off a frenzy, most of the countless netizens on the Internet do not know who is a real person or who is AI, and only see countless people starting to counterattack.

Such a huge momentum is actually very contagious and appealing. People also have a herd mentality. Those who were originally afraid to speak out due to the pressure of the Squid Group, seeing that everyone is questioning and denouncing now, and the Squid Group seems to be unable to suppress the momentum, this has given many people courage, and the dissatisfaction that has been suppressed in their hearts for a long time has also taken the opportunity to release.

So they also joined in, and stood on the same front with the trillion-dollar AI army tacitly, and then they found that they had just posted a post and commented, and their accounts were processed by the platform.

Because their accounts were directly identified by the platform as AI-hosted accounts, they were directly blocked forever. Even if they were not AI, but the content they published was intolerable to them, they would be blocked, which directly exploded their mentality.

Since the current public opinion environment has given many people the courage to comment on their dissatisfaction, the direct consequence is that the number of real users who are accidentally injured is soaring exponentially.

More and more users began to curse angrily, and at the same time Tik-Tok is welcoming a huge amount of traffic. Countless users who were accidentally injured simply gave up their social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, which they had used for a long time, and turned to register Tik-Tok to become users of the platform.

As time goes by, major social media platforms on the Internet, especially mainstream platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and YouTube, have realized the seriousness of the problem.

Users are losing a large area at an alarming rate.

For every 10 real users who are accidentally injured, 5 users choose to directly abandon their platform accounts and directly stop using them. The rest are also on the verge of giving up. Some want to restore their accounts because they have their own saved photos and other personal records of past information in their accounts. If it weren't for this factor, they would definitely give up directly.

On the other hand, the registration channel has been closed, there are no new users, and old users have also decreased due to large-scale accidental injuries. Although the overall user scale of the platform has increased a lot in recent months, it is now known that more than 90% are AI robot accounts.

The management teams of all the major online platforms are now in a mess. They are also very clear about how much damage this has done to the platforms. Now there are users losing every moment. Every day that time increases, the damage to the platforms increases. If this continues, it will collapse sooner or later.

Although the registration channel of the platform has been closed, it is found that there are still countless AI robot accounts wreaking havoc on the platform, and it is impossible to deal with them all.

Moreover, now for every account that may be hosted by an AI robot, the probability of accidentally hurting real users is more than ten times greater than before. In the past few days, the number of real users accidentally hurt has increased exponentially year-on-year.

This situation has occurred not only because the difficulty of awakened dormant AI accounts being handled by the platform has greatly increased, but also because the recent wave of doubts has attracted countless real users to actively participate. The probability of being accidentally hurt has increased exponentially.

As the saying goes, good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone. At this time, many advertisers found that something was wrong. Many advertisers who originally placed advertising businesses on these platforms, especially large advertisers, began to lower prices at this time.

Advertisers are not stupid. They see that your platform is in such a mess, and it is all AI robot accounts that are rampant.

It seems that the user base is huge, but if the ads that cost a lot of money are displayed on AI robot accounts, the conversion rate is also equal to zero, and there is no monetization effect. The advertising fee is equivalent to a waste of money.

As a result, more and more advertisers have become very dissatisfied with the platform. Advertisers who have signed the agreement require a refund of part of the money. Advertisers who have already negotiated and are ready to sign the contract but have not signed the contract have changed their minds temporarily and require that the advertising fee paid be halved, but the amount of advertising cannot be reduced, otherwise they will not sign.

Some advertisers simply ran away and gave up these platforms directly, and even went to the Tik-Tok platform to advertise.

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