My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1512 [This is the heaviness of the largest industrial country in the history of human civili

Behind these macro data is the comprehensive national strength of a country. The GDP data of the Eastern giant is shocking enough, and another data makes the entire Western world tremble in secret.

The report pointed out that in 2019, the industrial added value of the Eastern giant was about 67.4 trillion yuan, accounting for 49.93% of the national economy. In 2019, the total industrial added value of the world was 23.25 trillion US dollars. The industrial added value of the Eastern giant was equivalent to about 9.68 trillion US dollars, accounting for 41.63%.

This industrial output value is not only the first in the world, but also the largest industrial country in the history of human beings entering industrial civilization.

One company accounts for 41% of the world, close to half of the world's volume, which is too scary.

At the same time, this report index shows that the industrial added value of the United States in 2019 is estimated to be 3.55 trillion US dollars, accounting for 15.26% of the world and about 16.59% of its total GDP.

Although the industrial added value of Argentina ranks second in the world after Tokyo University, it is only 36.67% of Tokyo University's volume, barely exceeding the one-third mark. Tokyo University's volume is nearly three times that of Argentina.

This is still priced in US dollars. If we compare it directly with the physical production capacity in the last century, such as comparing how many tons of steel were produced in a year, it would be even more terrifying.

In the industrial added value, the report mainly analyzes and evaluates the top ten in the world. The nine countries including Argentina and Tokyo account for about 31% of the world's total. Compared with Tokyo University, Tokyo University still has more than 10% left when the remaining nine countries in the top ten are added together.

This is the heaviness of the world's first large-scale industrial country and the first large-scale industrial country in the history of human civilization.

Why can it challenge the whole world on its own? This is the answer. With such industrial capacity, if it is converted to military industry during wartime, the production capacity will be fully utilized, and the ability to explode troops is so terrifying that it is simply unimaginable.

This analysis report released by Qunxing really shocked the world, especially the West, especially Argentina.

Although they knew that the economic data of Dongda would not be bad and they also had their own analysis agency, they were still deeply shocked when they saw the report released by Qunxing Group.

Those Western economists can't figure out how Dongda achieved such growth even if they rack their brains.

It's incredible.

The double-digit high growth ended ten years ago. Who would have thought that it would return to double-digit high growth ten years later.

According to normal development, it is impossible to have a double-digit growth momentum again, but Dongda has created such an economic miracle and entered a double-digit growth again, which subverted their imagination.

You know, the double-digit growth momentum in 2010, the previous value was 35 trillion, and the absolute value of the growth corresponding to the economic growth of 10.64% that year was 3.72 trillion, while the previous value of 2019 this year was 121.7 trillion, and the absolute value of the growth corresponding to the growth of 10.93% was 13.3 trillion.

The same growth of more than 10 percentage points, this year's absolute value is three and a half times that of ten years ago.

Such growth has made the brains of the Western economists burn out and they still can't figure it out.

And this is not the point. The point is that under such a terrifying high growth, the quality of this double-digit growth is surprisingly high, which is both quantity and quality.

Now it is no longer the extensive growth of ten years ago, but the high-quality growth brought about by the transformation and upgrading of high-value-added science and technology industries, and the efforts of a series of new tracks, including digitalization, new energy, photovoltaics, energy storage, batteries, computing power, aerospace, integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, etc.

These fields have concentrated in the past three years and have shown a blowout trend.

The growth trend of both quantity and quality is really too scary. From the perspective of the Western countries, looking at the situation of Dongda, it is simply watching a horror story, which is extremely scary.

Especially thinking about wrestling with such an existence and being an enemy of such an existence, it is really trembling to think about it.

Don't look at Amei's calm appearance now, pretending, but in fact, deep in his heart, he has been extremely afraid.

It is precisely because of fear that he wants to suppress it desperately.

What is the concept of the economic growth scale of Dongda this year? It is equivalent to the increase of the size of Brazil or half of the size of Xiaodezi in one year, and Xiaodezi ranks fourth in the world.

If the growth of Dongda in 2019 is taken out separately and counted as an economy, it is about 1.9 trillion US dollars, which can enter the top ten of the world GDP ranking in 2019, ranking ninth and squeezing Brazil to the tenth place, because Brazil's GDP in 2019 is predicted to be about 1.87 trillion US dollars.

The fact that the 21st century belongs to the East is unstoppable, especially the scale of industrial manufacturing. Dongda alone accounts for more than 41% of the world, and the 10 companies behind it cannot be equalized. This has never happened in history since mankind entered the industrial civilization.

The macroeconomic analysis report of Qunxing Group has been issued twice. The first two times were very accurate, with very small error values, basically close to 10.

According to the report, the GDP of magnesium in 2019 was 21.39 trillion US dollars, and that of Southeast Asia was 19.39 trillion US dollars, and the difference between the two narrowed to 2 trillion US dollars.

With the growth momentum of Dongda, maybe 2020 will witness history. Maybe this year will witness Dongda's economic scale surpassing Argentina and become the new world's largest economy for the first time.

However, in the eyes of the outside world, there is still a lot of suspense that Dongda's economic scale will surpass Argentina in 2020, unless Argentina's growth slows down significantly and Dongda continues to maintain its current growth momentum, it is possible to witness a historic moment this year.

If there is still suspense about Dongda's top spot in 2020, then the probability of topping the list in 2021 is very high, and by 2022, there is no suspense that it will surpass Mexico and become the world's largest economy this year.

As for surpassing Mexico and becoming the world's largest economy in 2022, it has become a consensus around the world after the release of this report by Qunxing. Dongda's absolute value growth is more than four times that of Argentina. The advantage is so great that even the West can't blacken it, and can't deceive itself.

Whether the global economy will decline or strengthen in the next three years, it will not change this ironclad fact.

In the global economic recession, China cannot be immune to it. The growth rate of Dongda is there, and even if it drops by two or three percentage points, it is still a huge advantage.

As the global economy strengthens, Dongda will certainly continue to maintain a strong high growth momentum, and its advantages will be further expanded on the original basis.

So the outside world has concluded that at the latest in 2022, the status of Amei as the world's largest economy will definitely change hands to the Eastern power this year. This is 100% without suspense. There is also hope in 2021. This year, 2020, there is a lot of suspense. It is not impossible to do it, but it is also very difficult.

But Fang Hong knows that this year in 2020, Amei as the world's largest economy will definitely change hands.

Because Amei itself is committing a big death, the current mask incident has opened Pandora's box, because this super black swan has swept the world, causing the entire Western economies to experience negative growth this year.

As for the mask issue, the mainland has been under control as expected because of Fang Hong's advance planning. If all goes well, it will only affect a few cities, and the affected population can be controlled within 100 million, rather than 1.4 billion people nationwide, and the national economy will not be paused as in the previous life.

But A-mei's own mistakes backfired, causing the black swan of Xi's masks to sweep the world, and then causing the world's production to come to a standstill except for Dongda. The world has to look to Dongda to import products because their own production capacity has been cut off.

In other words, the export trade surplus in 2020 will surely set an extremely astonishing figure, and the GDP of all countries in the world will fall into negative growth this year due to the impact of the mask issue.

Only Dongda will not see a decline in growth, but will usher in a year of explosive growth.

Fang Hong conservatively estimates that the GDP growth rate in 2020 will not be lower than 13 percentage points.

There is no way, it was Ah Mei who wanted to do something terrible, and wanted to stab Dongda in the back, but he got his comeuppance and was punished by God, and he got hurt by his own mistakes.

Ah Mei's action was like running to Dongda, pulling out a knife without saying a word, and then stabbing himself a few holes, and then asking Dongda if he was afraid? Am I strong?

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