My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1519 [Stock repurchase funds are ready]

During the Spring Festival holiday, the peripheral market saw a significant sell-off. The Dow Jones Index of the North American Stock Market fell from a new high of more than 29,000 points to more than 28,000 points.

However, this is just an appetizer. The real plunge has not yet arrived, but it also indicates that a catastrophic market that will affect the global capital market is about to come.

This decline in the peripheral market is already a warning signal. If you quickly avoid risks at this time, or even turn to short positions, you can not only avoid this explosive market, but also make a lot of money.

After all, whether it is good news or bad news, as long as it is certain, you can make a profit. If it is bad news, you can go short, and if it is good news, you can go long.

But there are very few investors who can do this. Fang Hong knows that the recent seemingly sharp decline in the US stock market will quickly rebound and repair in the next few days, and further set a new historical high, confusing some investors into thinking that the market is resilient enough, disguising the real explosive market behind.

It is worth mentioning that in February, the owners of the first batch of 80,000 new energy vehicles SCU-3 and SCN-3 booked by Xingyu Technology began to receive news of delivery and pick-up.

Xingyu Technology delivered on time as promised. If it weren't for the super black swan, this matter would definitely be on the hot search and become a hot news that has attracted much attention.

However, in the current context of the super black swan flapping its wings, this news can't even make it to the top ten hot search list.


The time came to Monday, February 3.

The 10-day Spring Festival holiday officially ended. Today is the first working day after the holiday and the first trading day of the A-share market after the Spring Festival.

It was around 8 o'clock in the morning, and Fang Hong had just finished breakfast.

Tian Jiayi beside him said: "Xingyu Technology, Matrix Quantum and other listed companies have made preparations for stock repurchases, and the funds are ready, just waiting for subsequent decisions."

After that, the beautiful assistant handed Fang Hong a document, which was a list of funds for the repurchase of stocks by the subsidiaries of the major galaxy groups.

Fang Hong took over and opened it to take a look, and quickly scanned it.

The total amount of funds of all listed subsidiaries that have confirmed that they will repurchase stocks has reached an astonishing 2.85 trillion yuan.

Among them, Xingyu Technology took out 500 billion, but this was not the largest amount. On the contrary, Matrix Quantum took the largest amount. Chen Yu decided to take out 700 billion to repurchase the company's stocks. These two companies alone accounted for 1.2 trillion in scale.

Matrix Quantum took the largest amount this time, because the next wave of super black swans will follow the parent company to make a fortune in the peripheral market.

Fang Hong looked at it for a while and said: "Notify the trading team below, as well as major market makers, today is the first trading day after the Spring Festival. We must not let the market index plummet. Not only the New Securities 50 Index, but also the Shanghai and Shenzhen market indices in the two neighboring cities. We must also support it."

If the Shanghai and Shenzhen market indices next door are ignored, they will also open at more than -8% and close to the market limit like in the previous life, and then they will also drag down the SGX market.

Now is a very important moment, and the market in the two neighboring cities cannot be ignored.

Obviously, Fang Hong will not let the present happen again like today in his previous life, when the Shanghai Composite Index opened directly at a bid price of -8.73%.

At present, we can only allow the A-share market to explode once, and we cannot let it explode twice in the "M" shape like in the previous life.

Tian Jiayi immediately asked: "What about the stabilization fund?"

Fang Hong immediately said: "The stabilization fund does not need to be used for the time being, and the repurchase will not be disclosed for the time being. Magnesium stocks will definitely have a big circuit breaker. Wait until then to make a move. The good cards cannot be thrown out all at once."

This time, we need to support the market, and at the same time, Fang Hong also needs to take advantage of the panic caused by this black swan event to make a large turnover in the SGX market, drive out the profit-making funds, and let the holding cost line of the entire market rise sharply.

The current SGX 50 Index has already reached 6,500 points, but there are still a large number of chips distributed at the 3,500 point position. The index profit alone has doubled, and some individual stocks have even several times the floating profit.

Fang Hong needs to use this black swan event to drive out these chips with rich accumulated profit.

Because these chips are no longer longs but potential shorts for the current market, because once they are ready to distribute chips to cash out and leave, the huge profit-taking will hit them back even harder.

Now they must be allowed to withdraw with profits and hand over the chips to those who get on the bus later. Otherwise, if they wait until the New Securities 50 Index breaks through 10,000 points, 15,000 points or even higher before shipping, the impact on the market will soar exponentially.

Therefore, the short-selling volume cannot be too concentrated and then released, otherwise the destructive power to the market will soar exponentially.

This is like accumulating 10 trillion short-selling volume in 10 years, releasing 1 trillion short-selling volume every year in these 10 years, and releasing it 10 times in 10 years, then the upward trend of the market index can be as stable as an old dog.

But if the 10 trillion short-selling volume accumulated in 10 years is suddenly released at a certain stage after 10 years, the market index will definitely not be able to hold.

This time, taking advantage of the panic caused by the black swan event, the chips near the cost line of 3,500 points were cleared out, and the SGX didn't have to think of ways to make them change hands.

After completing the turnover through this time window, the distribution of chips of the SGX 50 Index can be concentrated in the 6,000-point range, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent 10,000-point integer mark.

As time went on, the SGX A-share market took the lead in launching a call auction at 8:45.

Just when the auction just started, 390 stocks suddenly fell to the limit in the SGX market, and the SGX 50 Index also showed a low opening of -3.79%, which scared all investors in the market.

However, orders can be withdrawn in the first five minutes of bidding, and the real bidding will be seen after 8:50, at which time the quotation cannot be withdrawn.

Before the time was advanced to 8:50, the mysterious funds had already started to take action, and the bidding greatly affected the market sentiment.

Soon, the 390 stocks that fell to the limit began to be continuously raised. Before 8:50, there were less than 100 stocks that fell to the limit.

After 8:50, the mysterious funds continued to top up, and this was the time to compete with "money power".

As time came to 8:55, the call auction ended and the final opening price results came out.

There were only more than 30 stocks in the SGX market that opened at the limit down. The opening prices of the other stocks that had opened at the limit down were all above -1.5%, and more than half of them were even in the red zone.

The opening price of the SGX 50 Index was 6268.27 points, which was almost a flat opening, which greatly exceeded market expectations.

At 9 o'clock, the market officially opened, and the market quickly increased in volume, while the SGX 50 Index maintained a narrow range of 0.55% fluctuations.

Many funds were smashing the market and running away, so they could not rise, but there were mysterious super main forces that continued to take over, so the index could neither fall nor rise.

Just when the Xinzheng 50 Index was about to break through this narrow range of fluctuations and rush upward, the time came to around 9:15, and the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets next door opened and entered the call auction stage.

When the clock just reached 9:15, thousands of stocks in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets next door suddenly fell to the limit, and the Shanghai Stock Index directly showed at -8.92%, and the whole market was shaken.

… (End of this chapter)

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