My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1522 [We need to provide strong support, this is a rare publicity outlet]

Meditation in the villa.

Fang Hong is looking at the latest information, which is related to the black swan event. Now it has basically spread to the whole world, and only Africa is immune. Even so, there are several regions in Africa included.

Seeing the beautiful assistant Tian Jiayi walking by, Fang Hong stopped her and said, "Go and do something. In the name of Qunxing Group, we will provide humanitarian aid around the world, especially in areas that have cooperation with our Qunxing Group." , and then use it as a publicity point to promote it on the Internet.”

This is a rare opportunity for the game of public opinion, which can allow the Stars Group to stand on a moral high point. Whoever makes the West be so arrogant in dealing with this black swan and has such a good foil will definitely take over. .

And this is also an excellent opportunity to promote intelligent unmanned solutions, such as unmanned delivery solutions and so on.

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi thought for a while and asked: "Including the Mei'ao area?"

Fang Hong nodded: "Of course that's included."

Tian Jiayi thoughtfully said: "The local authorities may refuse our assistance."

Fang Hong said with a smile: "Be confident, not as a possibility, but as a certainty."

These words confused Tian Jiayi, but Fang Hong quickly gave the answer. He smiled and said: "The West has dealt with the problem by itself and refused well-intentioned external assistance. If you were a local people, what would you think if you knew this?"

Tian Jiayi immediately realized that this was a publicity point. It turned out that he expected that the other party would reject it, and then leaked the matter and spread it on the Internet.

She soon discovered that Fang Hong's move was completely incomprehensible. If the local authorities allow humanitarian aid from the Qunxing Group to come in, and the better they do, the more incompetent they are. It's not that he is incompetent, but that he is a crazy evil villain.

Fang Hong said unhurriedly: "The employees of our galaxy companies operating overseas must be treated with high standards, especially those who have been recruited. They must be treated at any cost. This matter cannot be purely economic." account.”

There is no doubt that this is a great opportunity for the Qunxing Group to win people's hearts, even if it is not from a moral perspective, it must be done purely from a profit perspective.

The efficiency of Qunxing Group is as fast as ever. It only took two days for Fang Hong to make the decision and this matter was started.

On Wednesday, March 4, at around 16:00, Star Group announced a major news, planning to quickly support the original owner of humanitarian supplies worth US$43.3 billion to people affected by black swan events around the world.

This news caused a sensation as soon as it was released, because stars are also vigorously promoting this matter in the public opinion field, especially on the Internet, which is letting Chen Yu's AI army work hard to spread this information to the bottom of the public overseas as much as possible. , let them know about this.

The locals were incompetent and faced difficulties, which made their people feel desperate. The stars wanted to give them hope at this time, and Fang Hong expected that the locals would definitely kill this "hope".

One can imagine how unpopular this behavior will be.

Giving people hope, only to be crushed to pieces and fall into despair again, those who hold hope will be filled with anger.

The aid is worth 43.3 billion U.S. dollars, which is undoubtedly an astronomical figure. It is equivalent to 300 billion yuan in RMB. This number alone is enough to cause a sensation. Only the stars in the world can use such a large amount.

The publicity campaign was quickly filled up, and soon it was reported that major companies under the Xingxing Group had operations around the world, had employees overseas, or had family members of employees traveling overseas who were unable to return home.

Now the company is directly chartering flights to pick people up, and the domestic side has also prepared medical teams and hotels for isolation observation and testing.

In addition, Qunxing Medical Group has also formed medical expert teams directly from the mainland to go to various parts of the world to provide humanitarian assistance, but mainly to places where Qunxing companies have local businesses and employees.

Those non-Western regions are eager to learn that there will be material assistance from the big eastern countries.

But Magnesium West is another story. When the Squid Group learned the news, they immediately decided not to let the Qunxing Group send aid, but could just send money directly.

They also know that if the Qunxing Group is allowed to come over, it will be better than them. The better it is, the more it proves their incompetence.

Thursday, March 5.

Affected by this news, the stock market opened today. Medical equipment, biomedicine and other sectors opened sharply higher, and related benefit stocks hit the daily limit one after another.

Qunxing Group is promoting humanitarian material assistance this time. These medical supplies must have been ordered domestically. This has suddenly increased the demand by hundreds of billions, and the entire industry sector will benefit accordingly.

Today is the fourth trading day since March. The NSE 50 Index not only reversed the sharp decline on February 28, but also achieved four consecutive positive days in March and hit a new record high today.

At around 13:22 p.m., the index reached an intraday high of 6,794.27 points, and finally closed at 6,756.92 points. It closed up +1.08% after the market closed, and the SGX market transaction scale hit a huge 1,356.7 billion. .

"It seems that 6756.92 points is the stage top." At this time, Fang Hong said secretly while looking at the trend of the NSE 50 Index today.

Next, there will definitely be a global explosion, which will start with the plunge in international oil prices. The current global financial market is in chaos. Fang Hong cannot hold the SGX 50 Index from falling at this critical moment. He originally planned to take this opportunity to make a big turnover in the SGX market.

Friday, March 6.

Investors in the A-share market woke up this morning, opened the market information software and found that it was all bad news.

The first to bear the brunt was the plunge in international crude oil prices today. The WTI crude oil futures price directly plunged by -10%, the European stock market plummeted, and the rebound of the magnesium stock market last night also came to an abrupt end, and it fell into a plunge again. The Dow Jones Index once plunged nearly 1,000 points that day, a plunge of -3.58%, and there were all kinds of messy bad news.

The A-share market opened today, and the three major stock indexes collectively jumped lower. Only the mask concept set off a daily limit surge.

The SGX 50 Index returned to 6700 points only yesterday, but today the opening price was directly broken, and it remained underwater all day, and finally closed at 6628.36 points, a sharp drop of -1.90%.

Since entering 2020, today is the third major adjustment of the SGX, but happiness is often compared. Compared with the peripheral markets, especially the magnesium stock market, the decline of the SGX 50 Index is quite resistant to decline.

So far, although there has been a deep adjustment today, there has not been a huge panic in the market.

There are even many investors who are optimistic and think that the more chaotic the global financial market is now, the safe haven it will become for the SGX, and the domestic mask problem is managed very well, and 80% of the places in the country can carry out production activities normally.

However, after entering this weekend's weekend, something happened that opened everyone's eyes.

A super heavy news, the negotiations between Sat and Goose on reducing oil production failed, the crude oil price war continued to escalate, Sat local tyrants were angry and directly lowered the crude oil price, and said that they would continue to increase production in the future.

Da Goose said that even if the oil price is in the low range of 20 to 30 US dollars for a long time, the state funds of Goose Luosi are enough to make up for the shortage of funds caused by the decline in oil prices, which is enough to ensure the normal operation of six to ten years.

The subtext is: Come on! I'm not afraid! Let's see who can last longer! !

As soon as this news came out, Amei was dumbfounded.

Amei felt that the two were secretly messing with him, but there was no evidence.

The oil price has been running at 20 to 30 US dollars for six to ten years? Who will be unable to withstand it first between Da Goose and Shat? Let's put it aside for the time being. Amei's shale oil companies will definitely die first. The cost of shale oil extraction exceeds 50 US dollars, which means that every barrel of oil extracted will be lost.

If Amei's shale oil companies fall into a wave of bankruptcy and close down, and close down for two or three years, it will be basically impossible to pick them up again. Equipment, talents and everything will be disbanded, and investors will lose all their money.

Affected by this news, the North American capital market and futures have already crashed ahead of time.

The major capital markets and global investors are trembling with fear. This is really going to be a mess.

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