My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1528 [A large number of galaxy companies announced repurchases, causing a sensation]

As time came to 9 o'clock, the SGX market officially opened for continuous bidding. The SGX 50 Index rebounded rapidly at the opening, and the opening price was the lowest price today. A barefoot yang appeared on the K-line.

Because at this moment, the trillion-yuan stabilization fund took action and was strongly increasing its holdings of the six SGX 50 ETFs to take over the market selling pressure.

In addition, Xingyu Technology, Matrix Quantum and other Qunxing listed subsidiaries also received news from the big boss and officially launched the first batch of stock repurchase plans today, directly paying money to start repurchasing stocks from the secondary market.

The intraday time-sharing line of the SGX 50 Index began to rebound and attack all the way, constantly repairing this huge gap.

However, from the perspective of capital flow, foreign capital is still selling, but this does not affect the continuous upward repair of the SGX 50 Index.

This time, Fang Hong and Qunxing Group are not the only ones actively responding to the stabilization of the capital market. The relevant parties are also very concerned about the situation of the capital market. At around 10 o'clock in the morning, 23 departments jointly issued a document: Stabilize the expectations of property income in the capital market and increase residents' property income.

At around 11 o'clock, a source claimed that the SGX trillion stabilization fund had taken action again.

At that time, the decline of the SGX 50 Index narrowed to -3.75%, and it was still rebounding all the way, continuing to recover the gap above.

Major market software pushed messages:

[The SGX 50 Index recovered the 6,000-point mark, and the current SGX market turnover exceeded 700 billion. 】

Two hours after the opening, the SGX 50 Index recovered the 5,900-point and 6,000-point marks in succession. The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets next door also opened sharply lower at 9:30, but the SGX 50 Index has been strong for half an hour, and the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets have also strengthened.

From the market point of view, the UHV sector rose against the trend, the land transfer sector rose in the front, the agricultural planting sector reversed, and the big technology sector and semiconductors strengthened rapidly. The mask sector fell sharply, and the medical waste treatment and medical equipment services sectors that performed strongly yesterday also performed weakly, with the largest declines.

At the same time, other stock markets in the Asia-Pacific market were also in a terrible state. The opening of the SGX 50 Index at -6.15% was not the biggest low opening in the Asia-Pacific capital market. The worst was the opening of the 225 Index of the small day at -9%, which once fell to -10% during the session.

In the past few days, the global market has seen index declines of double digits at any time, which shows how tragic it is.

At this moment, the SGX 50 Index of the SGX market can be said to have supported the light of hope for the Asia-Pacific market, not only driving the continuous rebound of the two neighboring A-share markets, but also affecting the peripheral markets of the Asia-Pacific market.

For example, when the 225 Index of the small day fell from -9% to -10%, it also stopped falling and began to rebound from 11 o'clock. Although the rebound was relatively weak, it at least rebounded and did not continue to explode.

At around 12 o'clock in the Eastern Eighth District, the Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share markets had entered the lunch break stage, while the SGX market did not close in the middle, and the opening price continued to bid all the way until the closing at 15 o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, good news came out again.

Xingyu Technology and Matrix Quantum, known as the "big and small kings" of the A-share market, announced their stock repurchase plans at almost the same time.

According to the content of their announcements: the company believes that the current stock price is already in the low valuation range, and has passed the resolution of the board of directors to officially launch the stock repurchase and cancellation plan today.

The specific content of the announcements of the two companies almost uses the same template. This is intentional, just to let the capital market know that the stock repurchase plans of these companies are driven by a stronger hand.

The content disclosed in the announcement shows that Xingyu Technology plans to repurchase today and is expected to reach 50 billion yuan, and the specific repurchase amount will be disclosed in the evening. Matrix Quantum plans to repurchase today and is expected to reach 50 billion yuan, and the specific repurchase finance will be disclosed in the evening.

As soon as the news came out, the two stocks rose sharply. As one of the super-heavy weights in the New Securities 50 Index, the two stocks rose sharply, which also caused the New Securities 50 Index time-sharing line, which was originally oscillating and rebounding, to suddenly rise rapidly.

It must be said that this news caused a huge sensation in the capital market, and the boost to the market was also immediate.

Because it is very rare to release a stock repurchase announcement during the trading session in the A-share market, it is very good to be able to release the news after the market closes. It is often announced several days later, and it is almost stuck at the deadline of the prescribed period before the announcement is made.

Even if most companies really want to repurchase stocks, they hope that the company's stock price will fall more, so that they can spend less money to repurchase more stocks.

However, Xingyu Technology and Matrix Quantum did not do so. They issued such a repurchase announcement during the trading session, which is almost telling the market that I am going to buy a lot of stocks, so I will buy it if it is pulled up.

It can be seen from this that the funds are of course without any worries and can push up with confidence. They are not afraid of not having funds to take over, so that the company's repurchase funds can come back to take over and pull it up to sell it to the repurchase funds.

In addition, another thing that shocked investors is the scale of the repurchase. Both companies said that they would repurchase 50 billion yuan today, and there are subsequent repurchase plans. The scale of this repurchase is also terrifying.

Less than 15 minutes after these two super tech giants announced their repurchase announcements, Jiuzhou Blue Arrow also issued a repurchase announcement during the trading session, announcing that it would spend an estimated RMB 10 billion to repurchase shares from the secondary market during today's trading session.

Following closely, Toutiao issued a repurchase announcement, saying it would spend 8 billion cash flow to repurchase shares.

Then GameBox announced that it would spend 9.8 billion funds to repurchase the company's shares today.

It was about 12 o'clock, and stockholders saw the small window of the market software's quick news push pop-up from time to time, and the content was all about the news that the star-level listed companies in the star system were repurchasing stocks in the secondary market.

In fact, shortly after the opening of the SGX market in the morning, many listed subsidiaries of the star system had already begun to repurchase stocks from the secondary market, all with real money.

This is why the SGX 50 Index plummeted -6.15% at the opening, but it rebounded all the way after the opening. Of course, the stabilization fund also increased its holdings of the six major SGX 50ETFs, which made the SGX market rebound at an epic level.

6050 points, 6070 points, 6100 points, 6130 points, 6160 points...

In the afternoon market trend, the New Securities 50 Index is constantly attacking, and the gap above is getting smaller and smaller. Various funds and hundreds of millions of stockholders in the market are also very excited.

"Fuck, fuck, this is awesome, too awesome!" A retail investor stared at the time-sharing interface of the New Securities 50 Index and shouted excitedly: "The gaps are all going to be filled. A gap of more than 6 points is directly killed within the day, and it is going to be filled within the day?"

About 3 minutes later, at 14:27, major market software pushed the message:

[The New Securities 50 Index regained the 6200-point mark, and the turnover of the SGX market exceeded 1.2 trillion]

The retail investor was immediately excited and shouted: "Wow, such a big gap is really filled? Damn, I didn't cut it this morning, if I cut it, my thigh would be broken!"


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