My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1538 [Continue to increase the strength, the price will increase by 25? ]

Chapter 1538 [Continue to increase the intensity, the price will increase by 25%? ]

At present, the influence of Fang Hong’s Weibo is still fermenting and spreading rapidly to the West.

The content shocked many institutional people on the Internet, especially some Western people. In their eyes, people from Dongda were not like this before.

What really shocked them was that the person who said these words was Fang Hong, the helmsman of the Qunxing Group.

When the people of Amei saw Fang Hong openly calling for the promotion of export commodities, especially the cheap commodities to North China to start a round of collective price increases, and even bluntly said that he would explode the inflation of North China, they felt an inexplicable drum in their hearts.

People who don’t know much about it don’t know how much deterrence this sentence has on Amei, and some public intellectuals even sneered at it.

In fact, when the insiders of Amei Lika saw this news, they were shocked and sweaty.

Others don’t know how powerful it is, but they don’t know too much about it.

Most people think that the dollar is tied to oil. After all, the four words "petrodollar" are deeply rooted in people's minds. They all think that the foundation for the dollar to be the world's circulating currency is that oil transactions are settled in US dollars.

If this happened in the 1980s and 1990s, there would be nothing wrong with this.

But after entering the 21st century, after Dongda joined the WTO, it is no longer the case.

The truth is that the dollar's anchor is no longer oil, but the industrial manufacturing products of the Eastern power.

Otherwise, why does Amelika take the initiative to send people to Dongda to talk every time it can't stand inflation? It's not without reason.

Not to mention at the moment, because in global trade, the Eastern power is already the largest trading partner in more than 100 countries and regions in the world, and the transaction volume generated by cross-border trade between them has long exceeded the oil transaction volume.

Today's dollar is actually anchored to the manufacturing products of the Eastern power, because various manufacturing products marketed around the world are basically settled in US dollars.

Amelika himself is very clear about these things.

The reason why Amelika is worried is that Fang Hong is not an ordinary person, and he is really afraid that he will promote this matter at that time.

Once it succeeds, Dongda will not only not help suppress inflation in North America, but will even raise prices to make it explode. Just cut the export tax rebate and raise the indirect tax, and the price will rise. The inflation in North America will explode, and it will be half dead if it doesn't explode.


At about 19:00 tonight, Fang Hong updated another dynamic message on his Weibo account. He listed a list of export commodity charts, most of which are business products of many manufacturing companies under the Qunxing Group.

Fang Hong commented on this chart:

[I personally strongly suggest that the indirect tax on the export products on this list can be increased by 15%, and the companies themselves can also increase the price by 25%. 】

His Weibo post once again attracted great attention from the outside world, and the list of commodities listed in the chart also attracted much attention.

Those who paid attention to this matter did not expect Fang Hong to be so efficient, and proposed to increase the indirect tax on these related products and industries by 15%, and the final price of the products to 25%, which is not ambiguous at all.

Moreover, it seems that Fang Hong is not just talking but really going to do it. Most of the products in it are the business of many subsidiaries under Qunxingxing, and he really wants to take the lead in raising prices.

In addition, everyone also knows from Fang Hong's Weibo that he is a supporter of indirect tax, otherwise he would not propose to increase the indirect tax by 15%.

This point has also attracted much attention.

At present, there is actually a group of mouthpieces who attack indirect tax all day long.

Then they raved about the good of direct tax and wanted to follow the international trend and take the path of direct tax like A-Mei. Many people who don't understand it very well were fooled. Then mixed with some real and well-known pain points, mixed together to resonate with countless people, and many people were fooled.

As the world's largest industrial manufacturing country, the Eastern giant has a large surplus in export trade. Indirect tax is a disguised way of indirectly taxing the world through manufacturing goods.

Reducing indirect tax can't actually increase profits, employment, and income for export companies.

Instead, it is cutting its own flesh to support foreigners.

Because domestic enterprises are too aggressive. For example, when your indirect tax is reduced by 10%, the burden on enterprises is reduced. If foreigners know this news, especially Europeans, they will immediately lower the price of the next commodity purchase by 10%.

Domestic enterprises are aggressive in various ways, and some business owners are selfish and short-sighted, and are easily defeated one by one.

As long as one company admits it and gives up this 10% profit to get more orders, the result is that everyone will be forced to admit it, otherwise they will be defeated by their peers. The final result of the game is that all enterprises did not get this 10% profit, and they just gave it to foreigners.

The country reduced the indirect tax by 10%, but those enterprises did not benefit at all, employment did not increase, and wages did not rise. Instead, they all benefited foreigners, and the country lost a lot of tax revenue.

Since these companies are not doing well, it is better to raise indirect taxes and force them to raise prices together. The bottom line of survival has been raised. If they don't raise prices, they will not survive. Foreigners still have to buy, and the country will collect 10% more tax sources and then make transfer payments.

In fact, the indirect taxes in Europe are much higher than those in the East, but those who attack and discredit indirect taxes don't mention Europe, don't mention it at all, and just pretend to be dead.

The reason why Argentina plays with direct taxes is that it still holds global financial hegemony. Although it is not as stable as it was 10 or 20 years ago, it still has financial hegemony. This is a fact.

Another virtual economy played by Argentina. Argentina's industries are hollowed out. There is no massive physical manufacturing products marketed all over the world. Of course, it will not play with indirect taxes. Without that foundation, who can it indirectly benefit from?

If you are really fooled into playing with direct taxes, the result will definitely be that you will not collect any taxes.

Not all rich people and business owners can have the same vision as Fang Hong. The reality is that many rich people and bosses are playing with trusts. If you ask them to collect direct taxes, you will find that their assets are penniless and have been entrusted to trusts. If you ask them to collect taxes directly, you will definitely be disappointed.

And this is not the key point. The key point is that no one knows whether these rich people and bosses have hidden their dual nationality in private. It is difficult to find out if they do not take the initiative to expose it. It is even more difficult if the other country takes the initiative to help cover it up.

When he is in China, he can use his domestic identity without any obstacles. When he leaves the country, he can secretly take out another country's passport and use it without any obstacles. And you don't know that when he comes back, he will secretly take out his domestic identity and travel around the country.

Once direct taxes are imposed, these people will inevitably show their nationality to show that they are foreigners. The law does not apply to the past. You can collect direct taxes from me according to the new regulations for future wealth, but you cannot collect direct taxes from me for the previous ones.

The question is, will there really be a future? The answer is that there is no future.

The moment they reveal their identities, it means that they can never come back. Once direct taxes are implemented, the result will inevitably be that trusts will be trusted and nationalities will be changed. This situation will not only make people dumbfounded, but will also lead to a large amount of wealth flowing out of the mainland.

The consequence of direct taxes is that everyone chooses offshore trusts to avoid taxes, which enriches those overseas trust institutions and causes a large amount of wealth to flow out of the country.

It is precisely because of this that indirect taxes have been attacked and smeared for a long time, and there are a group of people who are crazy about direct taxes at the same time, which shows their sinister and vicious intentions.

There is no doubt that Fang Hong is a firm supporter of indirect taxes.

Only with indirect taxes can we indirectly tax the world through global marketing of goods, instead of cutting our own flesh and working hard for a meager income, and the extra labor surplus value is free to support the good quality of life of foreigners.

Especially in some industries with advantages, or even in areas with monopoly advantages, foreigners can't make them and can only find goods purchased by Dongda. For such goods, indirect taxes cannot be reduced or cancelled, but the indirect tax rate must be further raised.

Foreign merchants should still purchase what they should purchase, because they can't buy it anywhere else, so they can only place orders from you.

Obviously, if the indirect tax on such goods is raised by 15%, the cost of the enterprise will increase by 15%, and it will have to increase the price by at least 15% to maintain the status quo.

And foreign buyers cannot find substitutes from other places, so they have to pay 15% to 25% more to buy these goods, and the country will collect at least 15% more tax sources here.

This is why indirect taxes can be indirectly levied on the world.

Only the strongest and largest industrial countries, which have trade surpluses and the largest trading partners with more than 100 countries and regions in the world, can play with it. Even if A-mei wants to play with it, he can't play it, and vice versa. Dongda can't play with direct taxes now, and it will be backfired.

Just after Fang Hong posted this Weibo, the news spread across the ocean to A-mei. A-mei was not just worried, but really scared and panicked.

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