My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1557 [The price of the only stock of DJI Kunpeng drones in Beimei has skyrocketed]

The news spread quickly across the ocean to Beijing. When he learned that Dongda would implement drone export control on July 1, he was completely confused.

This operation can be said to be ridiculed, and after being confused, Amei was also very angry.

He was really angry, and there was really no better solution.

Wednesday, June 3.

"Our local market observers in Beijing have just received the latest feedback. At present, the only existing stocks of DJI drones and Kunpeng drone products in Beijing have soared by +115% overnight, more than doubling, and the price is still rising. It seems that it is difficult to get a drone."

At this time, Tian Jiayi received a message and reported it to Fang Hong after returning from the company.

Just in China, the news of drone export control has just been released. After this matter spread, it spread to Beijing, and the products of the two local drone brands DJI and Kunpeng rose in price.

Many people are worried that they won’t be able to buy DJI or Kunpeng drone products in the future, so those who need them buy them while they are still available. In addition, some merchants also estimate that if they can’t get the goods in the future, the goods will be more expensive due to scarcity, so they also take the opportunity to raise the price, causing the price to double overnight.

"So, at least there is still a lot of room for price increase on the export side of drones." Fang Hong couldn’t help but smile when he heard the news, and Tian Jiayi immediately said: "In addition, there is another thing that has caused a lot of public opinion in the Beimei Internet circle."

Fang Hong looked at the beautiful assistant with interest: "What's the matter?"

Tian Jiayi said in an orderly manner: "The topic of drones has been very hot these days. A well-known technology blogger in Beimei broke the news that the most important components of many local drone brands in Beimei are either produced by DJI or Kunpeng."

"This technology blogger also A video was made to disassemble and analyze the products of multiple drone brands in Beimei, and then the parts were compared with the parts shipped by DJI and Kunpeng Technology. The results were exactly the same. This incident quickly aroused the anger of local drone consumers in Beimei. "

Fang Hong nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that the strategic plan of DJI and Kunpeng has been implemented very well."

As this incident was exposed, local drone consumers in Amei all lived in Bengbu, and these local drone brands in Beimei also played the OEM assembly drama, and then transformed themselves into self-developed Amei-made products.

In fact, this is nothing. What really makes Amei consumers nervous is that these local drone brands are 20 times more expensive than DJI. That's right, it's really 20 times more expensive.

I never expected that they were so expensive, and the main parts were actually imported from DJI and Kunpeng.

If this can still be tolerated, then another thing is really unbearable. The performance of these products is far inferior to the drone products of DJI and Kunpeng.

I spent 20 times the money and bought a pile of shit. I could barely swallow it when I didn't know it was a pile of shit. Now I know that I can't fool myself at all. That's true.

Bengbu is not only home to A-mei's consumers, but also A-mei's two academies. I spent so much money to support it in the past few years, and you guys just play like this, right?

Kunpeng Technology and DIJ under Qunxing focus on the military and civilian markets respectively. Both companies have won the market with excellent performance and affordable prices, and have swept the global market in their respective core areas.

A-mei watched the "two heroes" of Dongda's drones quickly conquer the global market. In order to crack down on them, it has repeatedly attacked these two companies to varying degrees, but now it seems to have failed.

In the face of A-mei's crackdown and containment, it directly responded by raising prices in foreign markets.

In recent years, Amei has been supporting the development of military and civilian drone technology, providing a lot of financial subsidies, trying to compete with Kunpeng and DJI, but unfortunately there has been no rival that can stand up and compete with the "two heroes".

In the past few years of being blacklisted, many local drone brands in Beijing have emerged.

In the civilian market, in order to get rid of its dependence on DJI drones, Amei has specially joined forces with multiple technology companies to develop and launch local brands.

However, the result is not satisfactory. The price of local drones has risen 20 times in just one and a half years. The products are far less useful and of lower quality than DJI drones.

Amei wants to support local drone brands to compete with DJI Kunpeng, but the "two heroes" are not just watching.

Silently, they privately arranged so-called middlemen to "give advice" to those local drone brands in Beijing and provide solutions. The solution is lobbying. Self-development is thankless. Does Beijing have a complete drone industry chain? How much does it cost to do it yourself? Even if it is done, it may not be able to compete with the two giants in the industry, and the risk of losing all the money is very high.

The brand owner asked, it has to be done even if it is difficult, and it will be impossible to get the subsidy if it is not done.

The middleman immediately said that he has a channel to purchase parts directly from DJI or Kunpeng. You can tear off the label of Dongda Manufacturing and replace it with your own brand label. Once the machine is assembled, it can be sold quickly. You can get subsidies and profits, and the risk is small. Isn’t this more attractive?

After hearing this, the brand owners thought about it again. Anyway, it’s all for making money. As long as they can make money, it’s fine. As for whether they can compete with DJI Kunpeng, who cares? Another key point is that they don’t do it themselves. What if other peers do it? Seeing others easily make money, wouldn’t it be a big mistake if they don’t do it themselves?

After some consideration and weighing, they decided to do it.

In recent years, DJI and Kunpeng have been hit and contained by A-Mei. Although the sales of complete machines in the European and American markets, especially the North American markets, are not very impressive, the two companies are selling parts like crazy, and the profit of parts is even higher than that of selling complete machines.

Moreover, the performance of the parts sold is cut, so that the performance of the assembled drone products in North America has not exceeded that of their own complete machine brand products.

Performance must be cut. DJI Kunpeng is definitely not that stupid. If it sells all high-performance parts for profit, making those assembled brands almost the same as its own brand products, over time, the impression and status of its own products in the minds of foreign consumers will gradually decline.

There must be a prerequisite for selling parts to them, that is, to ensure that the independent brand is always the best product in the minds of consumers. Only after this is guaranteed will the parts be sold to local drone brands in North America.

Even if the performance is cut, those local drone brands in North America will still purchase them. They can't make it themselves and don't want to really invest in self-research, and they have no other choice.

As long as there is a market and profit, they don't care whether the performance exceeds DJI Kunpeng's independent brand complete machine products. Even if the performance is cut, those local drone brands in North America will still purchase them, and then sell them to local consumers at a price 20 times more expensive than DIJ complete machines.

In recent years, the sales of DJI Kunpeng's "two heroes" in Algeria are indeed not as many as before, but the export of parts is selling well, and the company's overall profit has increased instead of decreased.

In recent days, A-Mei and Dongda have one contact restriction and one seamless connection control. This humorous scene has caused heated discussions and also focused everyone's attention on the field of drones.

With the increase in attention, someone broke the news, which made the outside world realize that, oh, this is how the local drone brand of Beimei came into being.

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