My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1583 [Phase-by-stage release of risks]

The next day, Wednesday, July 8.

Stimulated by the good news, CNNC Shipbuilding opened higher by +3.22%, and quickly pulled up after the opening. Funds quickly rushed to buy. In less than 20 minutes, the stock price rose to 20.97 yuan, and the daily limit was reduced, successfully reversed the first negative limit.

The company's market value also hit a new record high, soaring to 692.01 billion. Since its listing on June 9, it has quadrupled in a month. It is definitely the recent leader in popularity and currently ranks first in the popularity index of individual stocks.

In today's A-share market, it is not only CNNC Shipbuilding that is rebounding, but the three major stock indexes have all gone out of the reverse market. In the afternoon, the three major stock indexes showed a fluctuating upward trend. The Xinzheng 50 Index reached a high of 7272.25 points during the session, breaking through yesterday's high point and setting a new high.

In addition, the Shanghai Composite Index also stood above the 3,400-point mark, and the Shenzhen Component Index also hit a new high.

From the market perspective, only the pharmaceutical and liquor concepts performed poorly throughout the day. The military industry sector showed a unilateral upward trend throughout the day, with a sector increase of more than 5 percentage points, and the securities sector strengthened in the afternoon, becoming the leading sector in the market, and the sector once again staged a daily limit surge.

As the last half hour of the closing approached, the securities sector once again reached the daily limit, and ETFs also reached the daily limit, shocking countless investors.

However, in the last 15 minutes of trading time, the big financial sector suddenly plunged straight, and the securities sector index closed at +6.55% from the daily limit to the final closing.

As of the close, the three major stock indexes all ended in the red, and the market's money-making effect was still good.

In the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets, the Shanghai Composite Index closed up +1.74%, the Shenzhen Component Index closed up +1.84%, and the New Certificate 50 Index closed up +1.56%, reporting 7235.26 points.

The total transaction volume of the three major trading markets today was 3037.1 billion, of which the SGX market was 1494.5 billion. The transaction volume was 307.9 billion less than yesterday, but it was still at the 3 trillion level, and it has maintained a transaction volume of 3 trillion for three consecutive trading days.

On Thursday, July 9, the A-share market closed up again, entering the eight consecutive rises since July. The SGX 50 Index closed up +1.41% today at 7337.39 points, setting a new historical high.

The three major trading markets maintained a transaction volume of 3 trillion for four consecutive trading days, which shows how fierce the off-site funds are.

From the daily K-line chart, the 5-day moving average of the SGX 50 Index is almost out of reach.

On Friday, July 10, the last trading day of the week, the market finally had a real correction, and the three major stock indexes were affected by the downward trend of heavyweight stocks and pulled back across the board.

Among them, the New Securities 50 Index fell -2.01% today, closing at 7189.59 points, and this correction just closed at the 5-day moving average.

The fund activity has declined compared with the previous day, but the three major trading markets still maintain a trading volume of 3 trillion yuan, which has been maintained for 5 consecutive days, and is constantly refreshing historical data.

"The center of gravity of the chips has moved up to 6,800 points, which is not bad." At this time, Fang Hong was looking at the market data of the New Securities 50 Index, and a satisfied look appeared on his face.

This is exactly what he expected to see, indicating that the market has soared since July, and the turnover is very active.

After all, the A-share market has a trading volume of 3 trillion yuan every day in the past few days, and these data cannot deceive people.

The previous black swan impact caused the global market to fall sharply, and the New Securities 50 Index also fell to more than 5,200 points. At that time, there was a round of frequent turnover, and the profit-making funds withdrew and chose to pocket the money. That round of turnover raised the chips by a large margin.

The recent exponential market has caused those who held out at the time to start withdrawing now. The center of gravity of the chips has moved up to 6,800 points, indicating that the profitable funds in this place have sold their chips to realize their profits and withdraw.

Fang Hong is obviously happy to see that the phased release of risks can avoid all accumulation to a time window node, and then be ignited by a fuse, directly to a nuclear bomb-level explosion, causing the market to collapse so badly that it can't be saved.

After the weekend, Monday, July 13.

Just after a day of correction, the three major stock indexes of the A-share market have risen unilaterally again today, and the market sentiment is very excited.

When the 5-day line was corrected, the funds bought more fiercely. Now the whole market almost unanimously believes that the A-share market has entered a comprehensive bull market stage. Such a market directly does not require a brainless 5-day line strategy.

The popular leader CNNC Shipbuilding closed down -5.55% on the last trading day. Today, it rebounded and hit a new high again, breaking through the ultra-high-standard market of 13 boards in 15 days. The stock price has risen to 23.97 yuan, pushing the total market value to 791.01 billion.

In terms of the market index, the New Securities 50 Index also hit a new historical high today, breaking through the 7,400-point mark, reaching a high of 7,443.80 points during the session, and closing at 7,411.95 points after the session, a sharp increase of 3.09%. The A-share market still had a turnover of 3 trillion today, which has been maintained for 6 consecutive trading days.

Even many large institutions and many market analysts were shocked by this terrifying turnover. Everyone felt that money was pouring into the stock market, even crazier than in 2015.

The next day, Tuesday, July 14.

After opening slightly lower in the morning, the SGX 50 Index soon fluctuated higher and turned red, but it did not continue to break out to a new high. At around 10 o'clock, it began to fluctuate downward, and accelerated to plunge half an hour later.

The reason for the plunge was that a source said during the trading session that leveraged funds had once again poured into the market due to the recent market boom, which attracted the attention of the SGX management and they would once again launch a heavy blow against illegal funds entering the market.

The SGX management has always been very strict about illegal funds entering the market, and it is not just talk.

Many people still remember that the stock market also soared in an exponential market in February last year. It was also illegal for leveraged funds to enter the market. At that time, no one took the repeated orders of the management seriously, and then pulled out a few unlucky people as typical "sacrifices", directly banned from the market, and then they all behaved honestly.

Those unlucky people are now regretting it to death. Looking back now, the SGX 50 Index soared all the way to more than 7,000 points during the period of being banned from the market, and they missed the opportunity.

So when the news came out, it was very deterrent to the funds that secretly leveraged. The leveraged funds were mainly some large individuals or institutions, and most of the institutions were private equity institutions.

Under the pressure of the SGX management, some leveraged funds also stopped when they saw the good news.

They knew that such rumors were definitely not groundless, and they were definitely not accidental. They let you play for a few days, and if you want to be greedy for more, you will probably be punished. If you get the market ban package, you will cry and have no place to go.

The SGX management is nominally the subordinates in the village, but in fact, the village cannot control the SGX. The SGX management has no historical baggage and does not have to worry about anything, so it is very deterrent in the hearts of various players.

As leveraged funds withdrew, the New Securities 50 Index also fluctuated downward, breaking through the 7400, 7300 and 7200 points. At around 14:00 in the afternoon, it fell to 7614.72 points, a drop of -3.34%, which completely swallowed up the long positive line that rose yesterday.

However, after falling to -3.34%, it began to rise continuously in the last hour of the closing, and the decline continued to narrow.

Obviously, there is still a lot of funds for bottom-fishing, and the trend has been formed and will not be reversed so easily. In the end, the New Securities 50 Index closed down -1.63% at 7291.31 points, and the turnover of the three major trading markets exceeded 3 trillion for 7 consecutive trading days.

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