My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1586 [Exchange of chips]

In a closed-door conference room.

Fang Hong gave a look to the people who participated in the negotiations on his side. The deputy sitting next to him understood his meaning and immediately opened the documents in his hand, and then calmly stated his own conditions.

There are two core points. The first point is that the Qunxing Group has made a lot of money in the global market this year due to the black swan impact. Amei cannot obstruct the flow of this money, freeze, confiscate, or unplug the network cable. In short, Amei has to admit it.

However, the specific amount of wealth harvested was not reported at the negotiation table.

The second point is Tik-Tok. Qunxing wants to acquire this company, and Amei cannot ban it. It must ensure that Tik-Tok operates smoothly worldwide.

As for the Funan Canal, these things are not the content of this negotiation. It is a negotiation game between another group of Amei in Beijing.

In addition, Qunxing has also put forward many other conditions, such as requiring Amei to fully open up the Qunxing star companies to enter the European market, and Xingyu Technology's smartphones, MIX headsets and other products can enter the European market, etc.

Fang Hong didn't expect the other party to accept all these conditions, but he just asked for a sky-high price first. These additional conditions were mainly used for bargaining. What if Amei agreed?

As expected, Amei said that she would never accept such conditions.

Then, Aiden Oliver asked for a break and then ran away to urinate. In fact, he went to call to report the situation here urgently and wait for new instructions.

Fang Hong had already made a unified statement and had communicated in advance. There was no need to play any urination operation.

With Aiden Oliver's return, the negotiations between the two sides resumed.

Amei also made it clear that it was impossible to allow the galaxy enterprises to fully enter the European magnesium market, but the first two requirements were acceptable. Amei also knew that these two points were the core interests of the other party. Now the initiative was not on his side, and there was really no room for bargaining.

Next, it was Amei's turn to propose his own conditions. The first one was to make concessions on Tik-Tok. After all, if Amei was really banned, there would be a lot of resistance inside. This matter was actually very complicated.

Amei agreed to allow the Qunxing Group to acquire Tik-Tok and agreed not to ban it, but Beimei's companies would invest in it and take more than half of the shares. The Squid Group was also a second-best option and became a shareholder without the right to interfere with the company's operations.

Fang Hong readily agreed to this request. He only wanted the control of Tik-Tok. Behind the control was the right to speak in the public opinion field. Tik-Tok was enough to tear apart the monopoly of the West in the global public opinion field. This could not be simply measured by how much money or how many shares.

Secondly, Amei's second request was that Qunxing should no longer use AI to attack Facebook, YouTube and other platforms on the Internet. Before this, Qunxing Group had never acknowledged this matter in the outside world. However, at this moment, the meeting was closed, and both sides knew it well, so they did not make any expressions.

Fang Hong readily agreed to Amei's condition. As long as a consensus was reached this time, the AI ​​army would withdraw immediately.

However, this matter cannot be written in the agreement, otherwise it will give the other party an excuse. Fang Hong will definitely not be fooled by such an obvious pit. It is one thing for both parties to know it, but it is another thing to admit it publicly.

If Amei insists on writing it in the agreement, the worst case scenario is to turn the table over and not talk about it, but Amei’s current situation obviously does not have the confidence to turn the table over, so he can only pinch his nose and admit it.

In fact, Fang Hong is sure of the "spirit of abandoning the contract" of the Amei Squid Group. In addition, the Middle East is about to usher in a century-long reconciliation. The evil done by the squid has let the whole world know the truth through Tik-Tok. If the squid is anxious, it will still regret it and continue to cause trouble for Tik-Tok.

But Fang Hong doesn't care about this. If the other party dares to break the contract, the AI ​​army will come back again.

What will happen in the future is a matter for the future, but it does not hinder the present.

Finally, Amei also made other requests, such as drones. Amei now has a great demand for purchases, but the seamless connection operation on July 1st made Amei very embarrassed.

The prices of the few drone products from DJI and Kunpeng have skyrocketed in Beimei, and even the prices of related parts have soared.

Fang Hong did not directly reject Amei's condition, but proposed that as long as Amei removed all the companies in the star system from the blacklist, it was not that he could not agree, but in fact, he refused, because Amei would definitely not agree to this condition.

This condition did not reach a consensus.

After several hours of bargaining, the two sides reached a consensus on the exchange of core interests. This negotiation was not pleasant, but it did not end in a bad mood.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Qingan contacted Fang Hong and met to discuss in detail.

"How did the talks go?" Luo Qing'an asked first when they met. Fang Hong immediately smiled and replied, "It was quite normal without too many surprises. The core interests have been exchanged."

As he spoke, Fang Hong handed the sorted materials to Luo Qing'an, who nodded when he heard it. He also handed a document to Fang Hong and said, "The results in Beijing have also come out, and the expected goals have been achieved. I am very satisfied. As for Lao Mei, he must be dissatisfied, but he has to admit it. He has no choice but to admit it, haha."

Luo Qingan smiled as he spoke, and Fang Hong also took the materials and opened them to look at them.

Regarding the Funan Canal, A-Mei nodded and promised not to cause trouble. Dongda proposed to deal with Yue Houzi next, so A-Mei, don't come to nhai to cause trouble.

"Hehe..." Fang Hong looked at the content of the materials and said with a smile: "With Lao Mei's character, if he doesn't cause trouble in nhai, he will definitely do something in other seas with his little notebook. If he doesn't do something, he won't be Lao Mei."

Promising not to make trouble in nhai does not mean that there will be no trouble in other places, nor does it violate the agreement this time.

This point is actually very clear. In fact, such a loophole was deliberately left out, intending to give A-Mei a step.

When the time comes to deal with Yue Houzi, A-Mei will do something in other places to show his younger brother. You see, I, A-Mei, am still putting pressure on Dongda, and then making a fuss in the public opinion field.

In fact, it is just barely saving a little face, and it can't really bring any practical help to Yue Houzi.

This time, Yue Houzi will definitely be punished. The power is still out. Meanwhile, the nuclear power ship far away in Qatar is on its way back.

Obviously, Dongda wants to take advantage of this good opportunity and let Yue Houzi quickly accept the nuclear power ship solution in this time window.

Yue Houzi is also facing pressure from Amei at the same time, because many goods exported to North America are sold from Yue Houzi. Now that the power is cut off, Yue Houzi is also facing huge pressure from Amei.

At this time, no matter how Dongda punishes Yue Houzi, Amei will not take any substantial action. If this time window is passed, Amei will definitely not be like this.

As long as the nuclear power ship solution is accepted, Yue Houzi's electricity market will be opened from now on, and it will never be able to get rid of its dependence on Dongda in the future.

Its local power company has no competitiveness at all in the face of the nuclear power ship's electricity fee of 0.3 yuan per kilowatt-hour. The fate waiting for it is either bankruptcy or merger and reorganization.

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