My Fintech Empire

Chapter 1597 [The bold idea of ​​the rich man in Sat]

Judging from the annual growth in electricity demand, it is generally maintained at a similar level to GDP growth in the same period. Electricity cannot be stored on a large scale under the current technical level. Basically, as much electricity as needed is generated.

In other words, the growth data of electricity demand also proves that Dongda’s economic growth data does not have much water.

There are many well-known big Vs in China who boast about how awesome Yue Monkey’s economy is. There are also many people who have been deceived and think that Yue Monkey will really threaten their own homes. Little do they know that Yue Monkey is a real firefly compared to Dongda University. The light of fire competing with the bright moon is simply ridiculous.

Just from the power consumption, you can tell how ridiculous the boasts of the well-known big Vs are. The power consumption of Dongda University in one year cannot be matched by Yue Monkey in thirty years. Let’s count the thirty years. The expected growth still cannot keep up with Dongda’s current annual electricity consumption.

The Yue Monkey can only compare with one province in Dongda's family, and it can only compare with the provinces at the bottom of the economic scale. Those at the top are bullying it, and it will be easy to pick any one. Can crush more monkeys.

The next day, Friday.

Affected by this news, CNNC Shipbuilding exceeded its daily limit today, its stock price rebounded to 51.63 yuan, and its market value rose to 1.7 trillion.

The stock already had the technical needs for a short-term oversold rebound today, and coupled with the heavy news of a 1.65 trillion large order, it easily climbed out of the daily limit.

However, it is just a technical rebound and is not sustainable. It cannot reach new highs in the short term.

Although this news is also good for CNNC, what is really good is the Nuclear Power Ship Power Operation Company under the State Grid. However, this company is not a listed company. Many investors also expect the company to be listed on the SGX. However, there is currently no News about the company's possible listing.

Just around 14:20 in the afternoon, SGX issued the latest major announcement. The final version of the new regulation adjustment for the trading mechanism was officially finalized and announced, and will be officially implemented on Monday, November 9.

The final version has not changed much from the previous draft, but a new change has been added, which is to adjust the current price limit of plus or minus 10% in the SGX market to plus or minus 20%. With the new regulations Once implemented, the future price limit of the SGX market will be 20%.

Originally, when the SGX management initially discussed it, they planned to adjust the price limit to plus or minus 30%, but in the end they compromised to a price limit of plus or minus 20%.

As soon as the announcement was released, the stock market rose sharply. The NSE 50 Index pulled up a long-term positive line with heavy volume, easily breaking through 7834.90 points, setting a record high, and reaching the 7900-point integer mark in one fell swoop.

The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets next door also followed suit. In the afternoon, big financial concepts broke out across the board. The brokerage sector rose all the way, with an intraday increase of more than 5 percentage points, and many brokerage stocks hit their daily limits.

After the close, the SGX 50 Index surged +3.04% to 7934.04 points. The SGX market traded 1.2162 billion throughout the day.

However, after reaching a new historical high again, the NSE 50 Index entered a correction. The recent market trend is basically a big positive line pulling it to a new high, and then it enters a period of adjustment, and then another big positive line hits a new high.

When it rises, the highs hit new highs, and when it pulls back, the lows don't hit new lows. The center of gravity moves upward in this way.

Around 17:00 in the afternoon.

When Tian Jiayi returned to the villa, he found Fang Hong and reported the latest news to him. Fang Hong, who was sitting and drinking tea at this time, couldn't help being stunned when he heard it: "What? Sate also wants to dig a canal? Put Persia Connect the bay to the Red Sea?”

After saying that, he immediately looked at the beautiful assistant and Tian Jiayi replied: "We don't know whether it is true or not, but the wind is blowing. Judging from the news, he plans to spend huge sums of money to build a super canal across the entire Sate. , 2,000 kilometers long, 200 meters wide, with a draft of 12 meters. After the canal is completed, Persian Gulf oil tankers can directly reach the Red Sea through the canal..."

After Fang Hong was startled, he quickly regained his composure. After thinking for a moment, he said with a smile: "Even if it is true, Sate wants to build such a canal, it is definitely not to collect tolls. Such a big project must be In an extremely long cycle, the investment cost must be in the trillions, and the cost cannot be recovered even by collecting tolls.”

Hearing this, Tian Jiayi immediately said: "Does that mean the news about the canal is false?"

Fang Hong shook his head: "The wind will not rise for no reason. Sate may not have this idea, but it is definitely not to collect the tolls. In my opinion, Sate still wants industry, and it is a certificate of investment. At the same time, It’s also about a sense of security, and the construction fee is another form of protection.”

Speaking of this, Fang Hong smiled faintly and added: "The geography, topography and geological structure of Shate are not comparable to the Funan Canal. The latter's muddy land is less than 200 kilometers long, while the former's desert geographical environment has a length of It’s even 2,000 kilometers. No matter how fast the efficiency is, it won’t improve in 10 to 15 years, and 20 years is not an accident.”

"For Sate, paying this money can ensure that he will be protected by our country for a long time in the future. It is a full sense of security. This is what I call the construction fee, which is the protection fee. Maybe we can repair it. It’s too fast, and Sate is not happy about it.”

Tian Jiayi thoughtfully said: "I have never thought about this aspect. What you said makes sense."

Needless to say, if Sate really wants to build this super canal, it is definitely not for the purpose of opening up the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, because Sate simply does not care about collecting this toll, and opening up the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea waterway is at best It's a side bonus.

The real strategic purpose is to "replace shelter with work" in order to obtain long-term shelter. The second is the industry that Sate cares about most.

If the super canal project is launched, it is impossible for all the engineering equipment to be transported from Dongda, and the construction period is so long. It is impossible to transport the maintenance, update, upgrade, etc. of the engineering equipment back, right?

It is definitely most reasonable to complete it directly locally instead of transporting it back to Dongda for repair and maintenance. Then it will definitely be necessary to set up some industries at Sate's house, or even set up a few production lines.

These two are the reasons why Shate has enough motivation to promote the super canal project.

Obviously, digging this super canal is not a goal, but a means. Sater wants to use this super canal to let Dongda give him a sense of security and upgrade his industry.

As long as these two core strategic goals are achieved, Sate doesn't care at all even if the super canal is not dug in the end. It would be even better if it can be dug.

In addition, this super canal will not only bring additional dividends of opening up a new channel between the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, but will also create an artificial oasis that spans 2,000 kilometers from east to west in Sat.

Although the water in the canal is seawater and cannot be drank directly or used for irrigation, after natural evaporation and condensation at night, the air in the area along the canal will be more humid. Artificial greening will then be carried out to remove part of the evaporated water through vegetation. Lock it up, and in three to five years, an oasis stretching for 2,000 kilometers will appear.

At that time, you can see a two-hundred-meter-wide river in the middle, with oases full of vegetation on both sides of the river bank, and then extending out is the wonder of the vast desert.

The emergence of this oasis will definitely bring more living places suitable for the Sat tycoons to settle.

Finally, Tian Jiayi couldn't help but say: "Even if Sate really wants to promote this super canal, the geographical environment is so harsh and it is not comparable to the Funan Canal. Does this project have the objective conditions to be realized?"

Fang Hong said directly without much thought: "Can we dig it out and put it aside? As long as Sate has this idea and is willing to pay for it, even if we don't have the ability to dig it out, we still have to pat our chests in front of Sate's wealthy people. I guarantee that this thing can be done. As long as Sate dares to place this order, we don’t have to think about taking the order first. We will find out if we can dig it out.”

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