My Fintech Empire

some adjustments

I didn't grasp the plot that everyone wanted to see, and wrote about the plot of semiconductors. In the past few days, I have searched various materials and browsed various related documents of the industry with more than 100,000 words, and systematically sorted out a semiconductor industry. Understand the whole process of how to make a pile of sand into high-end chips, what materials and equipment are needed, what materials are used in the whole process, and what equipment is used for what...

I also know that the content is relatively dry, so I want to simplify and explain the key content as much as possible so that everyone can easily and quickly understand the chip industry. If bacteria don't write these contents, they won't actually look them up.

A large number of materials have been sorted out, including semiconductor materials and semiconductor equipment corresponding to subdivided industries, the status quo of their industrial structure, who are the domestic and foreign manufacturers corresponding to major equipment materials, what is the market share, and the corresponding A-share listed companies or non-listed companies, etc. ...

When writing the text, I also considered that I spent too much space on semiconductors, so I was so streamlined, and I wanted to explain it quickly.

Everyone complained about copying and pasting water, the author himself reflected in time, maybe because he wanted to explain such a complicated industry clearly in a few chapters, it was a bit naive, only the semiconductor industry, if you want to expand it, you can write a book independently The scientific and technological texts are so simplistic that the writing is too dry for the sake of simplification.

According to the comments and feedback after the update of the previous chapter, I decided to make corresponding adjustments and cut off all the details. The contents of the manuscripts and sorted materials in the next three or four chapters have been thrown into the recycle bin, and some of the content will be kept to connect with the plot.

Good suggestions, comments and feedback will be adopted as long as they do not affect the overall rhythm. Everyone is welcome to leave a message and comment. The author also knows that he has many shortcomings, so try to be as perfect as possible.

Renewing a chapter in the afternoon is considered compensation.

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