My Fintech Empire

Chapter 186 [Re-emerging on the Dragon and Tiger List and triggering heated discussions]

At around 17:00, today's Dragon and Tiger list data was released.

There are 24 individual stocks on the list, among which Da'an Gene is on the list again, and the securities with a cumulative increase of 20% in three consecutive trading days are on the list.

In addition, the stocks on the list include Tangshan Iron \u0026 Steel Co., Ltd., Jinniu Energy and Xifei International, which Fanghong intervened in today. These three stocks with a daily limit of 7% were listed on the list.

The Dragon and Tiger List is basically a data that stockholders, especially short-term traders, must read. .

It was immediately reposted by various stockholders, and the fans couldn't sit still after seeing it.

It is worth mentioning that the data of the Dragon and Tiger List will also update an estimated value, which is the estimated time and price of the seats on the list that day, and it will also display the estimated purchase cost of the list.

Although there is a certain error with the real data, basically the error is not big, which is also very important data.

Fang Hong didn't update Weibo news today, but fans rushed to leave comments under the recently released news.

[Brother Meng, the seat of the Patriarch appeared on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking! ]

[What? Didn't God K stud the bank stocks? Run away again? ]

[Probably should probably definitely run away...]

[From the point of view of stock trading, God K must be a philandering radish, he is good with this one today, and hooked up with that one tomorrow... (manually funny)]

[Which ticket is the Dragon and Tiger list? ]

[Tang Steel, Jinniu and Xifei each bought more than 50 million yuan, and they are all buying a seat. ]

[Wow, I started buying as soon as the market opened. The patriarch’s meat is ready again today. ]

[I really want to chase after..., but I'm afraid of taking God K's goods. ]

[Is there a possibility? Do you think God K is lurking Da'an Gene? I feel that God K might have lurked the Da'an gene. ]

[Latent daan gene? No way? ]

[Forgot the concept of swine flu in April? At that time, God K was lurking in the operation of Zhongmu shares and Jinyu Group. ]

[It's too outrageous that this can be lurking. ]

[One thing to say, is it true that God K's operations along the way are not outrageous? So I don't think it's surprising that he lurked in Da'an Gene, because God K himself is pure from the big spectrum, a big A bug-level boss. ]

[After observing God K for a few months, I discovered a pattern, tickets with a large volume of transactions often have the shadow of God K. ]


Fang Hong's seat suddenly and quietly appeared on the dragon and tiger list of three stocks, and all of them were the big brothers who bought a seat, which also quickly aroused heated discussions in the circle of stockholders.

As soon as it appeared, it caused heated discussions. To a large extent, stockholders feel very mysterious about God K.

Everyone knows that there is such a great person in the A-share market, but God K only bubbles up on the Weibo platform in the footprint of the Internet, and now he is not as active as before.

Except for the Weibo platform, there is no other place, and no one has added him as a friend.

Other well-known hot money tycoons often have a circle, and they can more or less know some news, but for God K, stockholders can only know through the only window of the Weibo platform, and they are not very active now.

So it becomes a mystery.

The last Dragon and Tiger list will soon be hotly discussed. After all, the record of the Great God is too strong, which is really outrageous.

It is worth mentioning that there was a piece of good news in the afternoon after the market closed today.

The village promulgated the relevant regulations on the fund's "one-to-many" special account wealth management. The minimum amount for investors to participate in a single asset management plan is 1 million yuan, which is far lower than the 50 million yuan in the fund's "one-to-one" business. investment threshold.

The "one-to-many" special account wealth management business of fund companies is carried out on the basis of the pilot "one-to-one" special account wealth management business. At present, more than 20 companies have carried out the "one-to-one" business and completed the filing of special account wealth management. The product has 70 servings.

This news simply means that the investment threshold has been lowered. It used to be 50 million, but now 1 million can participate in the asset management plan, which means that there will be more positive expectations for the entry of OTC funds into the market.


The following day, Wednesday 13 May.

Evelee, a soft girl in a maid outfit, carried her breakfast up to the second floor, and walked towards the trading room. The maid outfit she was wearing today was a miniskirt style, knee-high white silk stockings and a short skirt The thighs between show absolute territory.

Stepping into the trading room, Evelee looked at Fang Hong who was sitting at the multi-screen console, and immediately said, "Brother Hong, your breakfast."

Her voice is very unique, soft and sweet like a sheep's voice, full of joy.

Fang Hong immediately pushed the sliding chair back and forth with his legs on the ground to reserve space for viewing, looked at the maid Evelee and gave him a look.

She understood Fang Hong's meaning, so she kept silent, walked slowly, put the breakfast plate on the multi-screen console table, and then came to him and sat on his lap like yesterday.

Fang Hong discovered that Evelee seems to have a "obedience personality" trait, and he can be sure that this has not been "trained", because the one who became popular yesterday, after all, is He Xuan who set a high standard for entry Require.

The so-called "obedience personality" is straightforward, and she is very obedient, and she will basically obey whatever she is asked to do, but her passive personality is not dull and natural. In fact, Evelee actually has a strong independent personality.

What is really special is that her "obedience personality" trait has typical directional characteristics. When speaking human words, this magical attribute will be triggered only for special or specific objects. As long as it is ordered by a specific object, it will be very fast. I like the feeling of being ordered and obeying the will of the commander.

Coincidentally no!

As the boss, Fang Hong is naturally a high-ranking decision maker, which determines that he plays the role of giving orders.

But at this time, the soft girl Xiaoniao Yiyi in his arms, Fang Hong said with a smile: "You continue to help me with my trading day today, just like yesterday, I said, you do it."

Evelee nodded slightly: "Mmm~"

I didn't eat breakfast, Fang Hong didn't plan to eat it, just eat some fresh and juicy meat buns later, um, Fang Hong likes steamed buns quite a bit.

However, the A-share market at this moment, stimulated by the good news of yesterday’s closing, both markets opened higher today, and the Shanghai stock market opened much higher than the Shenzhen stock market, which seems to indicate that the Shanghai stock market will be stronger today.

It is worth mentioning that Evelee has successfully mastered the basic knowledge of stock trading. As long as she knows a little about computers, it is very simple to master the basic trading transactions. difficulty.

But this doesn't require Eveleh to make a strategy, she just needs to follow Fang Hong's instructions to buy or sell.

And since yesterday afternoon, Evele is also reviewing and consolidating the stock knowledge points taught by Fang Hong. Now she can understand the basic meaning of candlestick charts, and can use the keyboard wizard to quickly find stocks to trade. Knowing that there are two ways , one is to enter the digital transaction code, and the other is to enter the initial letter of the stock name to find it.

For example, if you want to enter the market of Zhongxin Securities, you can search for this stock by entering the number code "600030" or the initial letter "ZXZQ" of the name.

As for some technical indicators, Fang Hong taught her to know the average price line and trading volume. Other indicators such as MACD, KDJ, support, pressure and other technical indicators were not explained to her. There are too many technical indicators, and Totally unnecessary.

Evelee only needs to be able to quickly find the corresponding stocks and be able to buy and sell transactions, which meets Fang Hong's requirements.

In fact, Fang Hong never looks at these technical indicators to make orders, because all indicators lag behind the market, only the flow of funds is the most real, and the rise of stock prices requires liquidity.

As the time came to 9:30, the A-share market officially opened, and Fang Hong immediately instructed: "Wan Tadao has soared by 1 point, sell it quickly, and sell it at a price of -0.1% with one click... "


Evelee responded softly, with a pretty face showing seriousness, and her eyes were focused on the handicap. Her hand speed was not fast, mainly because she was afraid of making mistakes.

But Fang Hong didn't care too much. The current trading volume of these stocks involved is very large, so he is not afraid that he will not be able to get out. At the same time, he doesn't need to sell at the peak position every time.

After all, the maid girl only started to get in touch with stocks yesterday, and she is still very sensitive to large numbers. After her threshold is raised, she will see that the amount of funds of several hundred million will become sparse and normal, and her proficiency will keep up. single transaction.

About eight minutes after the opening of the market, Fang Hong instructed again: "Taurus Energy, Pingmei Co., Ltd. and Da'an Gene will continue to hold their shares. Tangshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. can be sold after a surge of 4.7 percentage points, and all of them will be sold directly..."


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