My Fintech Empire

Chapter 205 [If you can't see the dragon and tiger list, let's get something more exciting

Fang Hong took the list of materials smoothly.

The first thing in the material report is that the project company jointly established by Qunxing Capital and Huayang Group has won the land in the northern suburb of the new city.

Land acquisition costs are almost negligible.

To plan the entire huge high-tech industrial park in the barren land of the northern suburbs of the new city, the overall investment required for the assessment needs to be 22.7 billion, and it is definitely not possible to spend such a large amount of money for this project.

Or do it with leverage.

Huayang Group and Qunxing Capital jointly established a project company, pledged 100% of the project company to the bank to replace 10.5 billion funds, Qunxing Capital actually contributed 2 billion, Huayang Capital contributed 1.5 billion, and then the two companies cooperated That’s 3.5 billion yuan, and the remaining 8.7 billion yuan is raised as a private equity fund.

At the same time, the 3.5 billion from Qunxing Capital and Huayang Group is used as inferior funds, that is, if the project loses money, it will first lose money from Huayang and Qunxing, so that the remaining 8.7 billion funding gap can be settled.

With the money raised from the private sector through private equity funds, Qunxing and Huayang will lose money first, and the company will lose money first, and the risk of other investors will be further reduced, so they are willing to invest in it.

In this way, for this huge high-tech industrial park planning project, Huayang Group and Qunxing Capital actually spent a total of 3.5 billion and leveraged 22.7 billion, which is about 5.5 times the leveraged funds.


Fang Hong turned to look at the second thing in the material report, which was related to Yixing Media Group.

It is mainly the integration of resources in the theater chain, which has been officially engaged in mergers and acquisitions, integration, and reorganization at full capacity.

It is worth mentioning that the layout of Yixing Media still uses leveraged capital operation. Fang Hong's strategy is to use other people's money as much as possible and not use his own money first, so it is also in line with the idea of ​​planning projects in high-tech industrial parks. Same purpose.

The same is to package the project, set up a shell company, and then backhand pledge it to the bank to replace the cash flow.

As for why a shell company can pledge cash flow from financial institutions, other financial institutions do not recognize the shell company, but Qunxing Capital behind the shell company.

After the shell company is completed, a value assessment will be made for it immediately. After the company estimates a value, it will pledge 100% of the equity to the financial institution, and it will be able to place about 45% of the company's valuation in cash. flow.

For example, with a valuation of 1 billion yuan, 100% pledged to financial institutions can obtain 450 million yuan in cash flow.

And then it’s still the same game, Qunxing Capital invests a certain amount of money, and then pulls a group of younger brothers to raise a sum of funds through the private equity fund, and the money invested by Qunxing Capital is used as the fund for the inferior.

In case the project loses money, lose the big brother first, that is, lose the money of the stars first, so as to attract a group of younger brothers to follow.

All the funds required for the project were collected in this way, and Qunxing Capital actually paid only about 15% of the entire project funds in real money, leveraging more than five times the leveraged funds.

The point of this game without overturning is to ensure that the cash flow of the parent company, Qunxing Capital, will not cause problems. To put it bluntly, Qunxing Capital, as the big brother, must be able to get money at any time when encountering anything. Come on, there can be no credit default.

Because of this, Fang Hong wanted Qunxing Capital to keep a cash reserve of 7 billion yuan in the account all the time, just to tell the younger brothers that the elder brother has a lot of money in his pocket, and your younger brother will take priority after the elder brother is inferior. Don't panic, don't panic.

If there is a mouthful of meat for the big brother, a mouthful of soup for the younger brothers is indispensable.

What if the little brother wants to secretly do a due diligence and check the big brother's background?

It is basically impossible to find out the real bottom line. Even if Fang Hong wanted to fully understand the bottom line of a company, it would be difficult for Huayu to do due diligence to find out the bottom line. For example, hidden debts, the company is fine. At that time, outsiders would never know the existence of this hidden debt, but if something happened to the company, it would make its debut.

What's more, Qunxing Capital is not a listed company, and the information of many companies does not need to be disclosed to the outside world. Fang Hong has no plan to let Qunxing go public at all.

Therefore, there is real cash flow lying on the account of Qunxing Capital, where the real money is stored, and the things that partners can see are the most reassuring.

Confidence is a delicate thing.

It is worth mentioning that the Huayang Group, which has decided to go all the way in commercial real estate, is now following Qunxing Capital to play a similar capital operation. A project and a shell company are backhanded and pledged, and then a group of younger brothers are brought in. For fun, the older brother is inferior to the younger brother and so on.

It's nothing more than whether you dare, whether you have the courage to play like this.

Huayang Real Estate's new strategy can be summed up in four words "two high and two fast", namely: high turnover, high debt, fast sales, and fast land acquisition.

Leverage is also increased, but at the same time expansion is also increased.


In the main living room of the villa, Fang Hong closed the file after browsing the materials, looked at Huayu's assistant and said, "You go back and say hello to Brother Hua, and find me a shrewd and capable personal secretary assistant as soon as possible. Just leave the job to her."

As Qunxing Capital's plate is getting bigger and bigger, there will be more and more things in the future, so it's time to arrange an assistant.

Huayu's assistant immediately nodded and said, "Okay."

In addition, after explaining a few more words, Hua Yu's assistant also left, and Fang Hong also got up and left the living room, putting this material in the safe in the study.


In the past few days during the holidays, three important news have also appeared in the market. The first is that the State Council has adjusted the capital ratio of fixed asset investment projects. It is the village that issued the "Regulations on the Classified Supervision of Securities Companies", highlighting the comprehensive risk assessment.

During these few days of holidays, the overall market has mostly good news. Big A is closed due to holidays, and the external market is open as usual. The US stock market has rebounded for two consecutive days, and the internal and external market environment is positive.

Returning after the festival on June 1, the A-share market directly gapped and opened sharply. The Shanghai stock index gapped and opened +1.35% today at 2668.40 points.

Fang Hong is holding a full position for the holidays. Not only does his holdings drop to 14 individual stocks, but also 7 are large-cap blue-chip stocks, and he also holds 5 small-cap stocks or ST sector votes.

But regardless of the fact that there are 7 stocks that account for half of the positions, in fact, there is a total of 60 million funds, and these small stocks only account for about 0.65% of the total positions.

Among them, the small ticket of Shandong Juli, which is a demon, still accounts for 30 million funds, and the remaining 6 ST tickets account for 30 million funds. The market for the board is also expected to open higher today with a board.

There were two minutes before the market opened, and Fang Hong said to the maid girl, Evelee, "Sell the four ST tickets directly, and then immediately add the position to the stock of Amethyst Mining."

This ticket has been bought for 150 million before the festival, and it is currently the second largest holding stock, second only to Hitong Securities' 180 million.

The 6 ST shares held by her are all open at +5% daily limit today, and Evelee started to place orders before the market opened, and directly shipped at the lower limit price.

The market opened at 9:30, and these six ST stocks failed to hold on to the daily limit for half a minute before they exploded. Fang Hong's institutional account held several million ones, but it was also a large order for these stocks. Smashed the plate and fled.

These tickets were successfully changed hands and withdrawn within one minute of the market opening, and they were basically traded on the board, with about 31.5 million yuan in profit.

Evelee immediately followed Fang Hong's order to increase all the 31.5 million in Amethyst Mining. Today, the stock price of the stock opened 1.83% higher at 8.73 yuan. It quickly rose at the opening and sold more than 114 million in one minute. , an increase of +2.68% water level.

The 31.5 million order placed by the maid girl was also sold within the first minute of the market opening. Fang Hongjin’s order was due to the expectation of a daily limit today. Even if the daily limit of the ST sector’s 30 million funds was only 5 percent high, the daily limit of Amethyst Mining had a limit. A height of 10 percentage points, and the opening is only less than 2 percentage points higher, which can double the profit.

After a while, the maid girl sitting at the trading console turned her head to look at Fang Hong at the main console and asked, "It's all sold, do you want to operate other stocks?"

Fang Hong stared at his screen and replied without moving: "That's all for today's operation, you can go about your own business."

With that said, Fang Hong took a screenshot of the holdings list of the institutional account, and then switched the screen to log in to his Weibo account.

After announcing on Weibo that he was going to become an institutional investor, many fans thought that he would never see God K appear on the Dragon and Tiger List in the future.

Although I haven't unfollowed it, the frequency of visiting Weibo in the past few days has dropped significantly compared to before.

For ordinary small retail investors, they will definitely not be seen on the Dragon and Tiger List in the future, and even if they are seen, they will not be recognized by the "institutional dedicated" seats.

It doesn't matter!

If you can’t see it on the Dragon and Tiger List, then let’s have something more exciting. Fang Hong decided to post on Weibo from time to time. Anyway, the statement of responsibility is only a personal sharing operation, which does not constitute any investment advice. Operate accordingly Do so at your own risk.

As for whether to follow the trend or not, that is the business of retail investors themselves.


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