My Fintech Empire

Chapter 33 [Promote the three-step strategy]

As Cao Chenghui left, Fang Hong also collected the formalities he brought, and then left the community and returned to Xincheng University.

There are still classes in progress at this point in time, and Fang Hong also goes to class because he has nothing else to do today.

After 17 o'clock in the afternoon, the class ended, and Xu Jingren and his roommates organized a group to the studio of Quantum Beat to continue to explode. At the same time, they also called Fang Hong and asked him to go to the studio for a meeting.

"Well, I see." Fang Hong hung up the phone and prepared to go to the off-campus studio.

Just when he was walking around a corner, he bumped into someone unexpectedly, to be exact, the other person bumped into him accidentally.


Fang Hong saw that it was a girl who collided with him head-on, and books were scattered all over the floor, so he had to help pick up the books and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Picking up the book, when he was about to hand it to the other party, he found that she was still on the ground.


When Fang Hong saw the girl's face, he couldn't help being stunned, and quickly retrieved the memory information of the original owner in his mind. Isn't this girl in front of him the roommate and best friend of the ex-girlfriend Lin Ruoshui who just broke up? Fang Hong naturally knew it, of course it was the original owner's memory information.

"Fang Hong?"

When He Xuan saw the other party, she also pretended to be surprised. The current accident was not an accident, at least not to her, but a deliberate attempt to get close to him.

At this moment, Fang Hong didn't know and didn't think too much, and immediately asked, "Are you okay?"

He Xuan pretended to try to get up, then she frowned slightly and said, "It seems that I sprained my ankle."

Hearing this, Fang Hong glanced at her, then looked at her feet, but did not squat down to check, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Call Lin Ruoshui and ask her to come and take you to Go to the infirmary."

While talking, he touched his pocket, took out the wallet, and took out a few hundred yuan bills. The exact amount was not counted. Anyway, a few hundred yuan is enough for a sprained foot. Then he handed it to Hexuan and said, "Medical expenses I take it."

But Hexuan didn't pick it up, and when she saw Fang Hong's move, she thought to herself: "Sure enough, he is a rich second generation, and he doesn't even look at the money... By the way, it seems that he and Lin Ruoshui really broke up. "

Hexuan noticed a detail from the other party's words, that is, Fang Hong asked her to call Lin Ruoshui, which meant that the two of them hadn't contacted each other since they broke up, because Hexuan knew that Lin Ruoshui had dropped out of school long ago and went home Yes, if you still keep in touch, it's impossible to say such a thing.

It is indeed divided.

After a while, Hexuan looked at Fang Hong and said, "Ruoshui has temporarily suspended school and returned home."

Fang Hong looked at her in surprise and said, "Is she home?"

He Xuan nodded slightly and said, "It seems that something happened at home, but she didn't tell me in detail."

Hearing this, Fang Hong was silent for a moment and then glanced at He Xuan's sprained left foot. He didn't see any ink marks, and immediately put the money back in his pocket and said, "I'll take you to the infirmary."

He Xuan nodded.

So Fang Hong carried her behind his back and headed towards the infirmary. On the way, He Xuan suddenly asked with a curious tone, "Why don't you, a boyfriend, know that Ruoshui is back home?"

Fang Hong replied casually: "It's already divided."

When He Xuan heard it, she pretended to be surprised and said, "What? You guys split up? Why did you split up suddenly?"

"En." Fang Hong nodded, and suddenly had a question in his heart. Logically speaking, as her roommate and best friend, she should know, so she said casually, "You don't know?"

"I don't know, she just came back to school a few days ago." He Xuan shook her head and replied.

Fang Hong did not comment, did not continue talking, and soon went to the infirmary, put He Xuan down and handed the money to her and said: "I'm sorry I have to leave first, so I won't accompany you gone."

This time Hexuan took the money, but only kept one and handed the rest to Fang Hong and said, "It's not that much."

Fang Hong didn't pick it up, and smiled immediately: "It's okay, the rest is to apologize to you and treat you to a meal, I have nothing else to do, I'll go first."

After speaking, Fang Hong turned and left the infirmary.

He Xuan counted the total of 700 yuan. After a while, she suddenly got up and walked to the door, then poked her head out and glanced at the corridor.

"Hey? This classmate, didn't you sprain your ankle?" The school doctor who was about to check Hexuan's foot was also stunned, and Hexuan said without turning her head, "It's healed!"

"If he comes back to ask about the situation, please say that he has been cured." He Xuan immediately turned around and said to the school doctor.

"You..." The school doctor was also full of doubts, and He Xuan immediately explained: "That's my boyfriend, I said I sprained my ankle on purpose, please."

"Toss around, okay, it's best if you don't get hurt." The school doctor nodded, and He Xuan immediately said happily, "Thank you."

After saying that, he walked out of the infirmary as if nothing had happened, and walked away.

"Young people nowadays..." The school doctor looked at the door and shook his head, then looked away.


On the other side, a private house near the campus.

After Fang Hong sent Hexuan to the infirmary, he left the school. After the episode, he has now come to the studio of Quantum Beat.

Under the explosive efforts of Xu Jingren's five people, the development process of Quandong Weibo has been completed to one-third. It is expected that all development tasks will be completed in no more than two months, and it should be launched by the end of October.

"The UI design is not bad, and I have my own stuff." Fang Hong sat in front of a computer, checked it and was quite satisfied. He had emphasized before not to completely copy the Twitter in North America, otherwise he would definitely be attacked by Xiaonei. I was scolded all kinds of people when I went online.

At this time, Xu Jingren left his computer desk, went to the dilapidated second-hand sofa next to him, and said with a face full of pain: "After going online, how to promote it is a big problem."

When Fang Hong heard this, he smiled calmly and said, "It's not difficult to get early users through promotion."

Xu Jingren suddenly asked curiously, "Have you got an idea?"

I saw Fang Hong stretching out three fingers and said: "Three steps, the first step is to get rid of the alumni of Xincheng University, the second step is to expand to other universities across the country, and the third step is to expand to the whole society."

Immediately afterwards, Fang Hong further deconstructed the idea: "The specific promotion, when the product is launched, invite a few students to stay in the school cafeteria and wait for the rabbit, whoever registers on Weibo, and whoever adds a chicken leg for lunch today, anyway, it's just a matter of moving your fingers It’s not a disadvantage, everyone will definitely bow down for the chicken legs.”

Fang Hong smiled and added: "Then the invited students will give him a performance commission. As long as he successfully recruits a student to register an account, he will give 50 cents, 100 will be 50 yuan, and 1,000 will be 500 yuan."

If you can get money, you will be motivated, whether it is for user registration or for students who are invited to promote. Registering a Weibo account rewards a chicken leg, which seems to be a simple method, but the underlying logic is to acquire users by burning money.

In this day and age, college students are not too rich, besides, you can add a meal for the hands-on things, and the wool will be delivered to your door for you, so why not do it for the easy things?

Fang Hong went on to say: "I remember there is an art festival in the school in October, right? Let's spend tens of thousands of dollars to cover the sponsorship of the art festival, and then if the students in the school want to participate in the art festival, they must register on WeChat Bo then draw tickets for free on it.”

After pausing for a while, Fang Hong added again: "At the end of the year, we will charter a car to send the students home for the New Year, and play the emotional card so that we can gain the students' favorability towards Quantum Weibo."


(Ps: ask for tickets~~)

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