My Fintech Empire

Chapter 397 [Solution]

After hearing Fang Hong's plan to invest a sum of money, Lu Guangqi and the others were very excited, from sadness to joy, the excitement was almost written on their faces, but Zhu Yingdong was relatively calm.

Fang Hong nodded and smiled, "Let's talk about it after doing it, what if it succeeds."

Zhu Yingdong also replied energetically: "Thank you very much for your support!"

It never occurred to Fang Hong that he could get funding here. After a while, Fang Hong asked in a deep voice, "Does this project of yours belong to the school, or is it your own independent project?"

Hearing this, Zhu Yingdong couldn't help but smile and replied: "If it was from the school, this dialogue between us might not have happened. The funding has not been approved at all. The current research costs are all my own savings."

Fang Hong nodded as soon as he heard it, and said, "Understood, how about this, Professor Zhu, I will invest 30 million for your team project first."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhu Yingdong and the few graduate students he led behind him were taken aback. Zhu Yingdong was shocked and said: "You said you want to invest 30 million? No, no, we can't afford this kind of money. Our research is actually not very expensive. We need a Five million is totally enough."

They didn't expect that Fang Hong was not only willing to invest money in their project, but also wanted to spend 30 million when he opened his mouth, which really shocked them.

At this time, Fang Hong stopped facing the screen, and then said: "Professor, please listen to me. Since your scientific research project is independent, it will be different for me to intervene as an employer. You think 5 million is enough It’s because you have used Zhejiang University’s resources to some extent, and in order to cause unnecessary intellectual property disputes in the future, you should completely separate your project and ensure all aspects of rights confirmation.”

Fang Hong said in an orderly manner: "The experimental equipment has to be repurchased, right? The venue is also needed? It all needs money, and 5 million may not be enough. I invest 30 million and spend 10 million a year. The three-year budget should be enough. .”

Zhu Yingdong said quickly: "Enough is definitely enough, even five years is enough."

He suddenly found that although Fang Hong was young, he was very thoughtful, and it was obviously considered temporarily, which also surprised Zhu Yingdong.

At this moment, Professor Zhu's complexion was rosy, and his spirits were particularly uplifting, while Fang Hong continued: "So, I will send a few people to Zhejiang University with funds and contracts to meet you. I plan to set up a company, and 30 million funds will be injected into the The company's account, and at the same time, your project is packaged and placed under the name of the company."

Fang Hong added: "This research project is completely up to you, the professor, and you have the right to control the company's funds, but there must be a clear traceable flow of funds. Then your team accounts for 50% of the company's shares. As for teaching your team how to allocate your internal solutions, I also take 50% of the shares. If the project dies in the future, the company will go bankrupt and cancel on the spot. If progress and breakthroughs continue to be made, I will further provide financing for the company and provide for the project Research grants provide new financial support."

At the end, Fang Hong looked at Zhu Yingdong in the video and said, "Professor Zhu, if you accept this plan, I will arrange people to go over and actively promote related matters in the next few days."

Zhu Yingdong on the other side sent a reply without thinking too much: "I accept."

Hearing this, Fang Hong was not surprised that he agreed so happily. If he didn't accept the project, he would have to hang up in advance. He nodded and Fang Hong smiled and said, "Okay, Professor I wish you to leave your address and contact information. Will be in touch with you soon."

Zhu Yingdong looked back at Lu Guangqi and told him to send back the contact information and address to Fang Hong. At the end of the video communication, Fang Hong added: "Professor Zhu, after the agreement is signed, you will announce this matter to the public. Many other research groups face the same difficulties as your group, and I hope they will find me when they see it."

Zhu Yingdong nodded and smiled repeatedly: "There is no problem. Mr. Fang's support for scientific research is a great thing for the scientific research and academic circles. If you don't say it, I will help promote it."

Finally, Fang Hong added: "One more thing, please don't disclose my personal privacy to the outside world, just refer to me by my blogger nickname K3478 on Weibo, I don't want to be disturbed too much. "

Zhu Yingdong nodded again: "No problem."

After a few more conversations, the two sides ended the call. Fang Hong also left the study to eat, and on the other side, after Zhu Yingdong and the others ended the call, Lu Guangqi, a few graduate students he brought, who was also a member of the project team, cheered on the spot.

Lu Guangqi cheered up and said, "I didn't expect the negotiation to be completed in less than an hour. It's still 30 million yuan. Now I don't have to worry about funding for the next five years."

Another graduate student also said: "As long as there is progress within five years, we will continue to invest money in the future, and there will definitely be progress in five years!"

Zhu Yingdong got up from the computer, looked at Lu Guangqi and said, "Go and send Mr. Fang a contact address."

Lu Guangqi nodded and said, "Good professor!"


During afternoon tea time, Fang Hong started a video communication with the BGI team in the study on the second floor. Tian Jiayi was also in the room, but she did not appear in the camera.

At this moment, the team leader on the screen, Dr. Yue Lang, introduced his project to Fang Hong: "We use genetically modified mitochondria to convert light energy into usable chemical energy and extend the lifespan of nematodes. more than 30%, reversing the aging process..."

Fang Hong discovered that Yue Lang's team and Zhu Yingdong's team both used the same attribute in the research on reversing and anti-aging - light energy!

The difference between the two is that Yue Lang's team started from the mitochondria.

Yue Lang on the screen continued: "Mitochondria are the energy factories of cells. They can use glucose to produce an energy unit called ATP. ATP is adenosine triphosphate. This general-purpose high-energy phosphate compound is the most direct energy source in life. It can provide energy support for several key functions in cells, such as muscle contraction."

"When mitochondria synthesize ATP, they will store electrochemical potential energy on the inner membrane of mitochondria. When the concentration of protons on both sides of the inner membrane is asymmetric, the mitochondrial membrane potential will be formed, which is the potential difference between the two sides of the membrane. Our latest research shows that mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the core factors that trigger aging, and that the potential difference decreases with age."

Fang Hong couldn't help but said: "Does it mean that if you find a way to increase this membrane potential, you can reverse the anti-aging?"

A voice came from Yue Lang in the video: "This is also the question we are trying to verify. We have launched research for this. Our team has genetically modified the nematodes used in the experiment to express light-activated proton pumps from fungi. Now, when the worm is exposed to light, the proton pump can move the particles directly across the membrane, using light energy to charge the mitochondria."

Yue Lang continued in a clear manner: "Our transformation has increased the membrane potential and promoted the synthesis of ATP. The lifespan of the transformed nematodes has increased by about 30% to 40%. Although this technology cannot directly use light It can help human cells reverse aging, but it has important implications for understanding the complex processes inside mitochondria, and maybe we will find new ways to treat related diseases and delay aging."

Speaking of this, Yue Lang added with a wry smile: "According to the plan, we may use human cells or rodent cells to carry out further experimental research, but the funds are no longer enough to support our further research..."

Fang Hong nodded silently without saying a word. He couldn't help but compare the anti-aging directions of the two teams in his heart. Fang Hong is not an authoritative expert in this field. Which direction has more potential or has potential, or There is no potential, he can't judge it.

But relatively speaking, he is more inclined to the project of Yue Lang's team. There is no other reason. If the thinking of Zhu Yingdong's team is correct and can transfer the ability of photosynthesis of plants to humans, wouldn't it be necessary to become the rhythm of the Hulk? ?

At the end, Fang Hong said with a smile: "It's a very thoughtful project, Dr. Yue Lang, I will invest 50 million in you first, and if there is progress in the later stage, I will continue to invest more."

As soon as this remark came out, Yue Lang's team on the other side of the video was shocked at first, and then excited.

This greatly exceeded their expectations. Originally, they wanted 20 million, but 10 million was fine if they couldn't do it. Unexpectedly, Fang Hong would take the initiative to ask for 50 million.

What they didn't know was that Fang Hong paid more attention to another external cause-gene compilation!

Yue Lang's team may not be aware of this, and the term "genetic compilation" is not popular now, but Fang Hong, who is a time-traveling reborn, understands that once Yue Lang's research continues to advance, he will probably have to touch this field.

Genetic editing is a highly controversial field, even taboo.

But human beings finally broke through this layer of taboo ethics and opened the door. Fang Hong knew that in five years, someone would illegally edit the genes of human embryos and implant them into the mother's body, and finally make two volunteers pregnant. One of them gave birth to twin baby girls.

In any case, this door was finally opened by humans. Although the editing of human genes is still prohibited, gene editing technology has gradually developed in other fields.

When the whole world is doing it, can you do it? This is a problem.

Fang Hong's answer is simple, do it!

You don't do it, but others are doing it. When someone else uses this to do it to you, but you don't do it, you won't be able to cry.


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