My Fintech Empire

Chapter 636 [Collective Lower Limit]

After Yixing Video was put on the limit-down board, Xingyu Technology’s limit-down followed immediately, and then the stock price of Quantitative Capital, which had just resumed trading before the festival, plunged from +4.78% to 38.51 yuan and fell to -10.00% to seal the limit-down.

After that, all the galaxy concept stocks were on the limit board.

Weibo lower limit, ATL Technology lower limit, Ruihe Pharmaceutical lower limit, Yixing Media lower limit, Kunpeng Technology lower limit, Kyushu Blue Arrow lower limit, Kyushu Xing lower limit, Maker Square lower limit, Youkefang lower limit.

The speed of the fall is too fast.

All are shrinking limit-downs. Xingyu Technology, which had a trading volume of 8.7 billion before the holiday, was pressed to death on the limit-down board and only sold out less than 2 billion.

As the last galaxy concept stock fell to the limit, the market index also fell to the -1.24% level at this time.

At around 9:37, major market software pushes news:

[Xingyu Technology, Weibo, Quantitative Capital and other 12 star groups staged a collective limit drop, and the overall market value evaporated by more than 470 billion. 】


Shareholders are confused!

All funds in the entire market are confused!

Everyone frantically cut to the market of the major groups of galaxy concept stocks, and the stockholders who watched the market, including some hot money, institutions, etc., all cut to the market of these stocks at this time to watch.

The attention of these stocks has also skyrocketed. Today, the top 12 stocks in the popularity list of the big A and two cities are those galaxy concept stocks, because they are all searching for these stocks.

The TOP10 list of individual stock popularity list is all pressed on the limit board, which is unprecedented.

Shareholders exploded.

[Fuck, what happened? ]

[Quantitative capital, you will limit the price when I go to the toilet? ]

[Good guy! My Nima called it a good guy! All down limit? ]

[what's the situation? What's the breaking news? ]

[Stupid children, run——! ]

[Heaven collapses, this is, Waldemar...]

[Who is smashing the plate? ]

[This is definitely not something that retail investors can do. What happened? ]

[Okay~, the limit has finally been lowered, and the kill has finally started! ]

[Whale falls and everything is born, these tickets should have been killed long ago, especially Yixing Video should have been killed, the stock price has soared to more than a thousand yuan, it's outrageous! ]

[I knew it was going to collapse sooner or later, these tickets can't support the market value at all, collapse is a matter of time, this is quack collapse! ]

[Broken, then you earned it? ]

[Something must have happened, could it be that Qunxing Capital exploded? Otherwise, how could there be a collective limit drop? ]

[Live for a long time to see the series, the top 10 on the popularity list are all lying on the limit board. ]

[The seal funds are really scary. There are 80 billion seals on Xingyu Technology's limit board, and the minimum amount of quantitative capital seals is 10.9 billion. I'm crazy...]

[After doing the math, 12 tickets cover more than 200 billion yuan, Zhuo——! ]

[Tomorrow, the rhythm of not being able to collectively drop the limit one word? ]

[What a weird quote...]

[Main force: The car door is welded tightly, so no bacteria can get out, hehe. ]


The listed subsidiaries of the 12 large groups of galaxies collectively lowered their limit in early trading, and this matter is spreading wildly in the stock market circle.

Stock bar forums and exchange groups are forwarding and discussing this matter, and they are frantically looking everywhere for news. Is it possible that Qunxing Capital has exploded.

About 10 minutes after the market opened, at 9:40, panic began to spread to other stocks and other sectors.

Everyone didn't know what happened, and they all panicked.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange index further fell to the -1.50% water level, and continued to dive, and the panic and flight of funds was obvious.

However, at this time, stockholders discovered that the big financial sector began to experience a collective upward movement. The three trillion market capitalization ultra-large-cap banking stocks, ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China and China Construction Bank, collectively rose by more than 3 percentage points, driving the banking sector index to surge. High, directly reversed the negative line of the banking sector's sharp drop on February 7 before the holiday.

The banking sector rose strongly, and the market index also stopped falling and rebounded at the -1.50% level.

Immediately afterwards, the first bank stock had a daily limit, and the Shenzhen main board closed its daily limit at a flat rate. The banking sector index rose to +2.89%, while the Shanghai index narrowed its decline to -0.41%.

The banking sector index rushed to close to 3 percentage points and then began to go flat.

At the same time, several other funds arranged by Qunxing Capital began to be dispatched, and began to attract theme stocks.

At around 11 o'clock, the brokerage sector moved up.

After the rise of the banking sector stabilized the index, several funds played the role of hot money and became active in the two cities. The brokerage sector moved again, directly lifting the index to the top of the red area in one breath.

The Shanghai Index began to rest after the red market. At 11:30, the market closed in the morning, and the Shanghai Index closed up +0.04%.

During the market break at noon, investors from all walks of life were looking for bad news about galaxy concept stocks.

But nothing bad was found.

The drop was inexplicable, there was no bad news, and the interpretation of the market was that profit-making funds were fleeing, but stockholders thought it was very strange, and there was a mysterious fund pulling the National Taiwan University Financial Protection Index, which made everyone panic.

It seems to be saying fellow villagers don't panic, the market is fine.

But this made me panic even more.

The unknown is often more frightening.

Opening in the afternoon, the stock index plunged to -0.36% water level, but at this time the insurance sector got up to work.

Zhongguo Life Insurance rose +5.87% in the afternoon, once again bringing the index above the red plate area.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the index still fell back.

However, it did not crash in a straight line like it did in the morning, and Qunxing Capital did not make up its mind to protect the market. The price would be too high, and the market would also let the market go down when it was time to crash, but don’t kill it in a straight line for a week. Just drop below 2000.

Moreover, the protection of the market is mainly based on big finance. First, the protection index with a large sector weight can see immediate results, and second, it is an indirect cake-sharing method in a certain sense, allowing bank stocks to sell stocks at high prices to return cash.

As of the close, the Shanghai stock index closed down -0.45%, at 2421.56 points.

Fang Hong is quite satisfied with the trend of the Shanghai stock index market. If it does not protect the market today, the index will probably lose 3 percentage points.


After the market closed, the focus of discussion and attention of major stock commentators, big Vs, or stockholders was the collective limit-down of the group galaxy concept stocks. The media was also reporting on this matter, and everyone was analyzing and speculating.

But neither Qunxing Capital nor those listed subsidiaries made a sound.

The whole atmosphere seemed very paradoxical.

At the same time, many foreign-funded institutions, especially several Wall Street capital bosses, were awakened by calls from their subordinates in their sleep.

"WTF? What did you say? All limit down?"

"Yes, BOSS, I can confirm with absolute certainty that this is an abnormal trend. All stocks are almost unanimously lowered by the limit, and this seems to be just the beginning. I suspect that the opponent's market is targeting us for targeted harvesting."

"Aiming at us? How dare they? Do they have the guts to harvest Wall Street?"


"Impossible, they don't have the guts!"


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