My Fintech Empire

Chapter 70 [Quiet]

After Fang Hong left Quantum Beat, he went to Xincheng University to prepare for classes. It is not bad to learn programming and enjoy a comfortable college life with nothing to do. After all, the props of the social reputation system cannot improve his research and development capabilities.

Just when Fang Hong arrived at the school and reached the school gate.

A big Benz not far away is still parked there, and Zhou Kunlu has been waiting until now.

"Mr. Zhou, look quickly. Mr. Fang is here. It is exactly as shown in the photo. That is Mr. Fang." The assistant sitting in the co-pilot suddenly cheered up. He had already obtained Fang Hong's contact information from the school.

Finally, when the rightful lord came, Zhou Kunlu also shook his spirits.

Looking out of the car window and following the direction pointed by the assistant, he soon saw Fang Hong heading towards the school.

The assistant immediately asked again: "Mr. Zhou, do we want to go there?"

Zhou Kunlu also wanted to go there immediately, but when he saw the situation at this moment, he thought about it and immediately dismissed this idea, saying: "No, you can't go up to him directly like this."

The assistant was confused when he heard Fang Hong's contact information. Zhou Kunlu said that he couldn't call Fang Hong directly. It would be more sincere to meet and apologize in person.

What's the matter?

Watching Fang Hong enter the school, Zhou Kunlu was still indifferent. He said in a deep voice, "This Mr. Fang came all the way on foot, and the fact that the leaders in the school don't know about him shows that he doesn't like to make publicity."

Hearing this, his assistant suddenly realized.

Indeed, if it was an apology and an apology at the same time, people in the school would come and go, and it was very likely that they would do bad things with good intentions, which would annoy the boss even more.

After weighing it over and over again, Zhou Kunlu said: "Let's call and see if we can invite him out to meet and apologize in person."

The assistant was also quick-witted, and immediately took out his mobile phone to dial Fang Hong's contact information, and then handed the mobile phone to Zhou Kunlu.


Fang Hong, who entered the school, felt the vibration of the mobile phone in his pocket, took it out and looked at it, and found that it was an unfamiliar call.

But the phone was connected, Fang Hong said: "Who is it?"

Immediately, a strange voice came from the phone, but it was full of enthusiasm: "Is this Mr. Fang? I am very sorry to take up your precious time. I am Zhou Kunlu, and I am from Huayang Group..."

At this time, Zhou Kunlu on the other end of the phone began to introduce himself and explain the purpose of the call.

Fang Hong listened without saying a word.

Zhou Kunlu's call was both unexpected and reasonable.

"Mr. Fang, see if you are free. I must apologize to you in person for this matter, and I will bring that blind idiot here to wait for you." Just like Shi Gang did to him not long ago.

On the other side, Fang Hong, who answered the phone, said as he walked: "I accept the apology, and the apology will be forgiven. As for Zhang Li, since he belongs to you, you can decide for yourself."

Hearing what Fang Hong said, it would be impossible to meet each other, and Zhou Kunlu didn't want to say much, so he immediately said: "Mr. Fang's generosity is as broad as the sea, which is admirable. Don't worry, I will punish this person severely...Mr. Fang, that bastard I will remit the same amount to you immediately for the 1 million yuan I took from you."

Including the previous account was also found out and returned together. Zhou Kunlu actually wanted to remit twice as much money, but on second thought he gave up. This big guy can affect the existence of tens of billions of funds. Without him, Zhou Kunlu would not be able to get it out, and without him, wouldn't that be despising him?

Therefore, it is most appropriate to pay back the full amount. Even if it is not a bonus, it can at least ensure that there is no fault.

When Fang Hong heard it, he directly denied it: "No, please donate to the disaster area on my behalf for post-disaster reconstruction."

"Mr. Fang is too serious. It's not a trouble, it's not a trouble!" Zhou Kunlu on the other end of the phone said quickly, and then said with emotion: "It's still Mr. Fang who is righteous..."

When Zhou Kunlu was about to take advantage of the trend to tout, the swing before casting the spell was interrupted, and Fang Hong's voice came: "Okay, that's it."

Hearing the sound of hanging up from the phone, Zhou Kunlu swallowed back the flattery that was about to be delivered to his mouth. He didn't have any temper at all when the other party hung up the phone like this, and he didn't dare to have it.

I want to see Fang Hong's face, but he doesn't need it, and Zhou Kunlu is already thankful for being able to do this.

Zhou Kunlu put down the phone and told his assistant: "Mr. Fang said, donate the one million yuan to the disaster area, and you should deal with this matter as soon as possible."

The assistant nodded immediately, and Zhou Kunlu added: "An additional one million will be donated in the name of Yuanmao Finance."

At this time, his assistant thought for a while, and said involuntarily: "Mr. Zhou, do you think it is possible that the one million yuan donated by Yuanmao Finance should also be signed to Mr. Fang and donated in his name?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Kunlu glanced at him and said coldly: "You are so smart, does Mr. Fang need you to give him money? You are better than him, right?"

When the assistant heard this, he quickly laughed and echoed: "Mr. Zhou is still thinking about it comprehensively. I understand that donating 1 million in the name of Yuanmao Finance can not only reflect our sincerity, but also a proper way of expression. Mr. Fang may not know it, but Our attitude is in place, like doing good deeds in a low-key way but writing them in a diary, maybe one day Mr. Fang will open the diary? High, really high!"

The assistant's backhand was just flattering his immediate boss, Zhou Kunlu said lightly: "Hurry up and do it."

The assistant "Hole" nodded repeatedly, and then got out of the car to handle the matter.

Zhou Kunlu, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, picked up his mobile phone again and called Shi Gang. As soon as the call was connected, he said: "The idiot who committed the crime, let him go in and step on the sewing machine, and don't come out for ten years. When he comes out, he will be thrown outside the new city." No matter where he is, don't show up in the new city!"

Shi Gang on the other end of the phone responded repeatedly: "Yes, I understand!"

Zhou Kunlu emphasized again: "Also, in the future, students from Xincheng University should not accept the loan business, lest they come back with a thunderbolt like that pig-headed bastard like Zhang Li."

Shi Gang quickly responded again: "Yes, yes, yes, I understand, I will implement all your instructions immediately."

Zhou Kunlu didn't respond and hung up the phone directly.

After this incident, Yuanmao Financial no longer dared to lend usury to the students of Xincheng University, for fear that if a certain student who lent the loan happened to have something to do with Fang Hong, it would end up causing trouble to him.

Then he scored twice, it's over!

"Let's go!" Zhou Kunlu put down his phone and said to the driver, and immediately closed his eyes in pain.

Mr. Zhou said that he was also very tired, and he felt very aggrieved. It is really a person who sits at home and comes down from the bottom, and is almost killed by the people under his hands. Going to step on the sewing machine is really crying to death and can't find a reason.

Fortunately, the situation has stabilized, and it is not out of control, and Mr. Hua can also explain something.


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