My Fintech Empire

Chapter 745 [Search Engine Beta Version Fire]

The news of Quantitative Capital has caused a huge sensation in the industry and the capital market, especially the people in the industry are very shocked. They really don’t understand what Quantitative Capital is going to do. There is such a large demand for computing power and data?

However, this also made many people realize that Chen Yu was really spending real money on technology development.

At the opening of the morning, the computer application sector rose sharply, and individual stocks related to computing power and data, such as Ziguang Shares and Langchao Information, were stimulated by this news.

Quantitative capital is expected to invest hundreds of billions in scale to build computing power centers and data centers. It is a big order to get a random order, and one or two companies will definitely not be able to take orders of hundreds of billions.

However, the stock prices of listed companies such as Langchao Information are soaring, but Quantitative Capital, which has gone out of the daily limit of the three consecutive boards in the past three days, instead opened lower and fell sharply today. It once fell by the limit in the session, and still fell -9.08% until the close. , the stock price fell back to 16.165 billion yuan, the market value dropped to 225.9 billion, and the three consecutive boards stopped.

There is no lower limit and closing because many people are playing against the package. Many people look at the past daily K-line of this stock. It can be reversed, so there are still many people who come to gamble on the reversed package.

The main reason why Quantitative Capital plummeted today is that the institutions of several major market makers are suppressing the stock price.

In the next two trading days, Quantitative Capital fell -2.15% and fell -7.44% respectively, out of the three consecutive negative days, the stock price fell back to 146.40 yuan, and the market value also fell back to the 200 billion yuan range again.

At this moment, stockholders began to analyze that it was Quantitative Capital’s huge investment in the construction of data centers and computing power centers that hit the stock price. They felt that there was no need to do so. Not to mention the huge investment, the operation after the completion of the construction was also a large expense. It is the electricity bill that has to be paid a lot, so the capital market does not recognize it, and the stock price rebounds accordingly.

There are also investors who have analyzed the stock from a technical point of view and reached a key pressure level. After three consecutive losses, it has already indicated that the breakthrough has failed.

Several major market-making institutions chose to suppress the stock price of Quantitative Capital in the last three days because of the recent news. In addition to the news of Quantitative Capital’s own investment and construction of computing power centers and data centers, market news is also critical.

A few days ago, the news that the pilot program of the Shanghai-Hong Kong stock market interconnection mechanism was approved was interpreted by the market as a bad news. The reason is that the A-share market, which is already illiquid, will be robbed of some liquidity by the H-share market. Sex is tantamount to making matters worse.

Such an interpretation in the market also caused the broader market index to rebound to 2146.67 points, peaking and turning downwards.

But having said that, if the stock market soars because of this, everyone’s review analysis will definitely interpret the opposite point of view. Well, because the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets are interconnected, the big A will attract the liquidity of the H shares, so it will rise sharply.

It makes sense anyway.

The fact is that in mid-to-late April, A-shares turned down again and entered the downward channel, and quantitative capital continued to fall. After April 15, the market was concerned about the issue of gallium and germanium control, and found that it did not take effect. The two sides eased the situation. It is true without a doubt.

But it still failed to stop the downward trend of the market, but it was always necessary to find a reason for the decline, so it was interpreted as the boots landing, and the benefits were realized.

However, in mid-to-late April, there are indeed more negatives than positives. This time point is dubbed by many investors as the "statutory thunderstorm" node, because the annual report disclosure has reached the final stage, and many listed companies can't hide the thunder that has been hidden for a year at this time. It's over, or it's the moment when the performance changes.

Naturally, it should explode, and the market should be under pressure. The market index fell back to around 2000 points again to accept the test of support ability.


With the passage of time, after entering the second half of April, the internal testing of the new version of Lingjing Search has been conducted for more than half a month. During this period, more and more netizens have discovered the power of Lingjing Search. It is surprisingly easy to use, and I recommend it to friends around me, and it gradually spreads.

There are also more and more people on the Internet sharing their experience after using the beta version of Lingjing Search.

There is a self-media blogger called "Technology Frontier", and an article he posted on the evaluation of Lingjing search became a popular article with a reading volume of 100+w.

[Fans who are familiar with "Frontiers of Science and Technology" know that part of our daily work is to push and interpret some of the latest papers in the field of cutting-edge science and technology, but these papers obviously have some thresholds, and it is difficult to read. "Raw meat" is another aspect, fans who don't understand English can't chew it.

Before I used Lingjing to search the beta version, there was no other good way to read these papers besides studying them by myself, and traditional search engines obviously couldn’t help you read these papers, whether it was Baidu or Google, All true, they can only search content and not generate content.

If you enter the title of the paper into the search bar, you can only get the address of the paper in the traditional search engine. Only those famous papers have interpretation articles. If you are not famous, you can only gnaw it yourself.

However, the internal beta version of Lingjing Search was launched. After I applied for an internal qualification and experienced it, it really surprised me.

Just want to say, bull pen!

It can directly help you interpret those papers, you read that right, that's it.

Below I attach some screenshots of the experience. Taking the content in Figure 1 as an example, I randomly selected a paper on computer vision on the ArXiv platform. To speed up this paper, the internal test version of Lingjing In the search, all you have to do is open the chat window dialog box, then enter the address of the paper in the question and answer dialog box, and then tell it to directly give me the main points of this paper.

As you can see in screenshot 3 below, it didn’t take me long for Lingjing Search to quickly extract the main points of this paper, and the content is different from the abstract of the paper.

It seems that Lingjing Search really read the paper.

The most important thing is that these generated contents are all in Chinese, in Chinese, in Chinese.

Say important words three times.

Moreover, if there is something you don't understand in the key points generated by Lingjing Search, you can ask further, for example, does this XXX method mean XXX? What is the improvement of the experimental results?

In the screenshot 6 below, you will find that the spiritual search can quickly generate answers for you.

After some operations, you can basically have a general grasp of the previous papers.

Based on my thoughts after experiencing it, it shouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that spiritual search is an artifact of productivity, right?

With this magical tool, the workload of interpreting papers for fans can be greatly reduced in the future, and the whole person is 90% more relaxed, and Ma Ma no longer has to worry about me staying up late to read papers.


Since it can be easily solved directly with this artifact, people who don’t understand foreign languages ​​can solve it by simply asking in the spiritual search, so I still need to interpret a der?

Could it be that I've been working full-time on We Media for less than a year, and I'm about to face an unemployment crisis... [Panda Head Dazed.jpg]]


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