My Fintech Empire

Chapter 780 [The wind is jittery, panic is boiling]

After the video conference ended, Qiu Guangcheng, Chen Yu and others immediately went to execute it.

After spending so much time and energy making so many layouts, the moment of decisive victory has really come. In fact, it is only a day and night battle. Today is the moment of decisive victory.

Because this time is a typical non-cooperative game. To put it bluntly, it is a scene of cutting each other with sickles.

With the end of the video conference, it will soon be time for the opening of the A-share market auction. At this moment, investors in the big A and two cities are also in a state of "shivering", and the current news is overwhelming on the outside of the report News of the market crash.

The news that people see from the media, those headlines are all "Sudden Black Swan", "Black Monday", "Peripheral Market Crash", "U.S. Stock Market Meltdown", "Global Capital Market Collective Plunge", "Big Event "Wait for words.

The external market crashed like that, whether it was US stocks, European stocks, or Japanese and Korean stock markets, the futures market, and commodities all triggered a chain reaction, generally presenting a situation of collective sudden collapse.

It is absolutely impossible for Big A to be alone.

This situation, this scene, this posture.

It gives people the feeling that the third war is coming. The external market has collapsed like that. It is rare in history. Everyone is afraid. It is no wonder that the big A investors do not panic.

Especially for the unknown, it is even more frightening.

As a result, as soon as the call auction came out at 9:25, the stock market opened a huge gap of -3.27%. Stimulated by the burst of panic, it immediately plunged after the market opened.

Off-market funds dare not open positions, and a large amount of on-market funds flee regardless of cost. This situation is not stable at all.

Almost all investors are convinced of one thing. The collapse of the external market must have caused a super bad news, and it came so suddenly that everyone was caught off guard.

I don't know exactly what happened now. In this case, the most sensible response is to run away first. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

This is also the choice made by most investors in the market.

With the passage of time, the A-share and two markets reappeared the scene of 100-share limit-down. The stock index fell to 2200.43 points at the lowest point in the session, and the largest drop reached -5.93%. The market directly fell 138 points within the day. A big Yin line swallowed up the gains of Lianyang on the sixth day of the month, and the K-line at the monthly line level directly turned green.

But at this moment, the market is not without funds to enter the market to do long.

There are super main players to take over, otherwise, in such a panic-boiling situation, it is impossible for the market index to fall below 6 percentage points, and the 2200 point integer has already broken.

That's right, this super main force is Qunxing Capital, which has already mobilized nearly 100 billion in off-market liquidity to inject into the market before the market. It is not only protecting the market to protect the 2200-point mark of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, but also aggressively buying bargaining chips.

The 100 billion-scale liquidity mainly enters the three big financial sectors, namely the three major sectors of securities companies, banks, and insurance. Because they have the largest capacity and volume, they also have the greatest impact on the index.

Moreover, the big bull market is just around the corner, and the brokerage sector will become the most eye-catching cub of A shares in the fourth quarter.

Qunxing Capital has already held a large number of securities companies' chips, and has bought almost every listed securities company. Today, it has bought securities companies again, and has bought almost all the stocks of listed securities companies close to the 5% standard.

After today, Qunxing Capital really can’t buy brokerage stocks anymore, because if you continue to buy, you really have to raise your cards. The subsequent operations on the brokerage sector will only be sold to make a profit and retreat, and will not enter the market to buy again.

As for the need to support the market in the future, it can only turn around to support bank stocks. The volume of the banking sector is several times larger than that of securities companies, and the space is still very huge.

Or go to like other Chinese headers.

At this moment, the big A and two cities are full of green stocks, and the forums of major stock bars are full of wailing.

[When I woke up, I opened my stock account and took a look, and it immediately gave me numbness. ]

[Niu Hui? Quick return? ]

[I admit, I've been fooled by the bull market again...(Cry face and cry.jpg)]

[Every time you are fooled, Dangdang is different...(Biaoleixiao.jpg)]

[Sure enough, don't go to the series, the big A is dedicated to all kinds of dissatisfaction. ]

[The peripheral market has collapsed. ]

[What the hell happened? How could it collapse like this? There is no sign of collapse, and a world war is about to start? ]

[Black Monday. ]

[News are flying all over the sky, and I have read many media reports, all of which are reporting that the global capital market has plummeted, but after reading so many news, none of them explain the reason for the plunge. ]

[There must be something super black swan happening. ]

[The ones who were short before, now it’s time to buy the bottom, they have fallen to 2200 points, hurry up and buy the bottom... (erha.jpg)]

[In this situation, I really dare not stretch out my hand, because I am afraid that the bargain hunting will be halfway up the mountain. Don’t be dissatisfied, the big A specializes in all kinds of dissatisfaction. ]

[As long as this big Yin line is poured down, who would dare to buy it? ]

[Those who dare to buy bottom are warriors. ]

[It must not have fallen through, and I will buy it when I step back to around 2000 points. ]

[The price of 200 yuan has chased the quantitative capital. Today, this ticket has reached a new low of 165, and has lost 20 points. It is very confusing whether to cover the position or cut the meat...]

[Today's trading volume is about to reach the rhythm of 600 billion, the volume has plummeted! ]


At around 15:22 in China, at the same time in North America, it was late at night, and people from the seven top capital groups on Wall Street received the latest news from Lu Chengye.

At this moment, Lu Chengye was holding his mobile phone in the bathroom at home and responded with great certainty: "I'm sure, we will start a comprehensive liquidation and stop loss today."

An excited voice came from the other end of the phone: "Are you sure?"

Lu Chengye responded again with great affirmation: "It's absolutely true. I was at the meeting in the morning. I witnessed and heard Fang Hongxia's decision with my own eyes."

There was another response from the other side of the phone: "Good! Wai Rui Good!"

At this time, Lu Chengye quickly said: "I have sent the information, please contact me later, I have to go abroad as soon as possible."

Another response came from the opposite side: "No problem, I will contact you in North America."

Lu Chengye hung up the phone in a hurry, took off the phone card, threw it into the toilet and flushed it into the sewer, and at the same time removed the battery of the phone and threw it in the trash can beside him.

Immediately afterwards, he fixed a new mobile phone, and then he made a call to his wife: "Take the children and go south to Xinjiapo, I will go to North America first, and make sure that the arrangements are in place before you fly." come over."

Lu Chengye then said: "Remember, if I haven't contacted you within three days, it means that something happened to me there. You should take your child back to the country immediately, and report the case to me directly. I have already given you the materials." Be ready, and remember to keep it safe."

A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Didn't you say that going abroad is safe?"

Lu Chengye said directly: "Just do as I say, don't ask so many questions."

At this moment, Lu Chengye was rather calm. He also knew that his value with the other party had been fully utilized, and he had no use value. To a certain extent, it was a risk. It could not be ruled out that the other party would come and tear down the bridge.

His decision is also for an extra insurance, until it is confirmed that the other party will not cross the river and tear down the bridge, and kill the donkey.

However, Lu Chengye's judgment is more inclined that the other party should not do such a thing, because he firmly believes that the other party must have raised a lot of ghosts. Continue to work hard for them, and even take the initiative to bounce back.


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