My Fintech Empire

Chapter 787 [Exquisite egoist]

After Lu Chengye bought a ticket for the fastest flight back home, he waited in the waiting room.

He also slumped on the chair, muttering to himself: "Everything is fate, I can't help it at all..."

Obviously, at this moment he resigned to his fate.

From the moment he slumped on the chair, he was completely relieved and resigned to his fate.

Now that the matter has come to this point, he can't help but deny his fate.

However, he was also carefully recalling all the things he did in Qunxing Capital. He didn't find any mistakes in him, and he didn't show any flaws.

What's more, he didn't even know that he was being used for tricks, so that the whole process was controlled so tightly that he didn't know it.

Less than 20 minutes before the plane took off, Lu Chengye suddenly took out his mobile phone and called Qiu Guangcheng. He remembered Qiu Guangcheng's personal contact information.

The call was connected soon, but Lu Chengye became extremely calm at the moment because he was completely relieved and resigned to his fate.

He said, "Mr. Qiu, it's me."

An unexpected voice soon came from the other side of the phone: "It seems that your wife has already called you, but I was surprised that you could call me."

Lu Chengye said bitterly: "I'm sorry Mr. Qiu, I failed your cultivation."

Qiu Guangcheng said calmly, "That's what you called in the middle of the night?"

Hearing this, Lu Chengye said again: "I have already bought a ticket to return to China, and I will be boarding the plane in fifteen minutes. I admit it so far, and I admit it sincerely, but can you tell me where I have exposed my flaws? It was discovered by you, and when did you discover it?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Chengye successfully angered Qiu Guangcheng, but he did not show his anger, but said with a smile: "You have done a good job in this regard, and I have not noticed any abnormalities. I didn't find it up and down, except for that person..."

that person?

Lu Chengye immediately thought of Fang Hong. The person Qiu Guangcheng said could not be anyone other than the founder of Qunxing Capital, but this made him even more puzzled: "Impossible, he is not in the company all the year round, and even you haven't noticed it. How can it be?"

Qiu Guangcheng snorted coldly and said: "How can you guess him? You take yourself too seriously, but you did a good job. If I personally found you out, I would feel better. Not only did you let me down The cultivation and high hopes for you also made me lose face in front of my immediate boss, don't say that Wall Street wants you to die, I really want to kill you now."

While talking, Qiu Guangcheng couldn't help but swear, he was really angry.

Because he was really heartbroken, and he was really cultivating Lu Chengye and had high hopes, but he turned out to be a 25-year-old who played backstab. He was actually not angry with Lu Chengye, but because he was blind to play backstab. The twenty-five sons of my family value it so much.

And Qiu Guangcheng has been feeling scared for a while now. Fortunately, the big boss found out. If this time he didn't follow the plan, but reversed it, then Qunxing Capital would be over. , It is not even guaranteed that people will die.

Qiu Guangcheng is from the Huayang Department, but now he is following Fang Hong even more wholeheartedly. Although he was completely humiliated in front of the big boss in this inner ghost incident, he is grateful for the handling of the big boss afterwards.

Because Fang Hong didn't tell Huayu and Shi Yao, but only told Qiu Guangcheng about the ghost, in the eyes of outsiders, he was the ghost that Qiu Guangcheng caught, and used the ghost to earn a vote for Qunxing Capital big.

In this way, Qiu Guangcheng lost face with his immediate boss.

But he saved his face with Hua Yu and Shi Yao at the same level. Although Lu Chengye was single-handedly promoted by him, he personally picked him out outside and made a lot of money for the company because of this trick. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as making up for it. , so that Qiu Guangcheng's negative influence in this incident can be reduced to the lowest level that can be reduced.

But at this moment, Lu Chengye, who was swearing by Qiu Guangcheng, didn't say a word because he was speechless.

In the end, Lu Chengye still took the initiative to ask: "What should I do next? After returning to China, should I directly surrender or surrender?"

Now Lu Chengye didn't think about running away, because he couldn't run away, and running away was not the best choice. He knew that the maximum sentence in domestic law for financial crimes was indefinite, and there was no death penalty.

In a sense, domestic laws are still tolerant of financial crimes, and it would be more reasonable to aggravate them.

Turning yourself in and stepping on the sewing machine is different from stepping on the sewing machine after being caught. There is a high probability that you will be sentenced to 15 years in prison, and you will be able to come out after doing meritorious service and commuting your sentence for 10 years. After you come out, you will only be around 50 years old.

Compared with living a shady fugitive life in the second half of my life, I went to work on the sewing machine for ten years and then came out. I will never go abroad and find a place that no one knows in the mainland to spend the rest of my life in a low-key manner, and I don’t have to worry about living the rest of my life all day long. life on the run.

Lu Chengye is an exquisite self-interested person, he knows that the most "best-for-money" option is to come back and surrender himself.

But at this moment, Qiu Guangcheng responded blankly: "You are very smart, so I don't need to say more about what to do next?"

Hearing this, Lu Chengye nodded and replied: "Understood, I will go back to Xincheng and wait for the notice after being photographed. I will truthfully spit out all the dirty money that was transferred to my wife's name."

Lu Chengye knew that now was not the time for him to be dealt with, because Qunxing Capital had more important things to do now, and he would do his things later.

He knew that all he had to do was to wait for Qiu Guangcheng's notice, and report to the "Sewing Machine Team" after receiving the notice.

Qunxing Capital did not use additional resources to restrict him, it was completely dependent on his self-consciousness, because he was not afraid that he would run away.

Although the world is big, the current Lu Chengye knows very well that there is no place for him other than the "sewing machine team".


At the same time, Wei Qiwei, who was far away in Australia, received a "surprise" gift package from Chen Yu. In comparison, Chen Yu contacted Wei Qiwei by calling himself.

When answering a strange call, Wei Qiwei was almost startled when he heard Chen Yu's voice on the phone.

Different from Qiu Guangcheng's style, Chen Yu didn't have so many oblique rhetoric, and Wei Qiwei was more greedy for life and fear of death. When he received the call, he was still preparing to eat "Western food" in a local hotel.

It took less than five minutes for Chen Yu and Wei Qiwei to talk on the phone. The latter left the hotel in embarrassment after leaving the "Western food" he hadn't remembered to eat. Send someone over to give him Karma.


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