My Fintech Empire

Chapter 81 [Selling high and buying low is an art]

The meeting between the two girls was over, and Lin Ruoshui was walking alone in the Xincheng District, thinking about Hexuan's last proposal.

"No, she must be tricking me!" Lin Ruoshui murmured secretly, love is always selfish, how could she be willing to give half of what she finally got to share with others?

The more Lin Ruoshui thought about it, the more she felt that this was a routine, and said to herself, "Scheming bitch, I will never fall for your tricks again."

She came to the commercial district of Xincheng, and soon entered a high-end cosmetics store. Lin Ruoshui's card had a balance of nearly 20,000 yuan. Fang Hong transferred 570,000 yuan to her before, and the 20,000 yuan was left She originally planned to return it to Fang Hong.

In fact, Lin Ruoshui is very confident about her appearance and figure. After all, she is also one of the "new big five beauties" unanimously recognized by many boys in the school. But after meeting Hexuan today, she had appearance anxiety for the first time .

I feel inferior to her.

If you want to compete with her, you must first not be inferior in appearance. If you dress up carefully, even if you can't surpass Hexuan, you will definitely not be inferior to her. Lin Ruoshui is also very confident about this, so she decided not to pay back the 20,000 yuan. After all, anyway, he said from the beginning that he didn't need to pay back the money, so he would keep it as capital to fight He Xuan.

After coming out of the cosmetics store, she went to several women's clothing stores and bought some new clothes.

After buying clothes, cosmetics, etc., more than 10,000 yuan was gone. Lin Ruoshui was also very distressed. This was the first time she spent such a large amount of money. She used to think that her appearance was good, so she just bought some cosmetics. Buy some clothes casually, simple outfits are just as good-looking.

But in order not to be compared by He Xuan, she didn't care so much. There was a big difference between not dressing up and dressing up carefully.


Binhu District.

When Hexuan returned home, she clung to Fang Hong's arms. After a while, she couldn't help but said, "Don't you wonder what I talked about when I met Ruoshui?"

Fang Hong said frankly, "Of course I'm curious."

Upon hearing this, He Xuan was puzzled: "Then why didn't you ask me?"

Fang Hong said calmly: "If you want to tell me, you don't need to ask; if you don't want to tell me, it's useless to ask. Even if you tell me, it may not be the real answer, so why should I ask?"

He Xuan was so choked by his words that she was speechless to refute, she couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him, and then she briefly recounted the issues that the two of them had discussed when they met.

When He Xuan proposed to Lin Ruoshui to own him together, Fang Hong, the party involved, also looked at He Xuan with a surprised face at the moment, and couldn't help asking: "You really said that to her?"

He Xuan looked up at Fang Hong with her little head up, nodded and smiled: "But she doesn't seem to believe it, she thinks I'm tricking her."

Fang Hong laughed and said, "If you say something like that to her, a normal person will immediately think you have bad intentions, not to mention that you have already left a bad impression in her heart."

He Xuan said with a smile on her face, "Then do you think I'm tricking her or is it true?"

Fang Hong's smile remained the same, instead of answering her words, he asked instead: "What do you think?"

He Xuan couldn't help humming coquettishly when she heard the words: "I know you must be secretly having fun in your heart now, do you feel that you are making a lot of money with a girlfriend like me?"

Fang Hong said indifferently: "It seems that you are the matchmaker, and you didn't even ask me if I would agree."

Hexuan looked at him with a serious look, but from the obvious prudish tone of his words, she suddenly put on a small face and said in a coquettish voice: "You're a good boy, right? I don't care, let's see how I punish you, you bastard. Today I must let you know what shame and humiliation are!"

After finishing speaking, Hexuan became aggressive and immediately assisted in actual actions.

But Fang Hong is not a vegetarian either. He sat motionless with his back on the sofa. After all, he was also a bigwig. Quietly see what tricks you can play."

He Xuan raised her head and stared at him without saying a word. Although she didn't say anything to refute, her pretty face was full of stubbornness and dissatisfaction.

After a while, Fang Hong glanced at Hexuan, shook his head and sighed: "I'm really good at cooking and love to play, you stop and let me teach you, you just need to cooperate well, and I will teach you everything." If you haven’t made any progress yet, don’t dance your guns and clubs in front of me in the future.”

Immediately, Fang Hong personally taught him seriously: "Just like speculating on mid-line stocks, major mid-line themes are not achieved overnight. They are all twists and turns. First warm up, then slow down, and speed up, but the key is to grasp the emotional atmosphere. When it is in place, we will decisively intervene in one fell swoop.”

Fang Hong gave further guidance wholeheartedly: "Although it is difficult to make extreme high returns, it is not impossible. This requires repeated high-frequency operations. You can buy low first and then sell high, or you can sell high first, Keep buying low, sell high and buy low again, and keep repeating this cycle to make higher returns... Can you be more serious about trembling? I won't teach it anymore."

When He Xuan heard that Fang Hong said that he would not teach, she immediately denied it in a hurry: "I didn't, I was just emotional for a while, and I was obviously listening carefully, and I was also feeling it with my heart. I will listen carefully and make sure to absorb all the essential knowledge points in it.”

Seeing that Hexuan did have a strong desire for knowledge, Fang Hong was also quite gratified, and gave him all he had without reservation. What made Fang Hong even more gratified was that although Hexuan did not ask for anything in return, Hexuan not only Know how to repay, and the grace of dripping water is reciprocated by the spring.


The following day, Monday 1 December.

Hexuan went to school early, and prepared a nutritious breakfast for Fang Hong and put it on the dining table so that he could eat it anytime when he got up.

At about 8:45, Fang Hong also got up. After a simple wash, he ate the breakfast prepared for him by Hexuan. It was almost time for the market to open.

Fang Honglai sat down at the computer desk in the study, opened the market software and logged in to the Weibo account. The account K3478 has just been registered, and many people are still a little skeptical, so share more real trading operations during this period.

At present, the number of followers of the K3478 account has exceeded 100,000. Fang Hong couldn't help being surprised when he saw the latest number of fans, "I didn't expect that this kid Cao Chenghui has quite a lot of fans."

He didn't stay on the Weibo account page for too long, and immediately switched to the market software.

The call auction has already started. Fang Hong is scanning the market in the market, looking for suitable short-term targets to intervene. Recently, he has been arbitrage on Zhongxin Securities, and the small ticket has been correct for a long time.

This time, in order to set up the K3478 Weibo account, Fang Hong also divided a position and speculated again.

Call auction ended, the broader market opened slightly lower today.

Fang Hong selected a new bid in the call auction stage, the transaction code is 600679, the stock name is Jinshan Development, and the current market value is only about 760 million small-cap stocks.

Ready to intervene in the stock today.

When the market opened at 9:30, Fang Hong took a look at Zhongxin Securities. The stock opened +0.46% higher today. Diving again.

Fang Hong immediately sold the chips of Zhongxin Securities. At the same time, he also paid attention to the market of Jinshan Development. The stock opened slightly higher by +0.48% today, and then fluctuated rapidly after the opening.

And Fang Hong bought and bought five minutes after the market opened, but it was only a pending order of 10,000 to 20,000 to 30,000 to 50,000.

This market is too small, with a total share capital of 182 million shares. The current stock price is more than 4 yuan. Yesterday's trading volume was only more than 13 million, which is incomparable with Zhongxin Securities, which can easily cost tens of billions.

There are currently more than 10 million in Fang Hong's account idle. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he wants to use funds to forcibly top the board, but this will definitely make the dealer inside very unhappy. The village inside has a big conflict.

At 9:47, Jinshan Development’s stock price rose to 4.42 yuan, and the increase expanded to 5.74%. Then it stepped back for three minutes, and the increase narrowed to +4.07%.

At around 9:50, Fang Hong threw out 100,000 yuan to take over, and the increase stepped back to +4.07%, stopped the decline and rebounded, and then bought 500,000 yuan to continue to increase, the stock price increased to +6.22%, and bought again The price of 500,000 yuan was listed at 4.35 yuan, and the increase in the stock price expanded to +7.66%. From the perspective of the time-sharing line, the stock does not have the meaning of attacking the daily limit all the way back.

To make a ticket, Fang Hong himself is one of the main players, and he has been guiding funds to go long since the opening of the market.

One minute later, at around 9:54, I bought the third 500,000 yuan again, this time directly igniting the fire, and buying at the price limit.

The intraday time-sharing line developed by Jinshan immediately hit the daily limit price of 4.60 yuan, hitting the highest point today.

But less than 20 seconds after hitting the daily limit, the short-side funds began to smash the market.

Fang Hong, who was sitting in front of the computer, smiled slightly. The Zhuang here might not have enough funds. In addition to the 10 million idle now, there are more than 20 million in Zhongxin Securities, which can be used when necessary. of.

Today, Fang Hong was determined to seal the stock's daily limit. He calmly invested 2 million in funds, and then directly set the daily limit price to buy.

Jinshan Development has returned to the seal again, and the 2 million funds are being sold quickly.

At this time, some players were finally attracted to enter the market. There were about 3 million seal orders on the board. The limit price was quoted for 10,000 lots, and nearly five million funds were thrown out.

A lot of short-side funds saw this situation and sold a hammer. There must be a premium tomorrow, and the selling pressure quickly decreased. On the contrary, the buying order quickly increased to 10 million funds.

Jinshan Development completely blocked the daily limit board within half an hour before the market opened, and Fang Hong's account also traded some loose orders one after another, because the nearly 5 million buy orders ranked first on the board were all his, and there were successful exchanges. The hands are all dealt with him first.

The transaction rule of big A is price priority, time priority, that is, the buyer with the highest quotation has priority to deal with, and the buyer with the same price who quotes first has priority to deal with.

However, there is not much turnover on the follow-up board, and only one or two hundred thousand yuan is traded in one minute, and the volume can decrease as the time goes on, becoming ten to twenty thousand yuan or several thousand yuan in one minute, or even a long period of time. to zero.

When the time was just around 10 o'clock, Fang Hong quickly switched to the order of Zhongxin Securities. At this time, the stock had fallen by 2 percentage points. He decisively took it back at this time, and the average transaction price was 19.17 yuan.

As of the close, Jinshan Development steadily sealed the daily limit and closed, while the total turnover of Fang Hong's account was 4.5 million yuan, and the average transaction price was 4.52 yuan per share.

It is worth mentioning that Zhongxin Securities started to bottom out after diving by 2 percentage points in early trading today, and continued to rise in shocks all the way. In the middle of the afternoon, it increased in volume and pulled up in half an hour. 2 percentage points.

And Fang Hong made an arbitrage move in Zhongxin Securities. Today, he arbitraged about 950,000 yuan on Ashin, and the total profit scale today is about 1.03 million.


At around 17:30 in the afternoon, Fang Hong logged into K3478 account Weibo to update the second news, took a screenshot of today's market operation and edited the text:

[The first trading day in December ushered in a good start. Today's market bottomed out and rebounded. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index closed up +1.25% to 1894.61 points; the Shenzhen Component Index closed up +1.58% to 6763.97 points. The trading volume of the two cities was 785 100 million, a small increase]

[Personal operation, Zhongxin Securities did arbitrage action, and then set up a small-cap stock, Jinshan Development, found that it felt good in the market, and more than 400 W made a first board and played casually]

[The first board is relatively difficult, but it is not impossible to do. It mainly depends on whether there is a plate-driven effect. The position of the K-line is relatively low, and the time-sharing pull-up is relatively smooth, powerful, resolute, speed, strength, and continuous large orders. Wait to judge whether to intervene or not]

[As for the subject matter, the first board may not be fully confirmed at the time of the market, but only through the market at the time, if you think that there is relatively strong capital involved, then decisively relay it]

After editing the text content, there are a total of 253 characters. At present, the text of a single post on Quandong Weibo is limited to 256 Chinese characters or characters.

Fang Hong quickly scanned the edited text content, and immediately updated it after confirming that it was correct.

After a while, Fang Hong refreshed the page, and there were 20 or 30 replies under the newly released dynamic comment section. When he saw some comments, he would interact with fans and reply.

[This point of sale is undoubtedly a master of Fengda, and the style of accurate bargain hunting is almost in the same line! ]

[K big cow batch! ]

[What K yelled K God! ]

[More than 4 million casually play around, this is talking about people...]

[With a capital scale of more than 30 million yuan, a proper hot money boss! ]

[A floating profit of more than 1 million in a day, earning a house in a big city in a day, envy! ]

[Looking up to the big players...]

[Jinshan Development is not on the Dragon and Tiger List? ]

[A total of 16.53 million of this ticket was sold today, and the patriarch bought nearly one-third of it, and I feel that the main funds have already been invested. ]

[Boss, can you analyze the possibility of Jinshan Development chasing the second board tomorrow? ]

[K3478//Reply: Chasing the board still depends on the rhythm of the market. If the bulls are not confident enough, they still insist on participating in the first board, which is undoubtedly giving money. Of course, the market breaks through the platform or the key point to go long has sufficient momentum and has absolute strength. Of course, the profit of the daily limit is also the highest. ]

Editor Fang Hong replied to this message and ended the interaction, and also closed the Weibo account and went offline.

Retail investors who follow his Weibo account, some retail investors also forward the link to the exchange group for discussion and analysis. So far, "Patriarch" still seems to be very powerful, at least he has not seen any losses.

Moreover, the position information is completely exposed, which is equivalent to being on the Dragon and Tiger List, and it is more reliable and credible than the data on the Dragon and Tiger List.


(Ps: Asking for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, especially subscriptions, the first order data came out about 1200, a bit lower than expected, but don’t worry, the results can’t be compared with the previous ones, but they will definitely not be eunuchs. The last book is finally finished. It is impossible to be a demon again after all the hard work to wash away the name of the eunuch. You can subscribe with confidence. Please also subscribe to the full subscription. Automatic subscription is the best. The low grades require everyone to follow up and subscribe to boost confidence and support)

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