My Fintech Empire

Chapter 86 [Domain Name Problem]

Fang Hong is no stranger to Sequoia Capital. This is an investment institution established in North America’s Silicon Valley in 1972. It is also a well-known venture capital institution in the VC circle. It has local offices in North America, Greater China, and India. transformed funds.

Betting on the track is a tradition of Sequoia Capital. Before this year, Sequoia invested in Gaode Software, Qihu 360, Bona Pictures and other projects. .

Obviously, the call from Sequoia Capital this time has already shown that some capital with a keen sense of smell has noticed this new website.

In fact, the development of Quandong Weibo is not bad, it can even be said to be very rapid. The product has been launched for less than two months, and the number of users has exceeded 700,000. This growth rate is not bad at all in this era. It can be said that Pretty impressive results.

You must know that the campus network founded by Wang Xing gained almost one million users within three months of its launch.

Xu Jingren ended the phone communication, sat down again at his original seat, looked at Fang Hong and asked curiously: "Why don't you accept financing from foreign capital? If I remember correctly, most Internet start-up companies in China have The figure of Sequoia Capital Investment."

Fang Hong said: "Once they accept foreign capital, they will quickly teach you how to do things, suggest that the company go offshore, and then conduct overseas agreements to control VIE and other operations, which will facilitate their later exit."

After a pause, Fang Hong said in a deep voice: "You have to keep in mind that our position must be clear. Quantum Jump doesn't need to go public in the United States. My plan is to go public in the A-share market and keep the profits in China, so we can't Let foreign capital intervene."

There are many reasons for domestic Internet companies to go public in the United States. First, the A-share market is now subject to a review system. If you want to go public, you don’t have to think about it for a year or two. For Internet start-up companies, time is not money, but fate. , After such a long time, I can't raise funds, and everything is completely cold.

Another A-share is weak. If the company has too much foreign investment after listing, the A-shares will not be able to hold it when it withdraws later. What's more, the release of foreign investment will have to wait until 2015, which is the Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect. Opening up, the emergence of northbound funds.

Then, overseas agreement-controlled VIE and offshore registered companies cannot be listed on A-shares. As for other conditions, such as how many years to make a profit, it is secondary, and these are not problems.

For Quantum Beat to be listed on the A-share market, Fang Hong must use the method of backdoor listing, and strive to land on the A-share market around 2012.

Hearing this, Xu Jingren was surprised, and immediately said, "Is it listed on the A-share market? As far as I know, the A-share market does not support our company's current shareholding structure with different rights for the same share."

Fang Hong said with a smile: "At that time, it will be enough to reorganize. There are many ways to control the company, such as dual shareholding structure, concerted action agreement, etc. These can firmly control the company. Don't worry."

Everyone couldn't help but nodded. Everyone trusted Fang Hong and believed that he could solve these problems better than other people present. Everyone in the capital market was left to Fang Hong to control.

At this time, Xu Jingren said again: "By the way, there is also the domain name issue of the Weibo platform. We don't own and Now we have been using" is the short domain name used by cn’s t service point. This URL is similar to the jump URL of the shortened URL of the North American social platform Twitter. After winning the short domain name, you don’t need to display a long URL when you publish content on Weibo. The URL is displayed as a very short URL starting with followed by a string of characters, and the user can jump to the original URL by clicking on this short URL.

Among them, is the URL that realizes the function of shortening the URL on Twitter. It ends with [.cn], which is the domestic domain name, and corresponds to the volume of Weibo, which is perfect.

Xu Jingren continued: "According to the information we compiled, was sold for 110,000 yuan in 2006. Our person in charge found the owner of and offered to buy the short domain name in his hands. But the other party offered 850,000 yuan."

Then, Xu Jingren added: "In addition to the domain name, we have also found the owner of this domain name. It is a man engaged in the IT industry. His name is Zhang Weibo. He registered in 1999. The domain name, we have not formally proposed to him the willingness to purchase the domain name.”

For the domain name, Fang Hong also has an impression. The domain name was bought from the other party at a price of 8 million yuan after traveling through Xinlang Weibo before rebirth. If you make a profit, the other party is still a little younger. If you wait a little longer and wait for quotations from several major manufacturers of Tencent, it will not be a problem to sell it for 20 million.

In addition, Xinlang Weibo sold the short domain name for 5 million yuan.

But now it is 2008, Quantum Jump is not a major Internet company, and Xinlang is now one of the portal giants, the holders of will definitely not report 8 million, and it is estimated that it will not be possible to win this domain name at around two to three million question.

Fang Hong immediately said: "The matter of the domain name should be settled as soon as possible. The offer of 850,000 yuan can be taken directly. Of course, when talking with the other party, you must show a tangled look to prevent the other party from raising the price. As for the domain name, another Send someone in charge to find him and ask him to buy, and give him a request, so that Zhang Weibo can only quote once, and never counter-offer, and no more than 3 million is acceptable."

Everyone was a little uneasy when they heard it. Xu Jingren was stunned for a while, and said: "The maximum budget of the two domain names will be 3.85 million. If this money is spent, let alone the promotion and operation expenses, the salary will not be paid immediately."

Fang Hong smiled and said calmly: "Don't panic, money is not a problem. This month, we can definitely negotiate a Pre-A financing with Qunxing Capital. The financing this time is no less than 50 million. I am still haggling with the other party."

Everyone was surprised when they heard it, and they were also overjoyed.

The pre-A round of financing can reach tens of millions, which is very rare in the current investment industry. Many projects may not be able to get so much money after financing to the A round or even the B round.

Xu Jingren suddenly smiled and said, "The matter of fooling investors here is stable, then there will be no problem on our side."

Everyone believes Fang Hong’s words. Since he is so confident, the Pre-A round of financing must have a minimum guarantee of 50 million.

Fang Hong stayed here for an hour, and then left.

The company is on the right track and is operating steadily according to the plan. He, the ultimate big boss, can be the shopkeeper with confidence.

However, after leaving Quantum Beat, Fang Hong has to do one more thing for Weibo.

After leaving the company, he made a phone call to Hua Yu, who was in charge of Qunxing Capital. Fang Hong answered the phone while walking, "Brother Hua, go and run it, let Xincheng open the first Zhengfu Weibo in China on the Weibo platform, that is, ' Weibo Xincheng's official account."

Obviously, Fang Hong continued to prostitute Huayang Group's intangible resources. If Quantum Jump went to find the leaders of Xincheng on this matter, it would most likely fail.

But this is very important. If Xincheng opens an account on the Weibo platform, it means that it has the support and trust of the government.

It is equivalent to an authoritative endorsement, which has gained a lot of credibility virtually, which is also very important for the future development of the Weibo platform.

Let Huayu handle this matter, relying on the influence of Huayang Group in Xincheng, it is much easier to settle this matter than Quantum Jump.

Hua Yu on the other end of the phone didn't say much, and nodded quickly: "No problem, let me handle it."


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