My Fintech Empire

Chapter 90 [Thank you Brother Fang for your enlightenment]

Millions of fans on the Weibo account were wailing in the comment section. Fang Hong, who was resting in a short position, hadn't been on Weibo for the past two days, and he didn't know about it.

At about 16:00 in the afternoon, Fang Hong came to Qunxing Capital.

In the CEO's office, Huayu looked at Fang Hong, who was sitting on the sofa in the rest area, and made a brief work report: "The latest batch of pledged funds is in place, and the liquidity scale of about 3 billion is pre-released."

Fang Hongyan said succinctly: "Just buy in according to the plan."

Hua Yu nodded, but he still couldn't help the doubts in his heart. He looked at Fang Hong and asked, "Brother Fang, have you already done due diligence on the targets you want to hold positions? Or..."

Huayu thought about this issue for a long time but still couldn't figure it out. If you want to do due diligence, it is impossible to do it in Fang Hong's case. How can you do due diligence when there are dozens of asset targets and nothing?

Just looking at the stock software? Plus pure technical analysis? Hua Yu didn't believe it.

Fang Hong sat with his back on the sofa, feeling at ease. He looked at Hua Yu and said with a smile, "I ask you, which of the two sentences 'management depends on man to achieve success' or 'management depends on man'?"

Hua Yu didn't know why he suddenly asked this, and after thinking for a moment, he replied, "It's hard to say, what do you think, Brother Fang?"

"Eight words, small things are planned by man, and big things are planned by nature." Fang Hong's smile remained the same, and then he further deconstructed: "Those who plan things are determined by people, they are all small things; those who plan things are done by people, they are all big things." Things. Big things are planned by the sky, and people can't help them at all, and people are just walking in accordance with the will of the sky."

Fang Hong then added: "God's will is the law of nature. You shouldn't have an opinion on this. Even if you have an opinion, can you change the sun's rise and fall every day? You can't change it. It's a law, not human. The will is the transfer. Follow the law to work at sunrise and rest at sunset; grow in spring and grow in summer, harvest in autumn and store in winter, this is walking in accordance with the will of heaven."

Hua Yongming nodded involuntarily, and said concisely: "Incisive."

Fang Hong turned to laughing and said, "Once the 4 trillion yuan plan is released, the currency derivatives will not be less than 20 trillion yuan, and the current total market value of A shares is only 18 trillion yuan. Is it necessary to do due diligence in the earning environment? You only need to select the tickets with the best liquidity and the plate is not too small, do these two things well and do nothing else, just lay down and win.”

Hearing what he said, Hua Yu seemed to understand the meaning of "big event and natural plan". Once the 4 trillion plan came out, it could also be understood as a general trend that no one could control.

From the road to simplicity.

But the four words are not a realm that anyone can achieve.

"Taught." Hua Yu took a deep breath and said, and then he looked at Fang Hong and asked with doubts: "There is one more thing I don't understand. Brother Fang doesn't come to the company for ten days and a half months. Are you so relieved?"

Hearing this, Fang Hong teased with a smile: "With you and Mr. Hua so caring, why should I care so much?"

Hua Yu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, he suddenly understood.

Huayang Group is indeed very caring, because with Qunxing Capital, or Fang Hong, Huayang Group is betting a lot of money. If it loses, it will hurt its vitality. Naturally, it is extremely caring.

Fang Hongerlang raised his legs, put his left hand on the armrest of the sofa, and his right hand on his knee. He looked at Hua Yu but didn't speak immediately.

In fact, Fang Hong also understood that Hua Yongming arranged for Hua Yu, the youngest son who he regarded as the successor of Huayang Group, to have another hidden meaning, that is, he hoped that Fang Hong could train him and teach him something.

Hua Yongming is definitely an old fox-level figure, of course he is capable of raising Hua Yu himself, but there are two other eldest sons!

These two sons, Hua Yongming, are actually not optimistic, and they don't want them to succeed.

So a thorny question came before him. If he cultivated it himself, then no matter what he did, as long as Huayu performed outstandingly, the other two sons would feel that his father favored him, and even gave Huayu Turned on the stove.

It was impossible not to meet Fang Hong before, but now it is different, Hua Yongming knows that Fang Hong's rank is not below him.

Then, arranging the youngest son is a strategy that kills multiple birds with one stone. In this way, Hua Yongming can "favor" the two elder sons even more, and finally give you a little trouble and favor you. In the end, you are still not as good as Huayu, you If you can't support yourself on the wall, then you have nothing to say.

In this way, when the youngest son takes over Huayang Group in the future, there will be much less resistance, and the resentment between the two eldest sons will be much less, and then some reconciliation will be made. It can also avoid the tragedy of brothers fighting against each other in order to fight for family property.

So this implication is more of a kind of entrustment. The Huayang Group made a big bet, and part of the chips wanted to be exchanged from Fang Hong, as well as a qualified head of the Huayang Group.

These are things that are difficult for outsiders to see. Even Hua Yu himself may not be able to understand his father's intentions now, but Fang Hong is obviously not among them.

At this time, Fang Hong looked at Hua Yu and said lightly: "The strong generals have weak soldiers. As a superior, even if he is capable, he should not do it himself unless it is absolutely necessary."

Hua Yu couldn't help but asked curiously: "I've only heard the saying that there are no weak soldiers under a strong general. This is the first time I've heard that there are all weak soldiers under a strong general. How do you say that?"

Since Hua Yongming asked him to train his youngest son well, Fang Hong also readily accepted it. After all, this is also necessary for Qunxing Capital, so he asked: "Let me ask you again, if I go to the company every day? Then you have to do it?" What? Or what else can you do?"

Hua Yu was at a loss for words for a moment, and was speechless for a moment.

Fang Hong went on to say: "The leader should not be too capable, the leader is too capable, then what is the meaning of the existence of the subordinates? What else do the subordinates do? Why do you watch? So the leader can't do it even if he is capable, but let him go The people under him should do it, and if the people under them can't do it, they have to figure out a way to let him do it, instead of just ending up on their own."

Hua Yu could not help but nodded silently.

And Fang Hong still said in an orderly manner: "For example, when Qunxing Capital has a problem to be solved and it is time for me to come forward, then it is really a big problem. What is the best state of the company? It is even if I am not here It can also function normally and orderly.”

How much you can learn depends on Huayu himself. Fang Hong will definitely not repeat it a second time. He continued: "So the power must be delegated. The more you delegate, the more pressure you will have on the authorized person. Because you will also be responsible for this when you are authorized, I will delegate the power to you, and you will be the first person responsible if something goes wrong, you will be the first to be killed, and you will be the first to take responsibility."

Fang Hong said again: "So, with the decentralization of power, it is the responsibility to do things well, and you can't shirk the responsibility if you don't do well, so you have responsibilities, and if you have responsibilities, you will take care of them, and the whole team will benefit. , as long as one thing is done well, it is to employ people!"

Without saying a word, Hua Yu nodded again.

But Fang Hong paused for a while, then smiled and said: "When running a business in China, the most important thing is to sort out the characteristics of the first and last. "

Who should be the head of Qunxing Capital, whether it is the current Huayu or Cao Chenghui, as long as Fang Hong says it will be counted.

In the same way, Fang Hong can get them up and take them down. Fang Hong can count on it.

If you delegate power, then you can do what you say.

Fang Hong glanced at Hua Yu who was thinking thoughtfully, and continued to speak in an orderly manner: "For example, let's say our company is working on a project, and the front-line personnel below have done due diligence and analysis of the market. The project will definitely make money, but he can't shoot it. The board, you can only report it first, report to the department manager, he can't make the decision, continue to report to your desk."

"When you have freed up time, set up a board of directors to study, discuss and discuss. Well, the results of the discussion have come out. This matter has been decided to be done, and then it will be issued layer by layer. When it is passed to the front-line personnel, the day lily of this project will be cold. Because the market has changed, at this time the front-line personnel want to die, if they do it, they will die, and if you report to them and say no, they will still die, then they can only choose to leave the job and run away.”

Hua Yongming said to himself: "Cure by doing nothing..."

Fang Hong immediately said: "Doing nothing is omnipotent, and it doesn't mean doing nothing. The decentralization of power allows the people below to let go of their hands, but the premise is that you know the company well and know it well, otherwise the people below will do nothing." People dare to hide it, and they don’t even know that you have been excluded.”

Hearing this, Hua Yu couldn't help but look up at Fang Hong. While deconstructing what he said, the implication is also to explain that even if he doesn't come to the company for ten days and a half months, he still knows Qunxing Capital well , Know what you know, don't try to hide it.

After a while, Hua Yu couldn't help laughing and said: "I've been taught. I have to say, Brother Fang is really a genius in business."

Hearing this, Fang Hong shook his head repeatedly and said, "Don't say that, I'm most afraid of being called a genius, because God likes to accept such people the most."

Hua Yu was also taken aback for a moment, but after realizing it, he couldn't help laughing.

Fang Hong also said with a smile: "Confucius said that those who retreat advance and those who advance retreat. This so-called golden mean is the oldest hedging idea. He told you that those who like to play too much had better study hard, otherwise they will not be able to play in the future." It will be unlucky. I also tell those who are both talented and hardworking not to work too hard, it is better to have fun, and don't make life so stressful."

"Philosophy tells you that if you finish your life prematurely, you will have nothing to do. Of course God will call you back. Genius is inherently dangerous, and genius and hard work are even more dangerous. Death It's early."

Speaking of this, Fang Hong added with a smile: "So I just play, enjoy the comfortable university campus life, eat, drink and have fun."

At the end, Hua Yu took a deep breath and nodded to himself, "Thank you Brother Fang for your enlightenment!"

At this time, Fang Hong found that the reputation value had risen sharply, and it was from Huayu. It was obvious that this conversation had established a higher prestige in his heart.


(Ps: It’s more than 500 monthly tickets, and it will be updated when it reaches 600 tickets. Everyone who has a monthly ticket should use Stud. Stud is a kind of wisdom.)

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