My Fintech Empire

Chapter 95 [This hole card is simply invincible]

At about the same time, Qianxiang Group headquarters.

Since Cheng Yizhou personally called Xu Jingren to propose the rejection of the acquisition, he did not invest the money in as he threatened, but approved the establishment of a new project and formed a new development team, that is, he ended up directly Enter microblogging territory.

The product developed by the project team is called "Qianxiang Weibo". Cheng Yizhou also knows that he has a feud with the founder of Fanfou, and it is better to invest money in Fanfou to do it himself.

At this moment, Cheng Yizhou is having a meeting with several leaders of Qianxiang Weibo team.

After a while, the person in charge of the project said: "Mr. Cheng, we are one step too late. Both and the short domain name have been registered first. The domain name was sold at a price of 2.9 million yuan just three days ago. The transaction was completed, and the short domain name was also sold at a price of 880,000 yuan, and the buyers were all quantum jumps."

Cheng Yizhou was a little upset when he heard that these two domain names were taken by Quantum Jump first, but he didn't show it. He just nodded and said, "Which VC institution is Quantum Jump invested in?"

Cheng Yizhou didn't expect to spend more than three million yuan for two domain names, which shows that Quantum Jump not only got the investment, but also the investment scale should be in the tens of millions.

No wonder the opponent is so confident, this is a miscalculation.

At this time, another participant said: "Mr. Cheng, we have also launched a penetrating investigation on Quantum Jump. The preliminary investigation results show that we have penetrated to Huayang Group."

Cheng Yizhou said in surprise, "You mean Xincheng Huayang Group has invested in Quantum Beat?"

The participant nodded and said: "The existing reliable data shows that the investor of Quantum Beat is called Qunxing Company. This is an investment institution that was just established this year. The specific amount of money invested and how much equity is currently unknown."

It is normal not to know, because Qunxing Capital and Quantum Beat have not disclosed the specific information of financing to the outside world, and information such as how much the investor has contributed and how much equity he has taken has not been disclosed to the public, and only insiders know.

The participant continued: "We penetrated Qunxing Capital again and found out that the company is related to a company called 'Shenxing', which is also a company that has just been established. Not only that, Hua Yu, the current head of Qunxing Capital, is the son of Hua Yongming, the head of Huayang Group, and Hua Yongming also serves as the vice president of Huayang Group."

When Cheng Yizhou heard this, he suddenly said: "So, Qunxing Capital should be a company controlled by Huayang Group, and the investor of Quantum Beat is undoubtedly Huayang Capital."

At this time, Cheng Yizhou suddenly smiled, and said: "If it is Huayang Group, it is good news. I have heard about Xincheng Huayang Capital. I have invested in many Internet companies in the past few years, but without exception, they all failed. And Gui, I woke up early to catch an evening episode, which shows that Huayang does not have Internet genes."

The implication is that referring to the past investment cases of Huayang Capital in the Internet industry, Quantum Beat is also likely to fail.

The person in charge of the Qianxiang Weibo project said: "It is not guaranteed that when the cycads will bloom, the user growth of Quandong Weibo is quite astonishing. According to the comprehensive evaluation of volume and other data, its user registration scale has reached at least 2.7 million.”

Everyone present knows that Quandong Weibo has only been online for more than two months, and they are more aware of how impressive the conservative estimate of 2.7 million user registrations is.

Cheng Yizhou looked at the person in charge of Qianxiang Weibo and asked, "When will Qianxiang Weibo go online at the earliest?"

Hearing this, the person in charge said: "The soonest we may have to wait until March next year."

Will it be available in March next year?

According to the growth momentum of Weibo, the number of users may reach 8 million in March next year.

However, Qianxiang Weibo is not without its own reliance, and can rely on the Xiaonei network to drive drainage.

Cheng Yizhou immediately said: "Find a way to support the growth rate of Quandong Weibo, and it's best to think of a way to make it finish."

At this time, the project leader tentatively asked: "Mr. Cheng, can we use some unconventional means of competition?"


This is a polite way of saying high emotional intelligence.

To be direct is a means that cannot be put on the stage.

Cheng Yizhou said immediately: "As long as you don't get yourself into trouble, it's fine."

Hearing this, the project leader immediately said: "Traffic attacks include creating a large number of inappropriate comments on the Quandong Weibo platform to trigger regulatory interviews and even order shutdowns for rectification purposes. As long as the shutdown lasts for a year or so, Quantitative Weibo is basically out.”

For a fast-growing Internet company, what it means to be shut down and unable to operate for a year or so, everyone present is very clear.

Cheng Yizhou said lightly: "It is also reasonable to use unconventional means to compete when necessary."


Now not only Qianxiang Group has begun to enter the field of micro-blogs, but with the initial explosion of Quandong Weibo, it has attracted the attention of more Internet giants, including portal giants such as Xinlang, and social network giants such as Penguin.

Because of the emergence of quantum beating and the emergence of Quantum Weibo, the major Internet giants have focused their attention on the field of microblogs almost a year earlier.

However, although these giants have noticed, they are still hesitating whether to deploy this field. They always feel that the microblogging field is just a small opportunity.

It was the head of Qianxiang Group who entered the arena decisively.


At the same time, Fang Hong left Quantum Beat, and on the way back, he was also thinking about the event that in his previous life was shut down for 505 days because it was full of sensitive comments. Will the same thing happen on Liangdong Weibo?

That is to face the possibility of opponents launching malicious attacks from the dark, such as similar traffic attacks, or wildly spreading inappropriate remarks on the platform.

After analyzing for a while, Fang Hong concluded that this possibility is very high.

Quantum Jump has rejected Sequoia Capital and Qianxiang Group successively, blocking these capitals and preventing them from coming in to eat their first big meat. Happy.

As for the CEO of Qianxiang Group threatening to invest money in competitors, this is regarded as competition on the table, but there is nothing to worry about.

But what about the off-the-charts means of competition?

Xu Jingren and his group of young people have never experienced the turmoil of the mall, so they may not have thought of it at this level. They still need time to grow up, but Fang Hong's sense of urgency and risk prediction are obviously not comparable to them.

The key to preventing this problem is to improve the security of Quandong Weibo platform, which requires strong technical support.

In other words, the technical development capabilities of the team need to be improved.

It's time to use the prop card of the social reputation system. Improving the research and development capabilities of the team will naturally bring technical support to the Weibo platform to defend against possible malicious attacks on the website from the technical level.

Fang Hong returned home, sat alone in the living room and said nothing, the interface of the social reputation system was displayed in front of his eyes.

The interface data shows that the current reputation value has reached 21.8 million, and the available achievement points are 1.7205 million points.

"I can exchange 17 cards..." Fang Hong thought for a moment, and immediately decided to exchange one. This system has six types of item cards, namely R\u0026D, Operation, Loyalty, Attributes, Clearance, and Health.

Fang Hong exchanged for a "Research and Development" item card, which consumed 100,000 achievement points, and the available achievement points dropped to 1,620,500.

A message popped up on the interface, Fang Hong muttered to himself: "Choose a target, consume the item card, the target's creativity will get a 5% bonus, continue to consume the item card to accumulate the bonus, use the 'clear' item The card specifies an attribute, which clears all bonus effects of that attribute.”

Fang Hong didn't say a word, resting his chin in his hand and meditating.

Get a 5% creativity bonus, and the amount of information is not much.

Without thinking too much, he decided to use it immediately, and the front-view interface immediately displayed a network of contacts centered on him.

Looking at the lists of the relationship network, Fang Hong chose Lou Gaoyuan, because he is the one with the strongest technical development ability in the founder team, so it is natural to give priority to improving his development level to get the most benefits.

Fang Hong decisively designated Lou Gaoyuan to use the "R\u0026D" item card.


At the same time, in a development room of Quantum Beat, Lou Gaoyuan, who was in the process of algorithm development and programming, was thinking hard, apparently encountered some difficulties during the development process.

But at this moment, he suddenly froze for a moment, as if his brain suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, Lou Gaoyuan said happily: "Understood, so it's like this..."

Once again, he tapped the keyboard quickly to program.


At the same time, Fang Hong, who was sitting in the living room at home, exchanged another "attribute" item card, which allowed him to view the six basic attributes of the designated target.

Namely: character, prestige, health, IQ, coordination, wealth.

Fang Hong looked at the six basic attributes and came to a preliminary judgment. The character attribute should be related to the "loyalty" type of item card, the IQ attribute should be associated with the "research and development" type of item card, and the coordination attribute should be related to the "operation" type of item card. related.

As for prestige, health, and wealth, they cannot be improved directly through item cards.

Fang Hong resolutely designated Lou Gaoyuan to use the "attribute" item card again. After a while, the six attributes of the designated target were presented in front of his eyes in the form of panel data.

【Target: Lou Gaoyuan】

[Character: Excellent]

[Reputation: 32536 value]

[Health: Excellent]

[IQ: 128 (+1), excellent]

【Coordination: general】

【Wealth: 2500+ ten thousand yuan】

Looking at the data of Lou Gaoyuan's attribute panel, Fang Hong noticed the data in brackets "+1" in the IQ column, and couldn't help thinking secretly: "This should be the effect of the 5% creativity bonus reflected on the IQ panel. It means that Lou Gaoyuan has reached the value of 127 before."

An IQ of 127 must belong to the category of high IQ.

People's IQ level can be roughly divided into seven levels: the seventh level is less than 70, which belongs to low energy; the sixth level is between 70 and 79, which belongs to mental deficiency; Those between 90 and 109 are normal; the third between 110 and 119 are excellent; the second between 120 and 139 are excellent; the first is an IQ greater than 140, which is a genius.

Einstein's IQ level is above 160, and some people say it is above 180. There are different opinions, but there is no doubt that Einstein must be an extremely rare super genius.

"Just raise your IQ panel to 130." Fang Hong didn't hesitate too much, and he didn't waste time when it was time to use it. He immediately exchanged two more "Research and Development" item cards, and designated them for use. For Lou Gaoyuan, his other major attributes are all good, but it is enough to focus on improving his IQ panel.

After all, there are only a dozen cards that can be exchanged for now, and they have to be used on key points.

[The target has been designated, the creativity bonus is 5%, the current IQ level of the designated target is 128 (+1), excellent]


Fang Hong was stunned when he saw the information on the pop-up window panel in front of the TV. Lou Gaoyuan's IQ panel data was still 128 (+1), and he again designated Lou Gaoyuan to use the third "R\u0026D" item card.

[The target has been designated, the creativity bonus is 5%, the current intelligence level of the designated target is 129 (+2), excellent]

"It turns out that there is still a problem of weight ratio." Fang Hong probably understood when he saw the latest pop-up panel information in front of the TV. The previous judgment thought that the addition of 5% corresponds to the increase of the target intelligence level by 1 unit value.

Now it seems that the previous judgment was wrong. It should be that the effect of the 5% bonus is constant, but it is reflected in the IQ panel value that the weight ratio of the bonus effect has decreased.

If it is expressed in a mathematical function graph, assuming that the IQ index is the vertical axis, and the creativity bonus of 5% is the horizontal axis, it will eventually show a slope curve that rises rapidly and then tends to be flat.

In other words, as the IQ value increases, the corresponding item cards will be consumed for every 1 unit value increase later.

Fang Hong saw that there were more than 1.32 million achievement points remaining, and he could still exchange 13 item cards. When he didn’t use it before, it was because it was unnecessary, but now he was unambiguous when he needed to use it, so he exchanged three more “R\u0026D” items. Card.

No matter what I say today, I want to raise the IQ level of Lou Gaoyuan, the chief technology officer, to the 130 level, and then consume three more item cards, a total of six are consumed.

[The target has been designated, the creativity bonus is 5%, the current intelligence level of the designated target is 130 (+3), excellent]

Fang Hong looked at the latest pop-up information. Lou Gaoyuan's IQ panel value finally reached the 130 value level, so he stopped. In just a short while, 700,000 achievement points were consumed.

Looking at the data of Fame Points and Achievement Points, the Fame Points have accumulated 21.81 million values, and the available achievement points are 1,000,500 points.

The fame points have not changed, but are constantly accumulating, but the available achievement points have been deducted by 700,000 points.

Fang Hong couldn't help sighing secretly: "It's not easy to save, but it's really fast to consume."

It still has to be used at key points. The social reputation system is undoubtedly the biggest hole card to rely on, and what Fang Hong values ​​most is the "research and development" item card, so as to improve the research and development and creativity of his subordinates. Expect.

Geniuses create high technology and even black technology, and Fang Hong can in a sense create geniuses through this social reputation system, and even whoever wants to become a genius can become a genius.

This hole card is simply invincible.


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