My Fintech Empire

Chapter 99 [Two announcements that caused a sensation in the Internet world]

Almost every college student who logs on to Weibo for the first time because of the "chicken leg tactics" will be attracted by the "Wei Xiao Novels @大世界" activity on the homepage, and most importantly, he will be attracted by the lottery prizes awarded by the contest.

As time goes by, it has gradually become a hot topic on university campuses, and the popularity is gradually increasing.

With enough lottery to attract, a large number of users participated in this event one after another, giving full play to their literary talent and whimsy. Friends recommended each other to vote for each other, and they also canvassed votes. The Weibo platform has no restrictions on this. .

Because it can not only increase user activity, but also increase new users.

For example, one person in a dormitory participated in the competition, and several other people did not register on Weibo. Then, in order to solicit votes from friends, several other people registered Weibo accounts, and new users were created.

It not only brings new users but also improves the activity of platform users.

The rapid growth of Weibo users has been further driven by the advertising on platforms such as QQ and major portals.


On Monday, January 5, A-shares ushered in the first trading day of the new year after the festival, and got off to a good start.

Today, the two cities opened sharply higher. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index jumped +1.55% at 1849.02 points.

Among the seven targets held by Fang Hong, Zhongxin Securities rose +4.95%, Hitong Securities rose +8.63%, Pufa Bank closed up +3.55%, Zhongguo Ping An rose +8.50%, and Zhaoshang Bank rose + 3.54%, Zhongguo Pacific Insurance rose +6.65%, and Shanqi Coking Coal rose +10.03% to close the daily limit.

The seven targets held by the full position accounted for 4.625 million yuan today, the total rate of return on that day was +6.51%, and the total market value of the account also reached 75.625 million yuan.


On the next day, Tuesday, January 6, the A-shares rose sharply again, and the market pulled up another big positive line and closed up by 3 percentage points. The seven stocks in Fang Hong's hand were all red today, and they were full of profits that day. The ratio exceeded 4 percentage points, the absolute profit was 3.16 million yuan, and the total assets of the account also soared to 78.79 million yuan.

The sharp rise in the stock market in the past two days, especially the rise in big finance, was mainly driven by the good news from the upper echelon. At the work meeting held on the 5th, the upper echelon pointed out that this year will implement a structural tax reduction policy and continue to implement temporary exemption Savings deposits and securities transaction settlement funds interest income tax, reduction of stamp duty rates for securities transactions, and unilateral collection of positive policies.

Fang Hong also updated his Weibo news today, which is also the first Weibo news in the new year 2009.

I found a picture on the Internet, a cow. Today's Weibo did not capture the position picture, but just added a picture of a cow, and wrote ten words to publish it:

[New year, new weather, get up in the year of the ox]

Not long after the dynamic release, there were a lot of comments.

[Front row. ]

[God K Happy New Year! ]

[Get up! ]

[The patriarch's beef batch is as usual, and he has eaten a lot of meat in the past two days. ]

[The last two days before the holiday were overcast and almost threw me out, but fortunately I resisted. ]

[Follow the steps of the patriarch and eat meat steadily! ]

[God K, can you create a group? ]

[K3478//Reply: No group building, no stock recommendation, only sharing, pure communication. ]

[All right……]

[Acquainted with God K by accident, I feel hopeful to get back to the original. ]


In the next few trading days, the market went up for two days and then pulled back for a few days. Fang Hong also did T, avoiding the market's callback and avoiding the retracement of profits.

However, he did not post frequently on Weibo, and the fans who copied the homework because of the surge in the two days after the festival had enough profit margins, and the profit retracement was not so panicked, but continued to hold calmly.

After all, the patriarchs have said that the market outlook is optimistic about the rise and relay, and the tickets bought are all in the mid-line trend, and it is normal to have adjustments.


Friday, January 9.

Today, two announcements made by Quantum Beat caused a sensation in the Internet circle.

The first announcement is that Quantum Beat officially announced that it has obtained a Pre-A round of venture capital of 90 million yuan from the investor, but it did not disclose the specific information of the investor, nor did it disclose how much equity it sold.

Obviously, the company has made corresponding adjustments, from the previous low-key to high-profile, because even if it wants to be low-key now, it is an ostrich behavior, and more and more capital and Internet companies are paying attention, so it is better to show their strength openly .

At the same time, it also provides strong support for the ongoing micro-fiction contest. Everyone sees that you have obtained such a large venture capital, and you are more assured that your event will not run away in the end.

This news undoubtedly surprised the industry. The Pre-A financing actually received 90 million yuan. It must be known that many start-up companies may not be able to obtain such a large investment in the A and B rounds of financing.

The industry is also very curious about which VC the investor is. Many people can't help but think of Softbank. After all, Softbank is relatively well-known in the industry for its generous spending.

But in comparison, the second announcement shocked the domestic Internet circle even more. In the announcement, Quantum Beat announced that the cumulative number of user registrations on its Quandong Weibo exceeded 6.5 million.

It has been less than three months since the website was launched in October last year, and this achievement can be described as outstanding.

All senior practitioners in the Internet industry are well aware of what such a growth rate means. In the first three months of the school's online launch, the number of users increased by more than one million in the first three months.

The explosive growth of Weibo users has finally attracted the attention of people from all walks of life in the Internet and investment circles in the field of microblogs.

If the great success of Twitter in North America gave domestic entrepreneurs hope, then the current growth momentum of Quandong Weibo undoubtedly proves that this segment can open up a greater space for imagination.

Venture capital institutions have also found the contact information of the head of Quantum Jump, made various calls to chat with Xu Jingren, and are also spying on information such as Quantum Jump’s angel round investor, who is the Pre-A round investor, and how much equity has been sold etc.

In addition, what is more important is when the next round of financing will be launched. The calls from these investors have shown a strong willingness to get in the car.

Because the Internet industry, once it finds the right new model, finds the right path, and satisfies the huge needs of Internet users, it will immediately experience explosive growth in a geometric progression, and basically in the first one or two years. The time of day determines life and death. If you can get up within one or two years, you will really get up. If you can't get up, you will basically die.

When Facebook rose, its competitors gradually fell silent; when Google rose, its competitors gradually fell silent; including Twitter, which has a strong momentum, and domestic QQ, which rose, its competitors fell silent.

This is basically the case in the Internet industry, whether it is the domestic Internet or the foreign Internet, this is generally the case.

The strong growth momentum of Quandong Weibo has also caused the capital market to re-evaluate the value of the micro-blog field, making similar websites such as Fanfou, Jiwai, and Digu more valuable than before .

At least, it is relatively easier for the founding teams of these websites to attract investment than before.


Quantum Jump headquarters.

Fang Hong came to the company in the afternoon. At this moment, five people including Xu Jingren, including several other key executives of the company, gathered in a conference room. These non-founders already knew that Fang Hong was hiding the big boss, and Xu Jingren wanted to listen to him.

"Boss, Penguin, Xinlang and other social giants or portal giants have recently refused to accept our next round of advertising business without exception. Your judgment is indeed correct, and they probably want to enter the market." Xu Jingren said with a smile. He said that at present, major Internet companies such as QQ and Xinlang are still promoting Quandong Weibo, because this is a previous contract and the time has not expired.

If you break the contract, you will have to pay more than ten times the liquidated damages, and it will be very painful, so you can only bite the bullet and push it, but the next round of advertisements will not be answered.

Xu Jingren added: "The giants and big factories have all left. To be honest, there is still a lot of pressure, especially Penguin."

Hearing this, Fang Hong said calmly and firmly: "Penguins don't have to worry, even if they are coming aggressively, they will not pose a big threat to Quandong Weibo."

A non-founder backbone who attended the meeting said: "Penguin has a huge QQ user base, which should not be underestimated."

Fang Hong nodded and said: "Of course we can't underestimate it, but don't be fooled. The underlying logic is still a matter of genetics. We all know that Penguin started with QQ and is good at social product relationship chains. This is its core competition." power, but quantitative microblogging is a media attribute rather than a social attribute, and Penguin will most likely be dissatisfied when it enters this field.”

"On the contrary, we have to pay more attention to Xinlang, which started as a portal. At the beginning, Xinlang was born in the media. Its media attributes are greater than its social attributes, so once Xinlang ends, their operation will be more precise. .”

"Our next plan is to bring various celebrities and stars to Quandong Weibo, turn Weibo into their publicity position, and bring the most natural traffic and fan relationship. I believe Xinlang will definitely do the same , and the already popular Xinlang blog also provided a good foundation for Xinlang to do Weibo."

Fang Hong, who paused for a moment, finally added: "On the contrary, Penguin doesn't have much experience in this area. I guess I can only imitate cats and tigers, and the effect will not be very good."

Hearing his deconstruction, everyone present couldn't help nodding, and Xin Lang should pay more attention to this opponent.


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