The following days went smoothly eventhough there was fear particularly on the side of Alexa, she felt secured because John didn't left her side. Even when he is not around, Mike, Bella, and Myra always keep her company. They told them of what had happened and they all on the lookout for her. Only the five of them knew of the flower-chocolate thing because Mike suspected that maybe the culprit is inside the hospital. John also told his parents and Rain about the incident and as expected they worried too much for Alexa so his parents suggested that she should stay in John's house but before doing it, they should inform Alexa's parents.

Alexa informed her parents through phone. She also informed them about her relationship with John. Her parents were not surprised because they knew from the start of how much she loves John. She never kept secrets from them.

Alexa was the only child of Mr and Mrs Cruz. She grew with all the love and support of her parents centered to her. Eventhough she the only child, she was never a spoiled brat. When she finished college, she immediately rented her apartment and live independently. At first, her parents were against it but they knew Alexa was firmed when making decisions.

"I will talk to your godfather to make arrangements so that you can have a bodyguard." Mr Cruz said with worried face for her only daugher. Everyone taught that her father was a retired general but it was only his authorative aura and physical appearance. Mr. Cruz owned a hardware business while Mrs. Cruz owned fashion boutique. Through their businesses, they've met friends in different fields and one of them was her godfather in the military. "Dad, that's too much!" Alexa said. "I can handle myself and John and my friends are with me so don't worry too much. "Alexa said even there's a little anxiety behind her mind. John is sitting beside her and can overhear her father. "Is John with you now?" Mr. Cruz asked. "Yes,dad, we're home. Alexa aswered. "Give him the phone and I will talk to him." Mr.Cruz commanded her daughter. Alexa was a bit hesitant but when she saw John nodded she gave him the phone. "Good evening Uncle." John said in a respectful way. "I knew that my daughter loves you so much and when she love, she will give her all. Do take care of her. If you will make her cry or something happens to her, you know what will happen." Mr. Cruz said that made John swallowed a lot. "Don't worry sir I will not hurt Alexa and I will not allow anyone to touch her!" John said which made Mr. Cruz smiled. Alexa can't stop giggling because of the tension on John's handsome face. "And one thing more, though you and my daughter are living on the same house, you should have different rooms and when you can't stop your little puppy, let it bite the wall." Mr. Cruz said with a serious tone but his face is smiling. Alexa saw the frustration on his face before answering her dad, "Yes, sir!" In a flat tone. And the line ended.

"What did dad told you that made my hubby sad?" Alexa acting innocently. John sighed," he wanted you to have a different room." Alexa laughed and in a snap had an idea. "But he will not know that we are sleeping on the same bed!" Alexa said while hugging and kissing John in his eyes, ears, nose and then his lips. She is kissing him passionately that made John's little puppy hard. John returned the kisses more deeply. And when they are both ready to savor each other, Alexa's phone rang. They both stiffed. "Yes, dad! " Alexa said. "We're going to visit you next week." Mr Cruz before ending the call immediately. John furrowed his brows. "They will be here next week." Alexa said that John made sighed. Alexa grinned and hug him again planting small kisses around his face. "We still have few days." Alexa said winking at John. "You little tease!" John said and they continue what they have started a while ago, loving and caressing each other. Making the night hotter than the other nights.

Alexa knew that she will be safe under John's care. Whatever happens, "John will protect me." She silently said before they both reached the climax of their love making.

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