Early morning, John was busy preparing meals for their breakfast. He didn't notice Alexa approaching him and hug him from the back. "Morning hubby." Alexa said. "Morning too," and gave Alexa a kiss on the lips. Alexa put her hands around his neck while his hands on her waist. "I love you," Alexa said sweetly. "I love you more." John said before gave another kiss to her.

Because the couple are busy cuddling each other, they were unaware that there were two pairs of eyes watching them. Mr. Cruz can't hide the smile in his face while holding the hands of his wife, Mrs. Cruz. "Morning, breakfast ready?" Mr. Cruz asked that made the couple let go of each other and made them both blushed.

After breakfast, Alexa and John prepared for their work while her parents also prepared themselves because they will deal with other business matters. Mr. Cruz didn't forget to remind the couple about their dinner later. "Don't be late." Mr. Cruz said. "Yes, dad!" Alexa answered and they parted ways.

"Go inside first, I'll just drop by the laboratory coz Myra told me that I should fill up the form from the organizers of our convention next month." Alexa said. "Ok, we still have enough time before the clinic." John said. And he walk going to their room. Upon entering the key to the knob, John noticed it was not locked. He wondered maybe they both forgot to check it last night. As he enters the room, he noticed the bouquet of flowers in Alexa's table and John felt something was off. As he was looking at the bouquet, he found a note, "Sweetheart, our time is fast approaching, be ready, I will make you mine not leaving anything for your bastard boyfriend." He stiffed as if a pale of ice was poured over his head. He went out and throw the flowers to the trash bin outside so Alexa will not see it but kept the note. He dialled the number of Mike and told him to meet. "Hey, what's with that face?" Mike asked puzzled. John gave him the note. Mike's grin became serious. "Have Alexa seen this?" Mike asked. "No, and I don't have the plan to tell her." John said in a serious tone. "This is a serious matter bro and we should take actions." Mike said but taught how will they take actions if they don't have any hint of who the hell is the suspect. "Uncle hired a bodyguard for her but she didn't know it coz she will throw a tantrum if she knew." John said. Mike felt at ease but of course as John said, they will not put their guard down eventhough they knew a back up is always ready to interfere. John fold the note and placed it in his pocket. He will let Mr. Cruz see it so they will think of ways that will be good for their precious little lady.

"Im done!" Alexa said while waving the paper in her hand. "Already?" Myra asked. "Yep,I already filled all the info here. I'm going back to my hubby now." Alexa said while winking at Myra. " You really can't stay longer away from your boyfriend huh"? Myra said with a teasing smile. "Yeah, right." Alexa said while opening the door. Walking through the corridor, Alexa felt that there was someone behind her and she looked back. "Oh, good morning Dr. Matthew." Alexa said smiling. She saw something in his eyes but it was just seconds so she was not sure of what it is. "Good morning, Alexa. You're looking more pretty everyday." Mr. Matthew said looking at Alexa intently that made her felt a little uneasy because there was really something in his eyes a while ago and now but it vanished again immediately. "Thank you, Dr. Matthew." Alexa said and continue walking while Dr. Matthew is still behind her. "Alexa, since Dr. John will not be here next week because of his convention, would you like to be my secretary for that week? Linda will be away that week because her family will take a vacation in their hometown." Dr. Matthew said that made Alexa stop but before she could answer the doctors inquiry John put his hand in her shoulder. "I'm sorry Dr. Matthew but because I can't live without my wifey here, I planned that she will be joining me next week. John said with a determined tone. "Oh, is that so, maybe I could look for another secretary if Alexa could not make it. See you around." Dr. Matthew said with his clenched fist.

"Hey, we've already talked that while you are not around, I will be helping in the laboratory." Alexa said pouting her lips. "Changed my mind, I want you to be with me anytime and anywhere." John said winking at Alexa making her blushed. John made it sound not so serious so that Alexa will not have a hint that he is not allowing her to be out of his sight, never even a second.

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