St. Martin Hospital, Alexa is lying on bed while John is beside her. Sleeping together after a horrible night. Waking up, Alexa could still fill the pain in her face and stomach. She can't move comfortably because whe she does she ached of pain. John felt the slight movement beside him. He opens his eyes and met hers. John kisses Alexa's forehead. Alexa hugs John tightly as if years have passed. She felt safe now. John raised Alexa' face and saw the wound on her lips. He kisses her lightly thinking he can erase the pain on that wound. The kisses went passionately, both are longing, hands are wandering, bodies are in heat. "Ehem, ehem, the patient needs rest but her doctor is putting pressure on her!" Mike said while entering the door. Alexa blushed. "You're always destroying the atmosphere." John said bluffing his anger. Mike checked Alexa. "You're vitals are good. You can go home by tomorrow but make sure you'll have plenty of rest!" Mike said looking at John with a teasing eyes. "By noon, police officers are getting your statement about last night. You think you can do it? We can cancel it if you're not good at it." Mike said with worries in his face thinking of Alexa's feelings. Alexa looked at John. John hugged her. Feeling of the support of her beloved, "Yes, I will." Alexa said with determination on her face.

The whole morning, the room was filled of her love ones visiting her. Her parents, John's parents and Rain, Belle and Myra and their co-staffs.

Noon, inside the room were John, Alexa, and the policemen. Alexa didn't want others to stay. They went out and stayed in the lobby while waiting. Alexa closed her eyes and when ahe opened it, she started to state what happened on that horribli night. Alexa can't hold her tears, it continuously fell while she was talking. John holding her hands tightly giving her support but he can't hide his anger towards Matthew. If Mike didn't stopped him, he might paralysed the man.

After the interview, Alexa felt exhausted. She fell asleep, John hugging her. When the oldies went back, they didn't want to disturb the two souls peacefully sleeping. They decided to go home and come back later at night.

Rain is busy reading a book when her phone rang. It took her a while before she answered the call. "Hello, who's this?" Rain asked. "Hi, Rain, Trisha here! How are you? I've been calling you since last week. How was John? Im really sorry for what had happened to us. Im going there to reconcile with your brother." Trisha said continuously without letting Rain utter a word. "No need, my brother finally forgot you. He have moved on and he's now with his first love. So, for you, its better if you get lost!" Rain said ending the call immediately. "The nerve of that bitch!" Rain said angrily that made Mrs. Graciano looked at her. "Who was that?" She asked. "Oh, someone that don't have the right to be remembered!" Rain said, anger still in her voice. Mrs. Graciano didn't tend to ask for more information because she knew that when her daughter is angry, she will be a hot temper girl throwing tantrums everywhere.

Early in the evening, John woke up when his phone rang. He aswered it immediately not to disturb Alexa's sleep. "Big brother, the bitch called me saying she wants to reconcile with you. Don't you ever think of coming back to her. I will kick your balls until it breaks when you do!" Rain said angrily and ended the call. John with a furrowed eyebrow looked at Alexa and made him sigh. A problem arising again, he taught.

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