Alexa and John were clasmates in college. They have the same circle of friends. It was Alexa who had feelings for John and she called it love at first sight. She saw John walking at the corredor handsomely. All the girls are swooning to him. Boys are envious because of the attention the girls are giving to John. Some are giving him flowers and others are giving him chocolates. But Alexa was just satisfied just by looking at him. Her only advantage was they were in the same group of friends. Her friends Jana and Carla knew that she had feelings for John but for the sake of friendship,they just supporting Alexa in keeping the secret. Until one night in their acquaintance party,the secret was revealed because of the game truth or dare. It was Alexa's turn when the bottle point at her. One of the senior ask her "Do you like someone here?" If she chooses dare, she will drink 1 bottle of beer and that's a no no because her parents will ground her if she smell beer when she get home. If she chooses truth, she will kiss the guy she like. There's no way out because when it comes to the seniors order, she needs to follow because if not, she will be a slave of 1 of them and that more scary than kissing or drinking. Finally, she stands up and walk to the place where John is sitting. Shouting begins and teasing starts. John stand in front of Alexa and said "Its me?" Alexa nodded and in a snap she kiss him. The plan was just s smack but when she start to withdraw her lips from John, he holds her waist and kiss her again. She was shock because of what John did. She cant hear nothing but the beating of her heart. Why John is kissing her? Why is he hugging her? When John release her,he saw something in John's eyes and she cant explain what is was. All she can do is run because of embarrassment. She did not see the sad face of John. Little did Alexa know, It will be his last day is school because they will migrate in the US. All of their friends knew about it except Alexa and today John will tell it to Alexa and he will tell Alexa that he likes her to but thats impossible now. Their flight is at 10 pm and its almost 8 pm. His parents are waiting outside and all he can do is sigh.

Bella and Myra are listening to Alexa's story very carefully so they will not miss any important details. After the story telling, her two friends realize one thing, both of them liked each other back in college. Alexa did not believe because all John can was make fun of her and annoys her everytime. They're talking only stop when Alexa's phone ring. Alexa frown because it is an unknown # and she has the rule that if it is an unknwon # she will not answer. So she get back to her friends. Later did she know that it was John calling her. The three friends are still talking when they hear the paging system. "Paging Alexa, paging Alexa, please proceed in the ER." She thinks that it is a patient and hurry to the ER living her friends. In her dissapointment, John is waiting in the ER. "Why did not answer your phone?" John said in a serious tone. The staff look at her as if she was in big fault. "Im sorry boss, I'm not answering a call when the # is unknown," Alexa answered in a low tone. "Give me your phone," John order her. At first she is hesitant but after he saw the serious face of John she gave up. John type something in her phone and give it back to her. "Lets go!" John said while holding her hand. "Let me go!" She said while trying to let go of the hand of John. But John never let go of her hand. The staffs faces are full of questions,only two people know what is happening. Bella and Myra knew that these two will be together one of this day.

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