My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1221: Stealing chicken will not lose the rice

Yun said lightly that the speed at this time was extremely fast, the inertia was also great, and the incident happened suddenly, and he couldn't stop at all.

What's more, the weight of five kilograms on her body also increased her inertia.

As long as you stumble, under the blessing of ten times the gravity, plus the five kilogram stone on your body, it is definitely a tragedy.

Originally, it seemed that someone was lying in the middle of the runway. Nie Zhao was already extremely angry. At this time, seeing the other party is still framing others, he was even more angry. However, at the moment of the moment, Nie Zhao could only yell--"Yun Qingyan ,Be careful!!"

Carrying five kilograms of stone and falling under ten times the gravity, it is enough to make a Xuanjie Yuanshi break the appearance!

"Oh oh!!!" A scream of earth-shaking screams, accompanied by a frightening sound of bone breaking.

A tough guy such as Nie Zhao couldn't help but closed his eyes, and Yun said lightly that he was injured, how he had expected the adult to beat him up!

Old wounds are not good enough to add new ones! He won't be beaten this time so that he can't get out of bed for ten days, will he?

However, just as the bitterness in his heart was raging, a clear and happy voice awakened him.

"I confiscated my foot and accidentally crushed your bones. I'm so sorry~"

After Yun Qingyan ran past the woman with heavy makeup, he ran over and said to her with a smile.

Those dark eyes were so cold that there was no emotion.

The woman with heavy makeup turned her face distorted with pain, looking at Yun Qingyan's face, her face was full of fear.

Under ten times the gravity, Yun Qingyan’s foot almost carried a weight of more than 1,000 catties, plus Yun Qingyan’s deliberate force, the force reached nearly three thousand in an instant, enough to lift her weight. The leg of the matter is crushed!

Su Feisha, who was 300 meters away, suddenly turned black. Although she looked down on the woman who was always by her side to flatter and please, she was her own dog anyway!

Fighting a dog depends on the owner! Yun Qing said that this is hitting her in the face?

Yun lightly beckoned to Ke Yao and Ke Zhuo, "Senior Sister Ke Yao, Senior Brother Ke Zhuo, come here, one student here is injured!"

Ke Yao had already noticed the situation here, and ran over here.

Yun Qingyan slowly squatted down, stretched out his hand and patted the woman's shoulder, his red lips were lightly raised, and he said in a voice that only two people could hear, "Stealing chickens is not a ridiculous trick to eat rice. Don't use it.

stupid. "

After speaking, she stood up and took a look at Su Feiza, and ran again.

Su Feisha's face turned dark, but she still came to the woman with heavy makeup and asked coldly, "What were you doing just now?"

Although she didn't care about each other's life or death, Wu Ya was her follower from childhood and a member of the Su family's affiliated family. Su Feiza had a sense of anger that Wu Xin had embarrassed herself.

He failed to frame others, but made himself unlucky, which really gave him a face.

"Fei...Feisha." Wu Ya's face was distorted with pain now, and her voice was a little trembling.

There was a twist in my heart, and she was also for her.

"Don't be ashamed of me." Tossing a sentence coldly, Su Feisha glanced at the two of Ke Yao who came over, and tossed a sentence coldly, "I'll leave it to you."

After speaking, he stepped forward again and ran out.

Just when Ke Yao and the others took him to Nie Zhao's direction, Wu Ya immediately cried out frantically, "I want to report Yun Qingyan! She is cruel and intentionally hurt her colleagues!"

Nie Zhao just glanced at her faintly, as if looking at a jumping clown.

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