If you put a load on those princes and buddies, don't say if they can't finish the task, whether they can stand up or not.

Sufeisha bit her red lips, and she naturally knew what Nie Zhao meant.

But just like this, Yun said that she won, and she was only a short distance away. She was very unconvinced in her heart!

She believed that if she was carrying a five kilogram heavy stone, she would definitely reach the finish line before Yun Qingyan!

Seeing that Su Feisha was still unconvinced in her heart, Nie Zhao said, "Besides, who said that Yun's burden is less than you?"

"What?" Su Feisha looked at Nie Zhao in disbelief.

At the same time, Yun Qingyan, who was drinking warm salt water and eating melons and fruits to supplement energy, couldn't help but set his eyes on Nie Zhao.

"Yun Qingyan! This is the spiritual fruit specially offered by the instructor!" When Geng Di saw Yun Qingyan's wolf paws stretched above the spirit fruit, he could not help widening his eyes and patted her with one hand.

"Oh! Don't be so stingy, teach the director, I also ask you to eat Lingguo!" Yun Qingyan flashed the blow with a smile, and threw a round and white fruit to Geng Di, "Baiyanguo, beauty saint Good product!

I don’t know if Director Geng Di has found the other half. If you don’t find it, please pay attention to it, and fix your face well, and try to get out of the singles as soon as possible! "

"You..." Geng Di couldn't laugh or cry after taking over Baiyanguo. What kind of breast enhancement fruit he eats as a man!

Nie Zhao looked at Yun Qingyan helplessly, his head hurting more and more.

Yun Qingyan was a thorny head, and this hunch became stronger and stronger in his heart.

And Su Feisha still held on to it, "Impossible! I clearly saw her carrying only a five kilogram stone."

Nie Zhao said lightly to Yun, "Yun lightly, take out what you removed."

Yun Qingyan just wanted to pretend not to understand, but he listened to Nie Zhao's next sentence, "Otherwise, go to the financial office and pay for the spiritual fruit you just ate!"

This sentence can be regarded as the weak underbelly of Yun Qingyan, because the greedy fellow Qinglong Dragon Soul, she is owing a large amount of money to the old man, and now, any act of paying for her is Gouging her meat.

"Okay." Yun said with a helpless sigh, and stretched out her hands. Then, two black stone rings appeared on each of her hands. At the same time, her raised hand sank until Xing Yuanli moved from between her palms. Then, both hands stopped falling.

The workmanship of the black stone ring is very ingenious, one section has an interface that can be opened and closed, and the overall black is restrained and full of a deep breath.

"It's the black ring!" When Su Feisha saw the two or four black rings, her pupils shrank, "Really you?!"

Yun Qingyan was dizzy by these two husbands' confused words, what does it mean to be you? She can't remember that she met Su Feisa before.

However, judging by her attitude towards her implied hostility and sharpness, Yun said lightly and affirmed that even if they had seen their lives before, it was definitely not a friendly relationship.

"Have we met?"

"Huh! I haven't seen it!" Su Feisha snorted coldly, with a cold attitude.

Yun Qingyan didn't bother to care about her at all. In her eyes, Su Feisa was just a trivial figure.

However, she didn't know that Su Feisa had not seen her, but had seen the black ring on her hand.

"If I'm not mistaken, these four black rings are made of Qianjun Stone, right?" Nie Zhaodao said, staring at Yun with his eyes.

"Yes." Yun said lightly without covering up, nodding his head and confessing directly.

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