"Your love is so cheap." Yun joked unceremoniously.

Geng Di and Nie Zhao's eyelids twitched at the same time, and they shook their heads in their hearts. These two little monsters are worthy of companions. Some aspects are really carved out of the same mold.

However, those spiritual fruits are not high in value, they are just fruits that relieve fatigue, and they don't mind.

"Deputy Dean, where are my honor points?" Ji Siwen waved his hand and asked. He was the third to arrive and should be rewarded with ten honor points.

Although there are not many ten honor points, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat!

"Wait for them to complete the task before helping you." Nie Zhao replied, "You haven't applied for the Xingyue badge for college identification.

Later, let Ke Yao and the others lead you to handle it and allocate the dormitory by the way. "

Ji Siwen stretched his face instantly, "How long and how long will it be!"

Except for him, Su Feixue, and Yun Qingyan who are of the Zong-level, most of the remaining people are at the level of the heaven-level. They have only ran three or four laps and are already panting with exhaustion. The task could not be completed in two days.

"Ahem." Nie Zhao also discovered the drawbacks.

After all, the heavenly ranks are incomparable to the sect ranks, they are two great realms apart, not only the star strength, but also the physical fitness and strength are completely crushed!

What's more, these few in front of him are still evildoers in the sect!

"Let your brother stay here as an assistant. I will go to Junior Sister Yun and Junior Brother Ji to apply for the Xingyue badge." At exactly this time, Ke Yao and Ke Zhuo walked in.

"All right." Nie Zhao squeezed out a crystal, injected star power, whispered a few words, then threw the crystal to Ke Yao, "Take this crystal to the affairs hall to find the person in charge of statistics, and he will give it to them. Inject honor points."

After finishing speaking, I didn't forget to glance at Yun Qingyan and Ji Siwen, "You two, although the school has not officially opened and the college is not completely closed, you should stay in the college to rest and don't go out to cause trouble."

Yun couldn't help but scratched his nose, and said very aggrieved, "Associate Dean, in your mind, are we the kind of students who make trouble?"

Ji Siwen strongly agreed, "That's right. We are obviously good students who abide by the law."

Nie Zhao widened his eyes and snorted coldly, "That's it! Don't be mean, go quickly.

Going back now, maybe you can still meet your new roommate. Especially Ji Swen, don't fight! "

Nie Zhao is also glaring, and he can see the personality of the two at a glance.

Yun said lightly that he would not take the initiative to cause trouble, but if she was bothered to find her, it would not be enough for her to break the sky directly.

And Ji Siwen is a kind of energetic and trouble-free looking for troubles, and this is his most headache.

I hope that today's punishment has already consumed most of his energy, so he won't find anything to do.

"Haha." Seeing the two who were dismissed by the deputy dean, Ke Yao smirked, "Junior Sister, Junior Brother, let's go."

Yun Qingyan and the two touched their chins awkwardly, and followed Ke Yao away.

Ke Yao led the two to the academy's affairs hall, asked the two old men to open up two iron badges for them, took out Nie Zhao's crystal core, and injected them with honor points by the way.

The affairs hall is a landmark building located in the center of the college. In addition to the calculation and transfer of honor points, there are also many task stickers hung. After completing the tasks, you can get the corresponding honor points.

Yun lightly took a look, the most D and F level missions, only three or four points of honor, so that, she and Ji Siwen are also considered small rich.

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