My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1248: Wash the quilt? mop?

Lei Yu was stunned. They used the method of wheel warfare in this round of gambling, and they were guarded until the eight rounds were played, and the side that won the most won.

And if the defender loses, the one who wins will take the place of the master of the ring and keep fighting until he loses.

Mu Qingying won two games in a row, and now she is the champion. If she doesn't play, it is equivalent to giving up her identity as the champion and surrendering directly.

"As a boy, I don't bully you. Since your star power is exhausted, then send someone else, this round does not count as you lose." Lei Yu said loudly, at this time the tough and handsome face is a bit tough. temperament.

"I'm coming." Xing Lan and the others whispered, and finally Xing Lan walked out and patted Mu Qingying on the shoulder, "Qingying, you go down first."

Mu Qingying nodded and retreated to the back.

Lei Yu saw that the other party was Xing Lan, and couldn't help laughing, "Xing Lan, I won't show mercy to your subordinates for the sake of your identity.

I am appointed as the chief student of this year's Yellow Division!

As for all the chores of the Huang-level department, you have done it! "

As Lei Yu's thunderous voice sounded, everyone behind him burst into laughter.

"Boss Lei, come on! We will leave our quilt to them in the future! They drag the floor too!"

Yun said softly as he listened, he couldn't help but chuckle. Wash the quilt? mop? Where is the rule?

Xing Lan’s beautiful face was a bit chilly, "Lei Yu, I will pay you the same. I will not be merciful just because you are the son of the Lei family."

"It's best!" Lei Yu laughed loudly, "It's been a long time since I did it, just take this opportunity to relax my muscles and bones!"

There was a fierce confrontation, and almost at the same time the two began to speak, the battle began!

Xing Lan took the lead to get away from Lei Yu, she is an archer, the closer the distance, the more disadvantaged her!

Bounce, jump, draw the bow, and fill the string in one go!

The frozen icy arrows shot towards Lei Yu, and even Yun could not help but yell in his heart.

At this time, Xing Lan was no longer the little girl who had little combat experience when he fought Yun Qingyan two years ago.

But no matter how fast the arrow is, it can be faster than thunder and lightning, right?

With the power of thunder and lightning possessed, Lei Yu's figure flashed, and the ice arrow brushed three inches to his side and shot into the air. The ice pervading the arrow was also dispersed by the force of violent lightning, without causing him The slightest harm.

Yun Qingyan couldn't help shook his head. Thunder, as a variant of the profound meaning of the five elements, is not only extremely lethal, but also very fast. It is known as one of the most powerful concentrated profound meanings, and it is almost impossible to meet opponents within the same rank. , This battle was difficult for Xing Lan.

Seeing an arrow fell through, Xing Lan didn't panic. Two years of growth made her more stable.

"Nine stars in a row!" With a clear cry, nine light and shadow arrows shot out from the ice bow, splitting into nine directions and shooting towards Leiyu.

Between the nine arrows, the water-blue light and shadow exchange, unexpectedly formed a large net, and the cold air of the bones dispelled the temperature left by the golden sun fire system star power in the sky.

Seeing the nine arrows coming in a volley, Lei Yu didn't dare to be careless. He stood still at Xinglan's galloping figure, a dignified look flashed across his handsome face, raising his right fist, Xing Yuanli rioted, "Thunderstorm!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" The dense thunder and lightning entangled it, and the crackling electric light made a terrible splitting sound. Lei Yu clenched a fist with one hand, but he didn't avoid it, but blasted at the nine arrows!

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