My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1256: Yo, it's a roommate~ (1)

Can cause him trouble, but will not make him fail, this is Lei Yu's confidence in his own strength.

Xing Lan glanced at Yun Qingyan beside her.

If she hadn't seen Yun Qingyan stand up, she might still have the intention of competing with Lei Yu for the chief student.

But seeing Yun speak lightly, she knew that she was afraid that she would not be able to compete for that position this time.

"Yeah. I won't fight anymore." Xing Lan nodded and looked at Lei Yu's gaze, but there was a bit of teasing, "I advise you to stop fighting, obediently abdicate and let the virtuous."

Thinking with his toes, Lei Yu knew that Xing Lan's "xian" refers to Yun Qingyan.

A ray of deep thought slipped through his eyes, but he didn't directly give up. Mai Se's handsome face was firm, "I still want to try."

In fact, Yun said lightly that he didn't figure out what the chief student was.

This time, she also realized the gap between her and the natives of the Starfall Empire, and their news was much better than her.

"We lose this time. I would like to accept the bet and we will be responsible for the chores for the next half semester." Lei Yu stood up from the ground, bowed his hand to Yun, and led the boys down the mountain first.

This neat and bold personality also made Yun Qingyan couldn't help but look at him more.

Seeing Lei Yu's massive flash underground, Yun said that his black eyes swept around, and he withdrew his gaze without seeing Ji Siwen.

She couldn't help muttering in her heart. Isn't Ji Siwen the most favorite thing like this kind of competition? Why didn't you come?

However, the truth is...

Ji Siwen was not as lucky as Yun Qingyan, as soon as he returned, he was taken to the back mountain by Long Beier, who was still in the dormitory.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, he was very nervous and saw no one. He took a shower and fell asleep on the bed without even drying his hair.

Moreover, he slept in the wrong bed.

Today, Lei Yu, who was a little back, brought a group of brothers back and saw this scene.

A **** young man in striped pants was lying on his bed grinningly, his hair was still wet, and his bedding was dyed wet.

A harmless human and animal baby face does not match a vigorous figure. With the sound of regular breathing, the chest stained with a few drops of water keeps undulating, and one foot is still on his neat bedding. on!

"Teng!" Wuming burst into anger.

Okay! I am exhausted to fight for welfare for my brothers, but someone is sleeping soundly in the dormitory?

And it was Lei Yu's bed that he slept, and his wet hair made his bed wet?

"Brother Lei?" A young man next to Lei Yu saw him with a gloomy face, and looked at his face carefully.

"Shhh." Lei Yu compared a silent finger to them, and walked towards Ji Siwen with a cold face.

He was very slow, silent, like a wild leopard looking for food in the dark night.

When he walked to his bunk, Lei Yu's eyes flashed sharply, and he turned his palm with one hand, determined to teach Ji Siwen a lesson.

"Huh!" The fierce palm wind slashed down, when it was about to reach Ji Siwen's chest.

"Shoo!" One hand tightly pinched Lei Yu's falling wrist, Ji Siwen opened his eyes, and the feline-like pupils shone cold and sharp as a blade, without a trace of the misty color after waking up!

After seeing Lei Yu's face clearly, Ji Siwen's eyes dissipated sharply, and then waited around twice, and saw the teenagers gathered at the door.

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