My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1309: Emperor's Profound Meaning

Su Feisha's face turned pale from the cold was inlaid with a pair of apricot eyes, and she looked at Baili Qingxue for an instant, and called out with trembling lips, "Brother Baili..."

Ice Elementary Masters can solve ice and snow power, sometimes more convenient than Fire Element.

At least, they won't be like Ji Siwen, directly melting the ice and snow, turning people into a chicken.

Ke Su Feisha's soft cry is destined to be ignored.

After the training was over, not only the trainees breathed a sigh of relief, but Baili Qingxue, who was a training executor, also breathed a sigh of relief.

He got off the Yuanyu stage, walked quickly to Yun Qingyan's side, and stretched out his hand to brush the ice and snow on her head, "Quickly, are you okay?"

Yun Qingyan felt the chill of the whole body being pulled away a little bit, and the red flames circulated once, and his body returned to its peak state.

"I'm fine."

The blood marks on his face that had been rubbed by Bing Leng also quickly recovered.

Yun said lightly, who had endured the most attacks, but became the one in the best state.

Su Feisha, who was ignored, clenched her fingers tightly, and it was the heart that was colder than the cold on her body.

"Xin Leng, Baili, go and help them solve the sequelae of ice and snow entering the body." Bai Feng ordered.

The power of the ice elementary being is different from ordinary cold. Once it invades the elementary body, it will continue to destroy and corrode.

Leading Xin Leng and Baili Qingxue one by one removed the power of ice and snow for the students.

Yun Qingyan silently felt the state of his body, and found that his control over Chi Huanghuo had improved again.

"The power of ice and snow just now stimulated the red flames in your body.

Girl, you can now use three thousandths of Chi Huanghuo's power. "Huang Yan smiled.

Yun Qingyan was overjoyed!

Since subduing Chi Huang Huo, she has been stuck at one-thousandth, but even Chi Huang Huo's strength is enough to make people fearful!

How terrifying is the three-thousandth power of Chi Huanghuo!

Seeing this, should she often find Baili to let herself be frozen by his ice and snow? Yun can't help but think for amusement.

"By the way, Huang Yan, what's the matter with the Xueyu imperial family you mentioned before?" When he was free, Yun Qingyan finally had time to ask Huang Yan's previous questions.

"The Winter Snow is the ultimate profound meaning of the ice and snow element that can only be controlled by the royal family in the snowy region. It is the purest and most powerful ice and snow element. It has absolute pressure on all ice and snow elements.

But only the royal family in the snow can use it. Your friend can use it to show that he is a person in the snowy area, or a royal blood left behind. "

Huang Yan rubbed his chin with his fingers, his narrow eyes swallowed with red light, "The Emperor Snow, which evolved from the Snow of Winter, is even the emperor-level profound meaning in the ice and snow system, and only the ice emperor, the ruler of the snow region, can control it.

This is also one of the few elements that can contend with the deity's red flames. "

He can make Huang Yan, who has always been a scumbag except for himself, admit to himself that he can compete with him every day, every second, and how strong is Emperor King Snow?

Yun Qingyan couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Then you and the Ice Emperor in the Snow Region, who is stronger?"

Huang Yan immediately snorted coldly, and said domineeringly, "Of course the deity is the strongest! Among the ancient wilderness, the one who is stronger than the deity has not been born yet."

This arrogant attitude...

Yun Qingyan is slanderous in his heart, why are you so strong, why have you been sealed?

"But... Bingdi is an admirable opponent." Huang Yan paused for a while and admitted boldly.

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