My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1312: Xi Meiren'er

This lake is really a space medium connecting different worlds. Yun Qingyan instantly affirmed the guess in his heart.

"Now, enter the lake one by one!" Bai Feng was suspended in the air, hunting and hunting, shouting to the students below.

Soon, long dragons lined up outside the lake.

"Sorry, I am late." Suddenly, a clear and elegant voice sounded.

The sky was full of warm auspicious light, and the handsome man wearing a half-mask slowly fell, his soft black hair was gently **** by a white gold-patterned hairband, and his warm eyes were the gentleness and holiness of a drowned person.

Standing into the Zhilan Yushu, smiling like a bright moon into your arms, a gentleman is as elegant as a orchid, and the scenery of the world is just a foil for him!

"It's Xi Mo Meiren!!" Xiao Xuan got out of Yun Qingyan's sleeve at some point, his eyes glowing, and he wished to rush into others' arms like this!

Yun Qingyan grabbed Xiao Xuan's tail with one hand, and a certain man tried to pull his meat wings for a long time, and found that he had moved a little bit. When he turned his head, he realized that it was his master's ghost.

Those big eyes suddenly looked at Yun with a grudge and lightly said.

Master, why bother me to find Xi Meiren!

"Xiao Xuan, be reserved! Be reserved!" Yun reminded lightly with a headache.

I was a little strange.

Jiang Wuya, Huangyan, and Di Jiuque were equally ridiculously high, but Xiao Xuan treated them like a snake.

For Xi Mo alone, I can't wait for the whole ball to stick!

what! wrong! It's not just Xi Mo... and the silver-haired boy she met in the Forest of No Return! Xiaoxuan is also very passionate about him!

Xiaoxuan flattened his mouth at this time, "Can I be reserved for food?"

Yun said lightly: "..."

"Long time no see." At this time, Xi Mo, who was far away in the sky, had Yukong approached her, with a warm smile in her magnetic voice.

"Xi Meiren'er!" Xiao Xuan rushed out of the shackles of Yun's light words and fluttered into Xi Mo's arms.

Xi Mo stretched out his hand to catch it, his red lips curved perfectly, "It's Xiaoxuan!"

"Ah! Xi Meiren'er still remembers me, Xiaoxuan is so happy!" A certain black ball twisted his **** shyly. A certain Jinpeng Thunder Eagle was already so jealous in the contract space.

"What a nympho!" The red-haired young man who followed Xi Mo snorted coldly.

Bai Feng looked at the two suddenly coming, and suddenly felt pain in the back of his teeth.

Unexpectedly, they still came.

"Since you are here, return to the team and prepare to enter the secret valley." Bai Feng said.

"It's troublesome for the Dean." Xi Mo smiled lightly without moving, and stood at the front of the team with Yun Qingyan.

The queue was originally arranged in order of strength, but for some reason, seeing the mysterious young man in white clothes, no one doubted his strength in his heart. One by one, they acquiesced in his position. They just kept looking at him with curious eyes, curious about this. What is the sacred position?

The freshman assessment had never seen him, nor had he seen him in the extreme cold training before, but now he suddenly appeared here.

However, no one doubted whether he had the strength to appear here. Everyone subconsciously believes that such a young man who looks like a jade flower and a tree must not come through the back door.

This is the unique temperament that Xi Mo exudes all over his body-it is convincing, close, and unable to raise the slightest maliciousness.

Yun Qingyan prefers to call it the temperament of a **** stick.

As the front of the queue, Yun said that several people entered the lake first, and soon disappeared in the middle of the lake.

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