My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1317: Arrest warrant for 500,000 senior Yuanyu

" problem." Big head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Let me talk about the first question first, why did you rob the students of the First Academy specifically?" Yun asked lightly.

This person was also a greedy person, fear of death, and a hard-working man. After being threatened for a few words, he poured out everything like beans.

Yun Qingyan and Mu Qingying's faces became serious.

It turned out that this time in the Secret Valley Trial, the chief Fei Ze of the Wanye Academy also came in, including Fei Dingding.

Jade didn't know how to increase the age limit of Secret Valley from twenty-five to thirty, so that even masters under thirty could enter the Secret Valley. The number of people who can enter the secret valley in Manyo Academy has greatly increased.

Feize originally intended to lead people to directly monopolize the resources of Secret Valley and exclude the other three colleges, but Fei Dingding hated the first college because of what Yun said, and ordered the people of Manyo College to focus on taking care of the people of the first college. .

Every time a person is eliminated, she will be rewarded with a piece of high-grade Yuanyu.

And if anyone can catch Yun Qingyan, there will be a reward of 500,000 senior Yuanyu.

The reason these people dared to directly attack the people of the First Academy without fear of retaliation afterwards was because they felt that the people from the First Academy would be eliminated sooner or later, and there was nothing to worry about.

"Five hundred thousand senior yuan jade, Fei Dingding is willing to be willing." Ji Siwen shook his head and sighed, "In this way, most masters will chase you away. Five hundred thousand senior yuan jade is not a small sum, Yun Qing In other words, the days after you will be wonderful~"

Ji Siwen had a smirking smile on his face, but he didn't have the slightest worry. This was a total trust in Yun Qingyan's strength.

"Heh. Five hundred thousand high-level Yuanyu." The red-haired young man Di Ming was very disdainful of this, and he gave a cold snort with pride.

Yun Qingyan thought differently in his mind.

Five hundred thousand senior yuan jade is not a small sum, Fei Dingding is just a spoiled eldest lady, can he take it?

If there were no instructions from Jade, she would not believe it.

After the five brothers sent a distress signal to leave the secret valley automatically, Yun Qingyan and the others set foot on the trip again.

The next journey was a lot easier, and there were neither Warcraft nor other Primalists along the way. It was not until the evening that Xing Lan and others were encountered.

Xing Lan, Lei Yu, Su Feisha and others all gathered together, and many people from the First Academy were surrounded by them.

"Sister Yun." Xing Lan called out immediately when he saw Yun Qingyan.

"Yun speaks lightly." Lei Yu nodded as a greeting.

They also encountered an attack from Manyo Academy along the way, and at this time they naturally understood the severity of the situation. In front of a common enemy, the little bit of hatred before could be ignored.

Su Feisa glanced at Yun Qingyan, clenched her fists, and glanced at her eyes.

Seeing Yun speak lightly, her heart still responds very much.

"You have also been attacked?" Yun Qingyan saw a few students with wounds on their faces behind them, as well as some students with a sense of compassion, and immediately thought of what had happened.

"Yes." Lei Yu nodded with a musing expression. "A dozen brothers have been eliminated."

His face was a little ugly, "Many prefecture-level and profound-level students have been mixed into the people of Wanye Academy, and their strength is much higher than ours.

Moreover, each of their people has a strange iron ball in their hands, which will explode as soon as they are thrown out. The diffuse poisonous mist can make people lose their combat power instantly, followed by skin ulcers and constant itching, and the poisoned person can only stop. Scratching, the more you scratch, the more serious the skin ulcers, which is very vicious.

There is no way, we can only inject the star power into their badge and send them back. "

This symptom was the same as the poison on the handkerchief that Fei Dingding wanted to wipe on her during the enrollment assessment.

However, being brought into the secret valley, that should be an upgraded version of the poison.

"This is the iron ball you said?" Yun Qingyan took out an iron ball from the Profound Ring.

"Yes, this is it!" Lei Yu nodded, "Why do you have such a thing?"

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