My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1320: Boring trial game

In fact, Yun said lightly and didn't use any special methods, she just sent the Nether Wolf King out to inquire about the news, and luckily ran into the large army led by Wanye Academy Fei Dingding.

The Nether Wolf King is a Tier 5 super mythical beast, equivalent to Tier 5 Zong Yuanshi. He is also a scout-type beast that is good at hiding surprise attacks. This grassland is its heaven and earth!

When it went out to explore quietly, even the junior Zunyuan Master could hardly find its breath.

Even though the first batch of people from Manyo Academy sent senior students, how many of them can reach the highest rank in the academy?

Not to mention that there are very few enchantments on the list that can reach the third-order Zunyuan Master or above, even if they do, they are very rare within the age limit.

Lei Yu and the others went down to give orders, but Yun said lightly that he had summoned the Jade Water Thunder Lion and other beasts to protect himself, and searched for the back of a **** to prepare an antidote.

"Gong... Xi Mo, do you really want to play a boring trial game with them?" Di Ming was dissatisfied with his long sword on his back, with a few percent bored in his eyes, "If you want me to say, let's go directly to Wanbao Isn't the basin just fine?

Why mix these? So what kind of people from Manyo Academy, can it still hinder us? "

"Is it boring?" Xi Mo carried in a pair of warm brown eyes, "I don't think it is boring."

Di Ming, "..." After choking for a while, he finally shrugged his shoulders as if giving up resistance, "Well, whatever you want."

"Cang Ming." As soon as Yun Qingyan reached the back of the mountain, he directly summoned the Qingxuanding.

"What do you call the deity?" The dashing Qinglong half-climbed on the Qingxuan cauldron, and looked up at her weakly.

It seems that alchemy has really exhausted Cang Ming these days.

Yun Qingyan felt a little pity in his heart, stretched out his hand and patted Cangming's head, "When you help me refine this batch of medicine, I will take some dragon bone grass for you to eat, and you can rest for a few days."

"Longbone Grass?" Cang Ming's eyes lit up, how did he look like before?

"You have dragon bone grass?" Long bone grass is a great tonic to the dragon!

This energy has recovered too quickly, right? Who was still stubborn before? Yun said lightly and was speechless, but nodded, "Yes."

"Then what are you waiting for?! Hurry up! What kind of medicine are you going to refine and give it to me!" Qinglong flew down directly from the Qingxuan cauldron, and patted Yun with her shrinking tail, urging her to speed up. action.

Cang Ming's enthusiasm frightened Yun Qingyan. She was stunned for a few seconds before shook her head, took out the medicinal materials from the Profound Ring, and prepared to refine the antidote.

As early as that day when Fei Dingding wanted to use poison on her, she analyzed and understood the formula of the medicine. Even if the poison was improved now, it was not a big problem for Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan just took out the medicinal materials, and a flaming figure flashed to her side.

The scorching breath is like the scorching sun, wrapping the cloud lightly.

She turned her head and saw that she saw the bright flame on one side as expected.

The Huangyan breath is so powerful and domineering. Once he appears, he can't tolerate the breath of other people. All he can feel is the scorching heat and majesty like a nine-day sun.

Huang Yan stretched out his limbs and let out a long roar, with a cheerful smile on his handsome and domineering face.

"Huh!! The air outside is comfortable."

Yun Qingyan looked at Huang Yan curiously, "Aren't you trying to restore your strength in the Profound Ring? Why did you come out?"

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