My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1322: Huang Yan's loneliness

"Girl, what do you think of in your little head!" Huang Yan expressed his dissatisfaction when he heard Yun speak lightly about his age, "The deity has the same life as the world.

The deity lives for a long time, does not mean that the deity is old. "

"Heaven and earth will also be destroyed. Then you can't live forever?" Yun Yan, who didn't want to pay attention to Huangyan, asked suddenly.

The expression on Huang Yan's handsome face became stiff, and finally reached out his hand to touch Yun Yun's head softly, "Girl, you are right."

"But... what's so good about immortality? It's so boring." Huang Yan raised his head and looked at the sky, the handsome face without the cynicism and carelessness of the past.

Yun Qingyan saw a deep loneliness from the bottom of his eyes.

It reveals the ancient desolation and silence, just like the most mysterious and desolate star sea in the depths of the universe, although gorgeous, but lonely.

"You feel boring, just because you have no friends, no family, no concerns.

The soul in the world is drifting outside the world, just like the heart has become a rootless duckweed, of course it will be lonely. "Yun said lightly.

"You can see thoroughly." Huang Yan smiled, and the loneliness in his eyes disappeared, and the red flame-like eyes began to emit scorching temperature, "I remember, you girl said before, you thought about it. Unfettered life.

A caring heart means a shackle. How can you live the life you want? "

Yun Qingyan proficiently raised the green wood fire, dropped the medicinal materials, and chatted with Huang Yan, "I don't think that is a bondage. If you think that is a burden, it is also a sweet burden for me.

If there is only one person, even if they live forever, walking alone in the thousands of worlds, then how lonely. "

Huang Yan thought for a while, her thin lips raised, and rarely agreed, "Girl, you are right."

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Yun with a faint smile, "Should that deity be lucky to have met you?"

Yun was not polite and said, "Yes.

You are a smoke from your ancestors, and you have been so lucky to meet me after eight lifetimes of bad luck and good fortune. If it weren't for me, you should still be trapped in the profound ring and wait for the annihilation of your soul.

Needless to say thank you, let's have a hundred and eighty sets of exercises and primal skills! "

Huang Yan's red eyes deepened with a smile, "Cheeky little girl."

Yun Qingyan coldly snorted, "The faceless narcissist."

However, Yun, who was originally just arguing with Huang Yan, suddenly felt that there was something in the sea of ​​divine consciousness.

"This is the God-level Fire Element Element Skill Chixiao Honglian. With your current cultivation base, you can barely use four or five points of power.

Take a good look. Waiting for you to become a realm Red Lotus Purgatory in the future, invincible among the same rank. "

Huang Yan raised his lips and said, "Don't say that the deity didn't give you good things."

He knows a lot of cultivation methods and meta skills, but few are suitable for Yun to speak lightly.

When the small clusters of small light spots that resemble red lotus blooms came to mind, Yun said lightly, and the refined medicine almost failed.

"Girl, don't be overjoyed and forget that you are making a pill." Huang Yan waved a red flame in his hand to stabilize the turbulent pill.

Yun Qingyan quickly took over and wrapped the pill with spiritual consciousness.

Fortunately, this antidote is not a high-level pill, she can refine it with ease, otherwise it will really fail.

I was curious about what Huang Yan had just revealed, "Don't you know how to make alchemy?"

She remembered that Huang Yan could only refine tools but not alchemy.

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