My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1334: Ruthlessly afraid of shame.

Huang Yan's eyes were deep.

He has lost part of his memory, but that guy, I am afraid that he has no memory...

Moreover, in this human body, it is obviously only part of that guy's soul.

"What kind of answer is this?" Yun murmured dissatisfiedly.

Huang Yan stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, "Girl, those things are not something you can know at your current level. The deity will naturally tell you later."

With a dark face, he knocked out the hand on his head, Yun said lightly with a face sinking like water.

"Huang Yan, if you dare to rub my head like a dog, I will..."

"What about your deity?" Huang Yan's red lips curled up, his scarlet pupils were full of interest, and he stretched out his hands carelessly, revealing a large wild and **** chest, "Come on. The deity can bear it."

Yun said lightly: "..."

She finally knew what it was, she was afraid of being ruthless, and afraid of being shameless.

The best way to deal with shameless people is to simply ignore them.

If he didn't see Huang Yan, Yun said lightly and walked straight in the direction of Lei Yu and the others, instructing, "Hide the spoils first, remove the traces of the battle, and continue to guard.

There has been more than one wave of attacks. This group is just the vanguard, and their large forces should arrive soon. "

These people are all masters in the Profound Level Division of the Manyo Academy, and there are even people from the prefecture-level division. They are extraordinary, but they have not seen the freshmen of the Manyo Academy this year, indicating that their main force has not yet arrived.

However, after we get rid of this group of powerful players, the others will be easier to deal with.

Seeing Yun Qingyan who went to discuss tactics with Lei Yu and the others and ignored him, the smile on the corner of Huang Yan's mouth had not disappeared, and his thumb gently fumbled the corner of his mouth, "Hehe. What a courageous little girl."

Can't stand a joke.

But it’s kind of fun

Yun said lightly that the finishing work is in full swing here.

Poisonous fog lingered above their camp, and the miserable green color was extremely gloomy and cold. With the desolate night breeze, it made the spine chill.

However, the deadly poisonous fog, now matched with the dark night, has become their best cover.

The people at Manyye Academy couldn't clearly see the situation in their camp, and other monsters, sensing the danger here, also subconsciously avoided this place.

On the other side, Fei Dingding stared at a extinguished light spot in the communication crystal in his hand.

Taking back the communication crystal, Fei Dingding already knew that Weng Li had been planted.

And it is very likely that Yun will kill him lightly.

There is a trace of Weng Li's mental power attached to her communication crystal, and now the light that represents Weng Li has gone out, indicating that the owner may have encountered an accident.

"Sure enough, it's a waste." Fei Dingding sneered, and then said to Mu Liuyun beside him, "Go! We will meet Yun Yun lightly! I don't believe it, every time she is so lucky!"

Mu Liuyun's long bangs obscured the look in his eyes, and his eyes were dull and gloomy under the thin long eyelashes.

Going to trouble the master? The Nether Wolf hiding in the dark had sharp and dark eyes slid with Li light, killing intently faintly.

It has been lurking here to inquire about the situation by the order of its master, and its aversion to Fei Dingding has reached its full value!

How could there be such a vicious woman in this world? ! Still wanting to frame the owner, it's almost death!


Nether Wolf looked at Mu Liuyun beside Fei Dingding with a pair of wolf eyes. Although this black-haired young man was only the ninth-order Zongyuan Master, he gave it a very dangerous feeling. It did not dare to get too close to him. .

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