My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1339: War spirits! Kill the world!

Mu Liuyun's dark eyes were faintly glowing with red light, and his hostility was overflowing. The long sword suspended in front of him buzzed, and even the star power on his body was covered with a faint blood.

Mu Liuyun's breath is also rising!

From the 9th-order Zongyuan Master to Zunyuan Master...

Tier 1... Tier 3... Tier 6... Tier 9! !

It wasn't until the ninth-order Zun Yuanshi Grand Consummation, half a step of the gods, that the momentum of that terrifying ascension suddenly stopped!

Yun lightly suspected that if it weren't for the limitation of plane space, Mu Liuyun could directly raise his strength to the **** level!

Mu Liuyun also had a wave of heroic fighting spirit around his body, like the soul of a warrior who has been fighting for a hundred years in the battlefield, full of blood and murderous intent, is overwhelming and unstoppable!

"Sure enough... the blood of the Mu Family's battle soul..." A glow of heat rose in Fei Dingding's eyes!

War spirits! Kill the world!

Yun said lightly this time, he would never escape!

"Interesting..." Huang Yan's red lips were red, and he looked at Mu Liuyun with interest.

Yun Qingyan's face also became serious!

The cultivation base of the 9th-order Zunyuan Master is almost the highest cultivation base in this continent!

What's more, Mu Liuyun is not the kind of straw bag made of medicinal pills! Although I don't know what secret method he used to suddenly raise his realm to such a high level, he can feel it lightly from the other party's breath.

His strength is real, without a trace of water!

Very strong! Very...threatening!

"Mu Liuyun! Catch her! To live!" Fei Dingding called out with hot eyes!

Her words, of course, did not plead for Yun's light words. But just to torture her better!

The secret method for forcibly increasing strength generally has limitations. One limitation is that combat power is not as good as the improved cultivation base, and the other is...time limit.

And Mu Liuyun's current breath is not vain at all, but rather solid, which can only show that he is in the second situation.

But Yun said lightly that he was confident, even if he faced Mu Liuyun and suffered a loss, as long as he used the drag technique, the victory must be hers.

But after hearing Fei Dingding's excited voice, Yun, who originally wanted to practice with Mu Liuyun, didn't want to do it.

Yun said that his lips twitched.

Yo? Fei Dingding is so proud?

However, she didn't want to make her so proud.

"I won't be a killer, you just surrender now." Those **** eyes stared at Yun Qingyan coldly, making Yun Qingyan feel stared at by a wild beast.

She could feel the beast-like ferocity and warfare in the opponent's eyes, but this ferocity was well restrained by the master's reason and did not affect his sanity.

"What if I say no?" Yun said with a light smile.

Several persuasion to no avail made Mu Liuyun exhausted his patience.

If she had listened to his advice to leave at the beginning, she wouldn't have reached such a stalemate now.

"Mu Liuyun, what are you talking nonsense with her?! Hurry up!

This little **** is very fast, it would be bad if she escaped! "Fei Dingding's sweet little face is gloomy with murderous intent.

When Yun Qingyan and Huang Yan heard Fei Ding's curse, there was a deep killing intent across their eyes.

Noisy ants!

Huang Yan's eyes were gloomy, and a terrifying tongue of fire was already wrapped around his hand.

"Huang Yan, don't do it.

She, I will teach myself. Yun Qingyan keenly noticed Huang Yan's small movements, and said to him in the sea of ​​divine knowledge.

Huang Yan raised his eyebrows and withdrew the flame obediently, "It seems that I was troubled."

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